@TeachForAmerica Airlines: Fly Us! We Build Plane in Air

“I fly a lot,” he says. “Let’s say you go to the airport and you have a choice of three different pilots. One has trained for 30 hours online, the second has five weeks in the summer, and the third has studied, become certified and has spent a year as an intern. Which airplane would you choose?”
From For Teachers, Many Paths Into The Classroom … Some Say Too Many at NPR.org
So I asked major airlines on Twitter if they would hire pilots without a license or experience, but who were very intelligent. Here is what they told me.

So there you have it. Could the airlines have said it any better? If I want to be a pilot for a major airline, well, being bright, uncertified and lacking training just won’t work out for me. Unless of course I want to fly for Teach For America Airlines.
So JCrew has apparently has a new t-shirt contest open only to students of Teach For America teachers. I know that I @TeachForAmerica Airlines: Fly Us! We Build Plane in Air | Cloaking Inequity: