Big Education Ape

Big Education Ape: How a $25 million donation for summer schools got ensnared in San Francisco politics - Vox -
Big Education Ape: Florina Rodov: What Turned Me Against Charter Schools - LA Progressive -
Big Education Ape: Now’s the Time to Get Rid of Standardized Tests | Eclectablog -
Big Education Ape: Marion Brady: Free Courses of Study to Think Differently | Diane Ravitch's blog -
Big Education Ape: glen brown: "Several experts are concerned that schools may be opening during an inflection point in the pandemic and are being misguided about how to do so" -
Big Education Ape: CURMUDGUCATION: Cardona's Failed Non-Defense Defense of 2021 Testing -
Big Education Ape: IT WAS ALL JUST A DREAM – Dad Gone Wild -
Big Education Ape: Network for Public Education Blog Post of the Day This Week -
Big Education Ape: THIS WEEK'S WILDNESS Dad Gone Wild Nobody reads it, everybody quotes it -
Big Education Ape: THIS WEEK Education Research Report -
Big Education Ape: THIS WEEK IN EDUCATION Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007 -
Big Education Ape: Stickin’ to the Union- Teacher in a strange land -
Big Education Ape: Class of 2021: Win a $1,000 #PublicSchoolGrad Scholarship | Schott Foundation for Public Education -
Big Education Ape: WATCH THE VIDEO: Biden demands resumption of in-person learning in “school reopening summit” - World Socialist Web Site -
Big Education Ape: CURMUDGUCATION: Do Rising Charter Tides Lift All Boats? -
Tom Loveless: Why Common Core Failed | Diane Ravitch's blogTom Loveless: Why Common Core Failed Tom Loveless is an experienced education researcher who taught sixth grade in California. He has long been skeptical of top-down solutions to classroom-level problems. In this post, he explains why Common Core failed. The theory of standards-based reform is that if everyone has the same curriculum and the same instruction, no one will fall behind. Thirty year
Teacher Tom: Setting Ourselves, and Others, FreeSetting Ourselves, and Others, Free I want the children themselves to tell me their stories, in their own words, reticences, giggles, and gestures. I want to listen to them, not just with my ears, but my combined senses; the one comprehensive sense which is, in the end, the only way to really "listen" to anything. I want to know them, as much as I can, as they know themselves, not filtered throu
Cancel the Tests and More! - Network For Public EducationCancel the Tests and More! Join NEA’s national campaign to cancel the tests. Here is what they suggest. 1. Take Action . S ubmit a comment to the Department of Education . The proposed waiver template does not go far enough to offer states and districts the flexibility we believe they need to support students and rebuild schools. 2. Spread the word. Help get as many folks as possible to sign ont
Educational Researchers Demand Cancellation of Spring 2021 Tests: Secretary Cardona Won’t Cancel, but Says In Future He May Reexamine Role of Testing | janressegerEducational Researchers Demand Cancellation of Spring 2021 Tests: Secretary Cardona Won’t Cancel, but Says In Future He May Reexamine Role of Testing On Tuesday, in remarks at the annual legislative conference of the Council of Chief State School Officers, the new Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona declared that he will not bow to pressure and will instead continue demanding that standardize
Whatever Happened To the Dalton Plan? | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom PracticeWhatever Happened To the Dalton Plan? When, where, and why did the Dalton Plan arise? Begin with Helen Parkhurst . A 20th century educator much taken with the Progressive approach to schooling, she designed the Dalton Plan after World War I as a way of organizing instruction consistent with Maria Montessori’s and John Dewey’s ideas of individualizing all academic work and building school communi
Lawmakers Backing Standardized Tests Should Practice What They Preach | gadflyonthewallblogLawmakers Backing Standardized Tests Should Practice What They Preach When it comes to the whip, one side is definitely better than the other. Everyone wants to hold it by the stock. No one wants to get hit by the lash. That’s why politicians as diverse as Donald Trump and Joe Biden have struggled so desperately to defend standardized testing. They want to keep control of the torture device they
Education Matters: Why does Greene struggle with race relations? (draft)Why does Greene struggle with race relations? (draft) Why does our African American superintendent struggle so mightily with race relations? Well, the answer is simple, she doesn't see children as black, brown, or white, she sees them as test scores and she probably thinks everyone else should as well. On the heels of the districts disastrous mental health rollout, which sought to co-op black hi
Strategies for Safe In-Person Learning - Year 2021 (CA Dept of Education)State Superintendent Tony Thurmond Joins Educators and Experts to Discuss Strategies for Sustaining Safe In-Person Learning SACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond hosted a statewide webinar today for school leaders and other educational stakeholders designed to help schools successfully navigate the challenges of not only returning students to the classroom, but safe
