LAUSD School Police Will Give up Grenade Launchers - COLORLINES
DOOOOONTCHOOOO BELIEVE IT! http://colorlines.com/archives/2014/09/lausd_school_police_will_give_up_grenade_launchers.html LAUSD School Police Will Give up Grenade Launchers a Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle Photo: Wikimedia Commons Los Angeles Unified School District police officials announced Tuesday that the agency will return three grenade launchers to the federal governmen
LAUSD Students Stage A Walkout In Classrooms Without Air-Conditioning: LAist
http://laist.com/2014/09/17/lausd_might_have_a_tank.php LAUSD Students Stage A Walkout In Classrooms Without Air-Conditioning Franklin High School (Google Maps) LAUSD might have a tank that was built to fight insurgents in Iraq, but students and teachers are complaining that it doesn't have are functioning air conditioning units in all of its classrooms. The situation reached a breaking point t
LA Times Blames LAUSD School Board for Deasy’s Mistakes | Diane Ravitch's blog
http://dianeravitch.net/2014/09/16/la-times-blames-lausd-school-board-for-deasys-mistakes/ LA Times Blames LAUSD School Board for Deasy's Mistakes Howard Blume of The Los Angeles Times has done a remarkable job of reporting about Superintendent John Deasy's huge problems in managing the school system, the most monumental of them being his decision to borrow from a construction bond issue to buy A
9-16-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: Do You Have VIABLE Complaints Against LAUSD? Check this out ....Teaching Community, Have you filled out your Grand Jury Complaint Form asking for theLos Angeles Grand Jury to investigate Superintendent Deasy forabuse of power ? If not review the forms attached.1) Grand Jury Complaint Example Form with 2nd Page Instructions2) Blank Grand Jury Complaint Form (to be printed out