In the Coronavirus crisis, look for the “Nurturers”

In a time when our national leadership is glaringly, terrifyingly absent–and in fact, has made a horrific situation even worse, if that’s possible–I’ve been most impressed with the abundance of natural leaders emerging all around us…
- Chefs like Cleveland’s Michael Symon, who is offering free cooking lessons on the Food Network’s Facebook feed every day at 5pm. He’s focusing on teaching viewers how to make tasty, nutritious meals using ingredients from the pantry, and is doing so with humor, grace, and humanity. Symon’s restaurants are great, but he’s an even better human being, and this shines through in these videos.
I watched his first video last night, and beyond learning how to make a lovely new dish with stuff I have already in the house, I found Chef Symon’s down-to-earth, authentic presence so calming–it was one of the first times since this crisis started that I felt a modicum of relaxation, and that maybe…just maybe…things might be ok at some point. Symon has a clearly visible sense of natural empathy which just bursts through the screen. It’s obvious that he’s doing this not only because he wants to share his knowledge about food and cooking with viewers, but that he cares–deeply– CONTINUE READING: In the Coronavirus crisis, look for the "Nurturers" | Eclectablog