NewBlackMan (in Exile) TODAY #BLM #BLACKLIVESMATTERNewBlackMan (in Exile) NewBlackMan (in Exile) TODAY Big Education Ape: THIS WEEK WITH NEWBLACKMAN (IN EXILE) - Left of Black S11 · E20 | Haki Madhubuti on the Black Arts Movement by Mark Anthony Neal / 13h What are the deep, foundational philosophies that have undergirded the creation of Black art and fuel
More than $1 billion for 56 Black charter graduates!? | Cloaking InequityMORE THAN $1 BILLION FOR 56 BLACK CHARTER GRADUATES!? I think this table is very self explanatory. Feel free to spread widely. H/t to my source that passed this along. Stop saying these large charter chains are about Black students. Just stop. See also the post NEW: DOES THE AFRICAN AMERICAN NEED SEPARATE CHARTER SCHOOLS? Please Facebook Like, Tweet, etc below and/or reblog to share this discuss
THE TOP BANANA: TODAY'S EDUCATION HEADLINES Thursday, March 25, 2021 #REDFORED #tbats #openonlywhensafe #edchat #K12 #learning #edleadership #edtech #engchat #literacy #edreformBig Education Ape THE TOP BANANA TODAY'S EDUCATION HEADLINES NYC public schools shorted on funds for renovations: report - New York Daily News -

Big Education Ape: CURMUDGUCATION: ND: Kneecapping Public Education -
Big Education Ape: VIDEO: Secretary of Education on push to reopen schools ‘this spring’ -MSNBC -
Citation and Credibility: Three Lessons – radical eyes for equityCitation and Credibility: Three Lessons In my three courses this fall, students are now all working on scholarly essays that incorporate high-quality sources (focusing on peer-reviewed journal articles). Since the work lies primarily in the field of education, students are using APA style guides. Often when teaching students citation, we focus our lessons on (the drudgery of) formatting and idio
“March Madness” and “Spring Stupidity” | The Merrow Report“March Madness” and “Spring Stupidity” Because the annual NCAA men’s and women’s basketball championships are underway, I’d like to draw an analogy between Basketball’s “March Madness and the “Spring Stupidity” of Standardized Testing, which the Biden Administration is bent on enforcing. Let’s start with what’s likely to be on the tests. This sample problem was offered by the University of Wisco
Florina Rodov: I Believed the Charter School Myth — Until I Learned About the Reality and Who Was Behind It | Ed Politics JEFF BRYANTFlorina Rodov: I Believed the Charter School Myth — Until I Learned About the Reality and Who Was Behind It | Ed Politics FLORINA RODOV: I BELIEVED THE CHARTER SCHOOL MYTH — UNTIL I LEARNED ABOUT THE REALITY AND WHO WAS BEHIND I fell for the charter school hype. I agreed with former President Obama’s education secretary Arne Duncan who advocated for “ school choice .” I trusted the research that
Teacher Tom: Opt Out!Opt Out! In mid-December 2019, on the eve of the the plague that changed our lives, the New York Times reported under the headline "I Just Isn't Working": The performance of American teenagers in reading and math has been stagnant since 2000, accordion to the latest results of a rigorous international exam, despite a decades-long efforts to raise standards and help students compete with peers ac
Did They Even Read This? – Tennessee Education ReportDID THEY EVEN READ THIS? t’s not clear that the Department of Education previewed or even actually read the words in a document intended to dissuade parents from opting their children out of state standardized tests. While activists in Tennessee and around the country are encouraging the Biden Administration to grant testing waivers, parents are not waiting and are taking matters into their own
Tim Slekar: A Survey of Teachers | Diane Ravitch's blogTim Slekar: A Survey of Teachers If you are a teacher, you are invited to participate in a survey. Tim Slekar is writing a book about teachers and their working conditions. He would be grateful to teachers who agree to take the attached survey and return it to him. His email is Share this: Tim Slekar: A Survey of Teachers | Diane Ravitch's blog
Darcie Cimarusti: K12 Inc. and Charter Lobby Pushes for $$$ in Iowa | Diane Ravitch's blogDarcie Cimarusti: K12 Inc. and Charter Lobby Pushes for $$$ in Iowa Darcie Cimarusti, communications director for the Network for Public Education, reports on the assault on public school funding in Iowa. K12 Inc., the for-profit virtual charter chain, listed on the New York Stock Exchange, is noted for high attrition rates, low graduation rates, low test scores, and high profits. Its top execut
New Report finds DOE overspent by many millions on charter school rental subsidies for charter schools and owed millions to co-located public schools for facility upgrades | Class Size MattersNew Report finds DOE overspent by many millions on charter school rental subsidies for charter schools and owed millions to co-located public schools for facility upgrades Analysis by Class Size Matters reveals that in FY 2020, over $11.6 million was spent on lease subsidies for charter schools owned by their Charter Management Organization or affiliated organization, and $9.6 million in state r
What They’ve Lost – Have You HeardWhat They’ve Lost Students from Boston tell Have You Heard what they’ve lost during this year of pandemic learning. Spoiler: what you’ll hear bears little resemblance to the discussion of “learning loss” that’s atop the agenda of policy makers right now. Special guest Boston teacher Neema Avashia helps us make sense of the gap between how students are feeling and how adults with power are talkin
