Big Education Ape: Ed News Now
#edu - THE PERIMETER PRIMATE: Same old, same old...even 10,000 miles awaySame old, same old...even 10,000 miles awayby The Perimeter PrimateCheck out this series of interesting news stories published by a...

coopmike48 - Indiana teachers lose bargaining rights. Public Radio becomes a mouthpiece for Governor Daniels and the tea baggers. « Fred Klonsky's blogIndiana teachers lose bargaining rights. Public Radio becom...

coopmike48 - Parent Advocates - ParentAdvocates.orgTeachers Aren't The Enemy by Pedro Noguera and Michelle FineNoguera and Fine write: "It’s hard to think of another field in which experience is considered a li...

coopmike48 - Who to call to save our pensions. « Fred Klonsky's blogWho to call to save our Fred KlonskyBesides contacting your own legislators, call and send letters to these members. They are on ...

coopmike48 - SBE Moves Parent Empower for 15-Day Public Comment - State Board of Education (CA Dept of Education)State Board of Education Moves Parent Empowerment RegulationsForward for another 15-Day Public Co...

coopmike48 - PAA press release on new ESEA position paper « Parents Across AmericaIt’s time for lawmakers to listen to parents!National parent group reaches out to Congress on ESEA, demanding less testing and p...

coopmike48 - Seattle’s Fired Superintendent, Maria Goodloe-Johnson, on the short list for Newark School District’s top spot: Seattle says Huh??? — and Heads-up! | Seattle Education 2010Seattle’s Fired Superinte... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - Once again labor is under attack. Honor it. May 1st at the Haymarket Martyrs’ Monument. « Fred Klonsky's blogOnce again labor is under attack. Honor it. May 1st at the Haymarket Martyrs’ Monument.A... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - Ed Dept Ripped Over Waning Interest in Parent Elections - WNYCEd Dept Ripped Over Waning Interest in Parent ElectionsThursday, April 21, 2011By Beth FertigEnlarge(Stephen Nessen/WNYC)The deadline f... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - CHARTER SCHOOL SCANDALS: Omni Prep Academy-North PointeOmni Prep Academy-North Pointe *SCHOOL'S OUT-TROUBLES AT OMNI PREP CHARTER SCHOOL LEAVE STUDENTS, PARENTS, AND TEACHERS IN LIMBO AND RAISE QUE...

coopmike48 - For-profit schools respond to criticism by adopting code of conduct | OregonLive.comFor-profit schools respond to criticism by adopting code of conductPublished: Friday, April 22, 2011, 8:08 AM ... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - Weekly Truth: “Global Warming” is a Corporate Strawman, Man-Made Pollution is a Pandemic Threat to Life | Reverend Manny and the Twilight Empire - "the Secular, Humanist Revival"Weekly Truth: “Glob...

coopmike48 - Public Policy Blogger: A school reform story. Are we losing something precious and fundamental?A school reform story. Are we losing something precious and fundamental?by Anne GeigerA huge thank you...

coopmike48 - State of Emergency - California Teachers AssociationState of EmergencyBy Dina Martin"We haven’t had a GATE [Gifted and Talented Education] program since 2008.Class sizes in K-3 have increased to 25...

coopmike48 - Big Education Ape: Ed News NowBig Education Ape: Ed News Now as shared by 6 people on Coopmike48’s Twitter listNext update in about 9 hoursSee all articlesHEADLINESEDUCATIONPOLITICSART & ENTERTAINM...

coopmike48 - High school senior leads Louisiana fight against anti-evolution law - The Answer Sheet - The Washington PostHigh school senior leads Louisiana fight against anti-evolution law A 17-year-old Baton R...

coopmike48 - Overthrowing Democracy One City At A Time | Fighting Democrats!Overthrowing Democracy One City At A TimeAPR212011LEAVE A COMMENTWRITTEN BY STEPHEN D. FOSTER JR.Last week, Benton Harbor, Michigan wa...

coopmike48 - Cinco de Mayo Resources | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...Cinco de Mayo Resources Cinco de Mayo, May 5th, commemorates the defeat of the French by the Mexican Army in 1862. It’s a national h...

coopmike48 - Can We Close the Deficit By Just Raising Taxes? - E.D. Kain - American Times - ForbesCan We Close the Deficit By Just Raising Taxes?by E.D. KainMegan McArdle argues that closing the deficit with ta...

coopmike48 - Could teachers veto charter option? | Thoughts on Public EducationCould teachers veto charter option?ShareDispute over wording of Parent Trigger regulationsPosted on 4/22/11 • Categorized as Parent... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: Just Say No, NewarkJust Say No, Newark Thank you to Dora Taylor for the heads up. Dr. Goodloe-Johnson is one of two finalists for the superintendent job in Newa...

coopmike48 - No data will be destroyed in statewide election recount. Hand recount in 31 counties in Wisconsin where voting machines are too old to back up data. | blue cheddar.No data will be destroyed in stat...

coopmike48 - Modern School: Broad’s Oakland Financial Martial Law MassacreToday in Labor History: April 22 *April 22, 1526* –The first known slave revolt in American occurred, just eight years after the first s...

coopmike48 - Democurmudgeon: Conservative Radio Wind Bagger Vicki McKenna to Madison; "You don't deserve to be the Capitol city."Conservative Radio Wind Bagger Vicki McKenna to Madison; "You don't deserve to be...

coopmike48 - What Do You Think? | Dailycensored.comWhat Do You Think?Written by Ken_SayersDaily Journal (Opinion)Apr 21, 20110digg4ShareAt sixty-eight, I can only pretty much sit and watch this country come apa...

