Lawsuit Claims New York City School Admissions System Is Racist

By Emily Smith, Opposing Views
New York City parents and activists filed a federal lawsuit with the Office of Civil Rights on Monday, claiming that the city’s high school admissions process discriminates against black and Hispanic students by storing them away in low performing schools and setting them up for failure. They demanded a federal investigation and an overhaul of the admissions system.
Deputy Chancellor Marc Sternberg said that Mayor Bloomberg’s administration inherited a system where zip code once determined a student’s quality of education. Since his first day in office, eliminating the achievement gap is a reform Bloomberg’s administration has championed. Admission to top performing schools is instead based on academic records, test scores, attendance, student preference and other factors.
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More Articles On Teachers Putting Children First In Oklahoma
Earlier today, I published a post titled Teachers Putting Children First In Oklahoma.
Here are two more articles I’m adding to that list:
Backpacks, Human Shields, Above and Beyond: The Oklahoma Teacher Heroes is from The Atlantic.
Teachers Credited With Saving Students in Okla. is from ABC.
The courage of teachers is from CNN.
Pretty Awful Report On “Reforming” Teacher Observation Practices
Democrats For Education Reform (DFER) has just published a report on “reforming” teacher evaluations that is — how can I put this — just awful. It’s called Culture of Countenance: Teachers, Observers and the Effort to Reform Teacher Evaluations (thanks to Alexander Russo for the tip).
I suspect, and hope, that others (maybe Bruce D. Baker at School Finance 101) will make a much more careful look at it than I have, but here are a few quick reflections. Let me know if you have others:
Here’s one excerpt:
Administrators recognize that observations are widely viewed as cursory exercises not expected to yield meaningful information. Correspondingly, today’s teachers expect little feedback, positive or negative, from t
The Faces Of Oklahoma’s Tornado Victims Show Diversity Of The Sooner State
By Elizabeth Llorente, Fox News Latino
In the tornado-ravaged Oklahoma town of Moore, America’s diversity was displayed in both victims and Good Samaritans.
One out of every four of Moore’s roughly 39,000 residents are white, while Latinos make up 10 percent, or 5,000, of this bedroom community. The rest are Asian, Native American and black.
Moore, which is adjacent to Oklahoma City, reflects the growing diversity of the Sooner State, which saw its Latino community double in the last decade to comprise 10 percent of Oklahoma’s nearly 4 million residents.
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