Kentucky governor vetoes pension theft and voucher bills. Will the legislature vote to override pension bill? – Fred KlonskyKENTUCKY GOVERNOR VETOES PENSION THEFT AND VOUCHER BILLS. WILL THE LEGISLATURE VOTE TO OVERRIDE PENSION BILL? Olivia Krauth Louisville Courier Journal Calling them a “direct attack” on Kentucky’s public schools, Gov. Andy Beshear vetoed a set of controversial education bills Wednesday. Chief among the vetoed bills is House Bill 563 , which would allow state funding to follow students who attend
CURMUDGUCATION: Covid, Learning Loss, and Katrina 2.0Covid, Learning Loss, and Katrina 2.0 Well, here we go. Here's Morgan Polikoff in the Los Angles Times , explaining that we are in a terrible mess, that educational attainment, or at least test scores (as measured by another testing manufacturer) are dropping, that the mental health of children in the nation is a mess. And hurray for the Biden relief plan, which throws a pile of money at all the
Testimony on need for federal funds to be used for smaller classes next year, for safety and for enhanced academic and social support | Class Size Matters| Testimony on need for federal funds to be used for smaller classes next year, for safety and for enhanced academic and social support City Council Education budget hearings were held yesterday. See our testimony below, advocating for a billion dollars of the federal funds NYC will receive of the $2.5 billion be used for smaller classes below for the sake of health, safety and to address the da
THE TOP BANANA: TODAY'S EDUCATION HEADLINES wednesday, march 24, 2021 #REDFORED #tbats #openonlywhensafe #edchat #K12 #learning #edleadership #edtech #engchat #literacy #edreformBig Education Ape THE TOP BANANA TODAY'S EDUCATION HEADLINES Teachers Union Pushes Back on CDC Distancing Guidance for Schools | Education News | US News -
Big Education Ape: Get rid of the damn test! | Teacher in a strange land -
Big Education Ape: Education Secretary Cardona stands firm on standardized testing mandate amid criticism - The Washington Post -
Big Education Ape: Parent Advocacy Group Seeks Equity For Sacramento Students — The Sacramento Observer -
Statement from Sec of Education Miguel Cardona regarding NAEP 2021 School Survey + Biden-Harris Administration to Announce Actions to Help Schools Reopen Safely U.S. Department of Education @ed.govStatement from U.S Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona regarding NAEP 2021 School Survey | U.S. Department of Education Statement from U.S Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona regarding NAEP 2021 School Survey Contact: Press Office, (202) 401-1576, “Today’s findings from the National Center for Education Statistics show encouraging early progress in states and communities’ efforts
Maurice Cunningham: The Marketing of the “National Parents Union” | Diane Ravitch's blogMaurice Cunningham: The Marketing of the “National Parents Union” Maurice Cunningham watches the flow of “Dark Money” into the privatization of public funding for schools. A professor of political science, he has recently followed the money trail of the “National Parents Union,” which he points out is neither “national,” nor “parents,” nor a “union.” NPU markets itself as if it were a “grassroot
NANCY BAILEY: Covid-19 School Contradictions, Confusion, and MistrustCovid-19 School Contradictions, Confusion, and Mistrust Covid-19 School Contradictions, Confusion, and Mistrust Covid-19 is a strange phenomenon without any proven how-to guides. Recommendations and contradictions surrounding Covid-19 and schools have raised uncertainty. When there’s a lack of clarity, people become suspicious of what they’re told, and they wonder what and who to believe. Parents
Being an American, Christian, or Both: A Fundamental Problem of “Can” v. “Should” – radical eyes for equityBeing an American, Christian, or Both: A Fundamental Problem of “Can” v. “Should” March is a harbinger of spring. March 2021 has also been an harbinger for some sort of return to normal after a year of living through a pandemic in the U.S. and across the world. Mid-March now may force us to reconsider what we have wished for since the return to normal in U.S. includes two mass shootings in a wee
Peter Greene: How a Non-Profit Charter School Can be Run for Profit | Diane Ravitch's blogPeter Greene: How a Non-Profit Charter School Can be Run for Profit Peter Greene reviewed the Network for Public Education’s report on for-profit charter school s in Forbes, where he is a regular columnist. He writes: It has become cliche for politicians and policy makers to oppose “for profit” charter schools. It’s also a safe stance, because most people agree they’re a bad idea; for-profit cha
Teacher Tom: How Free and Equal Humans Are Meant to Live TogetherHow Free and Equal Humans Are Meant to Live Together Two freshly-minted three-year-olds were playing on the floor, not together, but near one another. I was lying amidst them, fiddling with whatever came to hand. The boy picked up a toy that was meant to impersonate a tiny version of the cast iron hand pump we have on our playground. After a moment, the boy said, perhaps to me, "Hey, it's a pump
Widespread Attacks on Voting Rights and Attempts to Privatize Public Schools Together Threaten Democracy | janressegerWidespread Attacks on Voting Rights and Attempts to Privatize Public Schools Together Threaten Democracy In Friday’s NY Times , columnist Jamelle Bouie reflected on Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock’s first speech on the Senate floor: “Warnock is the first African-American to represent Georgia in the Senate and only the second elected from the South since Reconstruction. His presence on the Senate