coopmike48 - VIDEO: Paul Ryan Booed At Town Hall For Defending Tax Breaks For The Wealthy « Larry Miller's BlogVIDEO: Paul Ryan Booed At Town Hall For Defending Tax Breaks For The Wealthy To see the video of Pa...

coopmike48 - Cool Cat Teacher Blog: The 25 Thousand Dollar Tweet #tweettheresultsThe 25 Thousand Dollar Tweet #tweettheresults #tweettheresults hashtag on Twitter - official protest hashtag We've seen people lo...

coopmike48 - Teachers Still In Favor Of Spring Break | Mr. Teachbad's Blog of Teacher DisgruntlementTeachers Still In Favor Of Spring Breakby mrteachbadFAKE EDUCATION NEWS-Everywhere, USASpring Break balances t...

coopmike48 - 58 percent of Denver citizens rate Denver Public Schools’ performance as either ‘fair’ or ‘poor’ | DeFENSE58 percent of Denver citizens rate Denver Public Schools’ performance as either ‘fair’ or ‘... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - Schools Matter: IRA President: Access to books makes a differenceIRA President: Access to books makes a difference The title of International Reading Association President Patricia Edwards, "Presid...

coopmike48 - Draft Regulations for Parent Empowerment - Year 2011 (CA Dept of Education)State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Comments on State Board ofEducation Action on Draft Parent Empowerment Law RegulationsSA...

coopmike48 - Eye on Education: Diane Ravitch | THIRTEEN Specials | PBS Video Watch the full episode. See more THIRTEEN Specials.

coopmike48 - Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Who sez there's no money?Who sez there's no money? Dropping the *Renaissance* brand* * *Renaissance Schools Fund, which for the last six years has poured enough start...

coopmike48 - CA Budget/School Funding: Where Do We Go From Here? (The Legislature)CA Budget/School Funding: Where Do We Go From Here? (The Legislature)by cynthiaWe tried to support Governor Jerry Brown in his c...

coopmike48 - Catalyst Notebook :: In the News: Group starts $60 million venture fund for 50 new charters; Brizard remains a hot topicIn the News: Group starts $60 million venture fund for 50 new charters; Briza...

coopmike48 - Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm, Arne, Brizard -- Please read this articleRahm, Arne, Brizard -- Please read this articleby Mike KlonskyPedro Noguera and Michelle Fine, writing in The Nation, a...

coopmike48 - The California Majority Report // Koch Brothers/Americans for Prosperity's New Target: Middle Class Californians PensionsKoch Brothers/Americans for Prosperity's New Target: Middle Class California...

coopmike48 - The Future of Children - HomeLatest JournalImmigrant Children Volume 21 Number 1 Spring 2011Read the full JournalExecutive Summary (154.8 kb)Policy Brief (283.5 kb)Article SummariesRecent ReportsTh...

coopmike48 - Solidarity Is Morality, Our Future | Dissident VoiceSolidarity Is Morality, Our Futureby Ron RidenourThe revolutionary [is] the ideological motor force of the revolution…if he forgets his proletari...

coopmike48 - Parents spell out detailed school reform blueprint - The Answer Sheet - The Washington PostParents spell out detailed school reform blueprintBy Valerie StraussA national grassroots organization cal...

coopmike48 - 4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: LAUSD School Teacher in Washington Post: “13 REASONS I’M OUTRAGED”LAUSD School Teacher in Washington Post: “13 REASONS I’M OUTRAGED” By Kathie Marshall ...

coopmike48 - Shanker Blog » The Un-American Foundations Of Our Education DebateThe Un-American Foundations Of Our Education Debateby Esther QuinteroBeing from Spain, one of the first things that struck me as od...

coopmike48 - The Nation: Teachers Are Not The Enemy : NPRThe Nation: Teachers Are Not The Enemy As debates over educational reform movements and budget cuts unfold around the country, Michelle Fine and Pedro No...

coopmike48 - Checks aren’t quite in the mail | EdNewsColoradoFriday Churn: Earth Day [image: Daily Churn logo]What’s churning: *Those youngsters in recycled paper hats* in Northwest Denver are helping to “green...

coopmike48 - This Week In Education: Politics: Redistricting, Campaign Finance, & Collective BargainingPolitics: Redistricting, Campaign Finance, & Collective Bargaining [image: image from]F...

coopmike48 - solidaridad: Urgently requesting a meeting with the LAUSD Board PresidentUrgently requesting a meeting with the LAUSD Board President *[A] harbinger of how public education may look should the reso...

coopmike48 - Jersey Jazzman: Go Leonie!Go Leonie! One day, I hope I'm as fearless as Leonie Haimson: When Duncan showed up, I introduced myself, and told him I was very disappointed in his recent remarks to the...

coopmike48 - Greg Mortenson and the Trouble With Celebrity Philanthropy - Dana GoldsteinGreg Mortenson and the Trouble With Celebrity Philanthropyby Dana GoldsteinI am pretty blown away by Three Cups of Deceit,...

coopmike48 - Mike Klonsky: Chicago Schools CEO Choice Shows Problem With Mayoral ControlMike KlonskyEducator, Author of "Small Schools: Public School Reform Meets the Ownership Society"Chicago Schools CEO Choic...

coopmike48 - Daily Kos: If you will be in DC area on Tuesday eveningIf you will be in DC area on Tuesday eveningby (teacherken)I hope you might consider coming to Eleanor Roosevelt HS in Greenb...
