New Orleans’ Recovery School District: The Lie Unveiled | deutsch29:
Yesterday, I was watching a video clip of the 2011 Aspen Institute debate between Wendy Kopp and Diane Ravitch. In a final effort to defend corporate reform, Kopp tells the audience, “I encourage everyone to see for yourself, study for yourself… New Orleans….” I intend to take Kopp up on her offer in this post.
I have written this piece with a particular audience in mind: Those in other states who are considering following what they think is “model reform” in New Orleans. They have heard the hype and are seriously considering investing in a lie. In this post, I will show the reality that is the so-called “New Orleans Miracle.” It is no miracle at all. It is only a “sleight of media.” An illusion. A farce.
The New Orleans Miracle is sand in the mouths of those who would drink from its mirage. Never forget it.
Nevertheless, it has become extremely popular reformerspeak to talk about the “success” of New Orleans education. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is using supposed New Orleans Recovery School District (RSD-NO) success as a platform for his obvious 2016 bid for president. While in Virginia this month, however, Jindal was confronted with the truth. Yet in true reformer fashion, Jindal brushes the truth to the side: Jindal said 77 percent of students in New Orleans were attending failing schools