New Data Highlight Disparities In Students Learning In Person | 89.3 KPCCNew Data Highlight Disparities In Students Learning In Person The U.S. Education Department has released the first in a series of school surveys intended to provide a national view of learning during the pandemic. It reveals that the percentage of students who are still attending school virtually may be higher than previously understood. As of January and early February of this year, 44% of elem
2018–19 State Meal Reimbursement Rates Restored + CACFP Integrity Plan - Nutrition (CA Dept of Education)2018–19 State Meal Reimbursement Rates Restored - Nutrition (CA Dept of Education) 2018–19 State Meal Reimbursement Rates Restored The purpose of this message is to inform School Nutrition Program Operators that the California Department of Education (CDE) has recently restored the state meal reimbursement rate for the School Nutrition Programs for May and June 2019. Background California’s annua
CURMUDGUCATION: Jebucation Has New Five Year PlanJebucation Has New Five Year Plan Long long ago, when Jeb! Bush still had White House dreams, he cooked up a Floridian reform group, which then scaled up to national status as the Foundation for Excellence in Education, which has now become ExcelInEd . Headed up by Patty Levesque, the organization remains a clearinghouse for education disruption ideas pushed by well-heeled, well-connected educat
A long-awaited federal survey highlights challenges ahead for schools - ChalkbeatThe federal government finally has data on schooling during COVID. Here are 3 key takeaways. The federal government has released its first, long-awaited snapshot of schooling during the pandemic. A newly released federal survey shows that a huge swath of American school children — particularly students of color — were still learning remotely in January. Of those students, a small but substantial
THE TOP BANANA: TODAY'S EDUCATION HEADLINES Tuesday, March 23, 2021 #REDFORED #tbats #openonlywhensafe #edchat #K12 #learning #edleadership #edtech #engchat #literacy #edreformBig Education Ape THE TOP BANANA TODAY'S EDUCATION HEADLINES Answer Sheet: Don’t Force Schools to Give Standardized Tests This Pandemic Year, Research Scholars Ask Education Secretary Cardona | National Education Policy Center - htt
A VERY BUSY DAY Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007 #REOPENSCHOOLSSAFELY #openonlywhensafeLarry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007 A VERY BUSY DAY Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007 THIS WEEK IN EDUCATION Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007 -
Don’t force schools to give standardized tests this pandemic year, research scholars ask Education Secretary Cardona - The Washington PostDon’t force schools to give standardized tests this pandemic year, research scholars ask Education Secretary Cardona More than 540 education researchers and scholars are asking Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to reconsider his department’s decision requiring school districts to administer federally mandated standardized tests this pandemic year, saying the exams will “exacerbate inequality” a
Betsy DeVos Raked In Vast Outside Income As Education Secretary | HuffPostBetsy DeVos Raked In Vast Outside Income As Education Secretary The billionaire Trump Cabinet member reaped nine figures during her four years in office, a watchdog group revealed . Billionaire Betsy DeVos fattened her fortune considerably from various business interests during her four-year run as education secretary under former President Donald Trump . DeVos, who is reportedly worth more than
Florida Voucher School Hires Unqualified Teachers, Ex-Con, State Doesn’t Care | Diane Ravitch's blogFlorida Voucher School Hires Unqualified Teachers, Ex-Con, State Doesn’t Care The Orlando Sentinel has been covering scandal after scandal in the voucher schools of Florida, but the Legislature doesn’t care about their scandals and is planning to take even more money from public schools to fund more private voucher schools. The Sentinel published a story about one troubled voucher school that ha
8 to 3 parent newsletter about kids, school and education - Los Angeles TimesIntroducing 8 to 3, a newsletter for parents about kids, school and education A new chapter is opening for families of school-age children and teenagers. Campuses throughout California are finally opening after a year of coronavirus-forced closures — and for parents who have navigated distance learning alongside their children, their connection to education has been rewired. The shared frustrati
Teacher Tom: Our Future VillagesOur Future Villages "We still had a blacksmith in our town in those days, if you can believe it." I was talking to the great grandfather of one of my students. Most of the time, the grandparents aren't much older than me, but here was a man 30 years my senior. I make a habit of talking to older people about their childhoods. I like seeing how they tend to light up. I learn about recent history t
Opening Up the Textbook (Sam Wineburg) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom PracticeOpening Up the Textbook (Sam Wineburg) Sam Wineburg is a professor of education and history at Stanford University, He along with Susan Ramiraz and Peter Stearns authored Human Legacy , a high school world history textbook.This appeared in Education Week , June 5, 2007 History textbooks have long merited special scorn. Thicker than a Duraflame log (and weighing more), today’s books feature pages
NYC Public School Parents: Our testimony about why NYC kids will need smaller classes next year than ever before -- & the federal funding is available to achieve thisOur testimony about why NYC kids will need smaller classes next year than ever before -- & the federal funding is available to achieve this Council education budget hearings tomorrow start at 9:30 AM; public testimony starts at about noon. You can watch and listen here , in Virtual Room 2. Our testimony advocating for a big chunk of the federal funds be used for smaller classes below for the sak
Will New York City Reimagine Education or Waste a Generational Opportunity? | Ed In The AppleWill New York City Reimagine Education or Waste a Generational Opportunity? We’ve been told for decades we can’t do anything about poverty, we can’t change property tax-based school funding, and we have to use our teaching skills to raise achievement. Sadly states and school districts have relied on top-down edicts and standardized testing, teacher voice is absent. Suddenly, unexpectedly, two De
WHO’S ZOOMING WHO? – Dad Gone WildWHO’S ZOOMING WHO? “You’ll never decide what you want until you’ve decided who you are.” ― Noël Coward Who’s in charge of education policy in Tennessee? It seems like a pretty straightforward question, right? Those with a passing knowledge might answer that it’s the General Assembly who set’s policy. Those with a little deeper knowledge might elaborate more by saying that the General Assembly ex
CURMUDGUCATION: Why We Don't Need The Big Standardized Test In One QuoteWhy We Don't Need The Big Standardized Test In One Quote This is taken from the reformy Jebucation ExcelInEd website: If we don't have a strong accountability system, then students from low-income families and students of color will not receive the instruction and resources needed to be successful. That's Pam Stewart, f ormer education chief of Florida, the testocrat who famously demanded that a
Segregation factories, pt 4: The dark story of "Failure Factories" and "Schools without Rules" shows how power dominates education journalism, narrative, and humanity - Public Enemy Number 1Segregation factories, pt 4: The dark story of "Failure Factories" and "Schools without Rules" shows how power dominates education journalism, narrative, and humanity Power used the Tampa Bay Times' Pulitzer tagline to strip mine Florida's public schools. It largely ignored the Orlando Sentinel's better, further-reaching voucher reporting. Why? Part 1: Welcome to Jeb Crow Florida, 2021 Part 2: W
Big Education Ape: Laurie’s Last Stand? – Tennessee Education Report -
Big Education Ape: Pasi Sahlberg and William Doyle: In Finland, Education is a Basic Civil Right | Diane Ravitch's blog -
Big Education Ape: Biden promised to end federal funding of for-profit charter schools. A new report explains how they operate. - The Washington Post -
Big Education Ape: NEPC: Another Useless Report from NCTQ | Diane Ravitch's blog -
Big Education Ape: Russ on Reading: Reading Aloud for Better Human Understanding: Asian-American Picture Books -
Big Education Ape: Teachers' Unions Uncertain on C.D.C.'s New 3-Feet Limit - The New York Times -
Big Education Ape: Teacher Tom: Embodied Learning -
Big Education Ape: Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Begins to Rectify Injustice in Department’s College Loan Program | janresseger -
High School Classes Continue. High School Buildings Open. | JD2718High School Classes Continue. High School Buildings Open. Tomorrow is the day. High schools finally ….. Reopen? Bullshit. High schools have been open since September. Even then, the bulk of our teaching was via zoom and other remote platforms. Tomorrow, the bulk of our teaching will be via zoom and other remote platforms. In fact today more students will be fully remote than back in September. B
Why I'm Opting My Son Out Of Standardized Testing (And You Can, Too) | The Jose VilsonWHY I’M OPTING MY SON OUT OF STANDARDIZED TESTING (AND YOU CAN, TOO) Recently, my son revealed the difficulty in observing his ninth birthday . Usually joyous occasions, this past birthday was mired in nervousness over the perpetual, coordinated assaults on American ideals of democracy. Just as he was finishing online class, government representatives over 200 miles away openly opined on electio
New CDC Guidelines to Reopen Schools Could be Dangerous - Institute for New Economic Thinking #tbats #openonlywhensafe #edchat #K12 #learning #edleadership #edtech #engchat #literacy #edreformInstitute for New Economic Thinking New CDC Guidelines to Reopen Schools Could be Dangerous School re-opening push based on outdated science is poorly timed in face of coronavirus resurgence T he scale of disaster visited on the world by the COVID-19 pandemic defies any easy summary. But it is safe to say that the question of keeping schools open is among the most fateful decisions facing public
A simple proposal. Give public school teachers an extra year of retirement service credit for the pandemic year. – Fred KlonskyA SIMPLE PROPOSAL. GIVE PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS AN EXTRA YEAR OF RETIREMENT SERVICE CREDIT FOR THE PANDEMIC YEAR I’ve been out of the classroom for nearly a decade. But as I speak to my colleagues who have taught this year it is mind boggling. That is true whether they taught remotely, in-person or hybrid. I have a simple proposal. It doesn’t begin to demonstrate what should be our profound thank
CATCH UP WITH CURMUDGUCATION + ICYMI: Spring Is Here, Apparently Edition (3/21)CURMUDGUCATION: ICYMI: Spring Is Here, Apparently Edition (3/21) Spring Is Here, Apparently Edition It's nice enough, but I've lived in NW PA too long to be fooled. We'll just see where this leads us. In the meantime, here's your reading for the week. Also, your reminder that you can get a daily dose of edubloggery by checking out (or subscribing to) NPE's Blog of Blogs Why Black Parents Aren't J
THE TOP BANANA: TODAY'S EDUCATION HEADLINES Sunday, March 21, 2021 #REDFORED #tbats #openonlywhensafe #edchat #K12 #learning #edleadership #edtech #engchat #literacy #edreformBig Education Ape THE TOP BANANA TODAY'S EDUCATION HEADLINES $325,000 Settlement for Teacher Over Trump References Removed From Yearbook - The New York Times -
Big Education Ape: Teachers Unions Want More Details on New CDC Guidance of Desks Only 3 Feet Apart | Common Dreams News -
Big Education Ape: California Approves Nation's First Ethnic Statewide Studies Curriculum -
Big Education Ape: Cartoons on Teaching during the Pandemic | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice -
Big Education Ape: $6 Billion in Reopening/Expanded Learning Funding - Year 2021 (CA Dept of Education) -
Education Reinventers | Gary Rubinstein's BlogEducation Reinventers For the past ten years public education has been under assault by the self-proclaimed education ‘reformers.’ Strong personalities like Michelle Rhee, Joel Klein, Michael Bloomberg, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Corey Booker, and others led the movement that gave us Race To The Top, Race To The Top waivers, and the Every Child Succeeds Act. They got a chance to experiment with t
Mulgrew and Porter statements seem contradictory | JD2718Mulgrew and Porter statements seem contradictory How can they both be right? I think that Mulgrew’s words have to be read very carefully. They have lawyers and others at 52 Broadway, I am guessing, who carefully help craft lawyerly ways of saying things. Everything written since last March has to be carefully parsed, not read at face value. Did he say something would not happen, or that he did n
CURMUDGUCATION: An Evaluation That Teachers Can UseAn Evaluation That Teachers Can Use A post from Jay Wamsted at Education Post (yes, that Education Post--I've said it before and I'll say it again--it's important to read from all over the edu-web) got me thinking about the sources of feedback that teachers can tap. He tells a story about a missed moment in which someone offered him feedback on his teaching that he didn't want to hear, and how h
JEFF BRYANT: The for-profit charter school industry is completely out of control - Alternet orgThe for-profit charter school industry is completely out of control - The for-profit charter school industry is completely out of control A new report by the Network for Public Education (NPE) explains why charter schools are often nonprofit in name only when they are associated with a for-profit management group. NPE's report, titled "Chartered for Profit: The Hidden World of Charte
CDC Says Schools Can Now Space Students 3 Feet Apart, Rather Than 6 | 89.3 KPCCCDC Says Schools Can Now Space Students 3 Feet Apart, Rather Than 6 Updated March 19, 2021 at 12:46 PM ET The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its guidance for schools. On Friday, the agency announced it "now recommends that, with universal masking, students should maintain a distance of at least 3 feet in classroom settings." Previously the guidance stated, "Physical dista
WHAT’S A SWEETHEART LIKE YOU, DOING IN A PLACE LIKE THIS? – Dad Gone WildWHAT’S A SWEETHEART LIKE YOU, DOING IN A PLACE LIKE THIS? “Steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king.” – Bob Dylan “We got a lot of kings out here.” – TC Weber I’ve spent a lot of time this week trying to wrap my head around the relationship between money and public education. On one hand, schools are perpetually underfunded. In Tennessee, state-level of fundi
Network for Public Education Blog Post of the Day This WeekOur NPE Blogs of the Day feature what we think are interesting and important blog posts centered on issues of public education. The views expressed by the bloggers are, of course, entirely their own. To submit links and tips for inclusion, please send an email to . March 20, 2021 Nancy Bailey: Kindergarten Learning Loss Message Is HORRIFYING for Children! By March 20, 2021 Ja
EDUCATION MATTERS: CATCH UP WITH MR. G - THIS WEEK IN DUVAL COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS DCPSEducation Matters CATCH UP WITH MR. G THIS WEEK IN DUVAL COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS DCPS Appeasement doesn't work, school board members should understand that. by Unknown / 1d In the 1930s, Nevile Chamberlain pushed a policy of appeasement towards Germany. The reasoning was, if we let them do what they want to do to those other people, they will leave them alone, and it worked for a while. The problem
THIS WEEK'S WILDNESS Dad Gone Wild Nobody reads it, everybody quotes itDad Gone Wild – Nobody reads it, everybody quotes it. WHAT’S A SWEETHEART LIKE YOU, DOING IN A PLACE LIKE THIS? by TC Weber / 20h “Steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king.” – Bob Dylan “We got a lot of kings out here.” – TC Weber I’ve spent a lot of time this week trying to wrap my head around the relationship between money and public education. On one hand,
TENNESSEE EDUCATION REPORTTENNESSEE EDUCATION REPORT EDUCATION POLITICS AND POLICY IN THE VOLUNTEER STATE An Unattainable Burden by Andy Spears / 3d The current state of Tennessee’s school funding formula (the BEP) places an “unattainable burden” on local school districts, according to Katie Cour of the Nashville Public Education Foundation (NPEF). The Foundation released a policy brief highlighting the shortcomings of t
TEACHER TOM THIS WEEK IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIONTeacher Tom EdHeroes: What if Education Focused on the Needs of Children and Families? 200+ 23h Partnering With Parents 300+ 2d Thinking, Learning, and the Having of Wonderful Ideas 300+ 3d We Can't Teach Mindfulness to the Experts 1K 4d The Original Affluent Society 200+ 4d Thingmaker Featuring Creepy Crawlers 96 7d Teacher Tom
SSPI TONY THURMOND: STUFF THIS WEEK FROM THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONCalifornia Department of Education SSPI TONY THURMOND STUFF THIS WEEK FROM THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION $6 Billion in Reopening/Expanded Learning Funding 16h $6 Billion in Reopening and Expanded Learning Funding Amounts for TK-12 Schools Now Available SBE Approves Historic Ethnic Studies Guidance 1d State Board of Education Approves Historic Ethnic Studies Guidance for High Schools Scho
THIS WEEK WITH NEWBLACKMAN (IN EXILE) #BLM #BLACKLIVESMATTERNewBlackMan (in Exile) THIS WEEK WITH NEWBLACKMAN (IN EXILE) Patti LaBelle and Gladys Knight on The Verzuz Phenomenon by Mark Anthony Neal / 1h "When the pandemic shut down live concerts, pioneering hip hop producers Swizz Beatz and Timbaland wanted to give people a show, and developed what became a viral online music battle series: Verzuz , in which noted musical artists (such as John Legend and
THIS WEEK Education Research ReportEducation Research Report Preschoolers' extensive electronic media use linked to emotional/behavioural issues by Jonathan Kantrowitz / 1d Associated with hyperactivity, short attention span, poor concentration and friendship issues BMJ Preschoolers' extensive use of electronic media, including game consoles, mobile phones, and tablets, is linked to a heightened risk of emotional and behavioural
THIS WEEK IN EDUCATION Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007 Good Piece On The Bad Term, “Learning Loss” by Larry Ferlazzo / 26min Ron Berger, who is an exceptional educator and leads EL Education, just wrote a good piece in the Atlantic, How to Get Our Kids Back on Track . The quote in the textbox gives you an idea of the tone. I’m adding it to Trying To Bring
KEEP UP/ CATCH UP WITH DIANE RAVITCH'S BLOG A site to discuss better education for all #REDFORED #tbats #REOPENSCHOOLSSAFELY #openonlywhensafe #CANCELTHETESTDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all KEEP UP/ CATCH UP WITH DIANE RAVITCH'S BLOG A site to discuss better education for all Jan Resseger: How to Wreck Your State’s Public Schools by dianeravitch / 16min I said I would not reproduce blogs, with rare exceptions.

Big Education Ape: Teachers Unions Want More Details on New CDC Guidance of Desks Only 3 Feet Apart | Common Dreams News -
Big Education Ape: California Approves Nation's First Ethnic Statewide Studies Curriculum -
Big Education Ape: Cartoons on Teaching during the Pandemic | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice -
Big Education Ape: $6 Billion in Reopening/Expanded Learning Funding - Year 2021 (CA Dept of Education) -
Education Reinventers | Gary Rubinstein's BlogEducation Reinventers For the past ten years public education has been under assault by the self-proclaimed education ‘reformers.’ Strong personalities like Michelle Rhee, Joel Klein, Michael Bloomberg, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Corey Booker, and others led the movement that gave us Race To The Top, Race To The Top waivers, and the Every Child Succeeds Act. They got a chance to experiment with t
Mulgrew and Porter statements seem contradictory | JD2718Mulgrew and Porter statements seem contradictory How can they both be right? I think that Mulgrew’s words have to be read very carefully. They have lawyers and others at 52 Broadway, I am guessing, who carefully help craft lawyerly ways of saying things. Everything written since last March has to be carefully parsed, not read at face value. Did he say something would not happen, or that he did n
CURMUDGUCATION: An Evaluation That Teachers Can UseAn Evaluation That Teachers Can Use A post from Jay Wamsted at Education Post (yes, that Education Post--I've said it before and I'll say it again--it's important to read from all over the edu-web) got me thinking about the sources of feedback that teachers can tap. He tells a story about a missed moment in which someone offered him feedback on his teaching that he didn't want to hear, and how h
JEFF BRYANT: The for-profit charter school industry is completely out of control - Alternet orgThe for-profit charter school industry is completely out of control - The for-profit charter school industry is completely out of control A new report by the Network for Public Education (NPE) explains why charter schools are often nonprofit in name only when they are associated with a for-profit management group. NPE's report, titled "Chartered for Profit: The Hidden World of Charte
CDC Says Schools Can Now Space Students 3 Feet Apart, Rather Than 6 | 89.3 KPCCCDC Says Schools Can Now Space Students 3 Feet Apart, Rather Than 6 Updated March 19, 2021 at 12:46 PM ET The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its guidance for schools. On Friday, the agency announced it "now recommends that, with universal masking, students should maintain a distance of at least 3 feet in classroom settings." Previously the guidance stated, "Physical dista
WHAT’S A SWEETHEART LIKE YOU, DOING IN A PLACE LIKE THIS? – Dad Gone WildWHAT’S A SWEETHEART LIKE YOU, DOING IN A PLACE LIKE THIS? “Steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king.” – Bob Dylan “We got a lot of kings out here.” – TC Weber I’ve spent a lot of time this week trying to wrap my head around the relationship between money and public education. On one hand, schools are perpetually underfunded. In Tennessee, state-level of fundi
Network for Public Education Blog Post of the Day This WeekOur NPE Blogs of the Day feature what we think are interesting and important blog posts centered on issues of public education. The views expressed by the bloggers are, of course, entirely their own. To submit links and tips for inclusion, please send an email to . March 20, 2021 Nancy Bailey: Kindergarten Learning Loss Message Is HORRIFYING for Children! By March 20, 2021 Ja
EDUCATION MATTERS: CATCH UP WITH MR. G - THIS WEEK IN DUVAL COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS DCPSEducation Matters CATCH UP WITH MR. G THIS WEEK IN DUVAL COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS DCPS Appeasement doesn't work, school board members should understand that. by Unknown / 1d In the 1930s, Nevile Chamberlain pushed a policy of appeasement towards Germany. The reasoning was, if we let them do what they want to do to those other people, they will leave them alone, and it worked for a while. The problem
THIS WEEK'S WILDNESS Dad Gone Wild Nobody reads it, everybody quotes itDad Gone Wild – Nobody reads it, everybody quotes it. WHAT’S A SWEETHEART LIKE YOU, DOING IN A PLACE LIKE THIS? by TC Weber / 20h “Steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king.” – Bob Dylan “We got a lot of kings out here.” – TC Weber I’ve spent a lot of time this week trying to wrap my head around the relationship between money and public education. On one hand,
TENNESSEE EDUCATION REPORTTENNESSEE EDUCATION REPORT EDUCATION POLITICS AND POLICY IN THE VOLUNTEER STATE An Unattainable Burden by Andy Spears / 3d The current state of Tennessee’s school funding formula (the BEP) places an “unattainable burden” on local school districts, according to Katie Cour of the Nashville Public Education Foundation (NPEF). The Foundation released a policy brief highlighting the shortcomings of t
TEACHER TOM THIS WEEK IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIONTeacher Tom EdHeroes: What if Education Focused on the Needs of Children and Families? 200+ 23h Partnering With Parents 300+ 2d Thinking, Learning, and the Having of Wonderful Ideas 300+ 3d We Can't Teach Mindfulness to the Experts 1K 4d The Original Affluent Society 200+ 4d Thingmaker Featuring Creepy Crawlers 96 7d Teacher Tom
SSPI TONY THURMOND: STUFF THIS WEEK FROM THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONCalifornia Department of Education SSPI TONY THURMOND STUFF THIS WEEK FROM THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION $6 Billion in Reopening/Expanded Learning Funding 16h $6 Billion in Reopening and Expanded Learning Funding Amounts for TK-12 Schools Now Available SBE Approves Historic Ethnic Studies Guidance 1d State Board of Education Approves Historic Ethnic Studies Guidance for High Schools Scho
THIS WEEK WITH NEWBLACKMAN (IN EXILE) #BLM #BLACKLIVESMATTERNewBlackMan (in Exile) THIS WEEK WITH NEWBLACKMAN (IN EXILE) Patti LaBelle and Gladys Knight on The Verzuz Phenomenon by Mark Anthony Neal / 1h "When the pandemic shut down live concerts, pioneering hip hop producers Swizz Beatz and Timbaland wanted to give people a show, and developed what became a viral online music battle series: Verzuz , in which noted musical artists (such as John Legend and
THIS WEEK Education Research ReportEducation Research Report Preschoolers' extensive electronic media use linked to emotional/behavioural issues by Jonathan Kantrowitz / 1d Associated with hyperactivity, short attention span, poor concentration and friendship issues BMJ Preschoolers' extensive use of electronic media, including game consoles, mobile phones, and tablets, is linked to a heightened risk of emotional and behavioural
THIS WEEK IN EDUCATION Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007 Good Piece On The Bad Term, “Learning Loss” by Larry Ferlazzo / 26min Ron Berger, who is an exceptional educator and leads EL Education, just wrote a good piece in the Atlantic, How to Get Our Kids Back on Track . The quote in the textbox gives you an idea of the tone. I’m adding it to Trying To Bring
KEEP UP/ CATCH UP WITH DIANE RAVITCH'S BLOG A site to discuss better education for all #REDFORED #tbats #REOPENSCHOOLSSAFELY #openonlywhensafe #CANCELTHETESTDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all KEEP UP/ CATCH UP WITH DIANE RAVITCH'S BLOG A site to discuss better education for all Jan Resseger: How to Wreck Your State’s Public Schools by dianeravitch / 16min I said I would not reproduce blogs, with rare exceptions.
Big Education Ape