Concerns about the New ESEA Reauthorization
Concerns about the New ESEA Reauthorization: Concerns about the New ESEA ReauthorizationArne Duncan and others are bragging that both political parties get along when it comes to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) reauthorization. It is one big happy family when it comes to education. There was bipartisan agreement over No Child Left Behind too, and look what a colossal disaster tha
Why Endless Shade for Donald, Crickets for Rahm? - LA Progressive
Why Endless Shade for Donald, Crickets for Rahm? - LA Progressive: Why Endless Shade for Donald, Crickets for Rahm?Trump and EmanuelSo Donald Trump is a narcissistic, bigoted, fascist.Not exactly a surprise.He’s also the Republican front runner for President. I’ll admit to being mildly shocked by that.Astonishing are the chauvinistic and possibly illegal actions of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel—and t
John Thompson: The Gates Foundation’s Losing War for Value-Added Assessment | Diane Ravitch's blog
John Thompson: The Gates Foundation’s Losing War for Value-Added Assessment | Diane Ravitch's blog: John Thompson: The Gates Foundation’s Losing War for Value-Added AssessmentJohn Thompson, historian and teacher, says that the Gates Foundation is fighting a losing battle to justify value-added assessment. At its root, he says, is an assault on public education, facilitated by a worship of data and
Standardized Testing is not Teaching
Standardized Testing is not TeachingThe Assessment Landscape - Chris Tienken
Two nearby NYC schools have glaring disparities - Melissa Harris-Perry on MSNBC
Melissa Harris-Perry on MSNBC: Two nearby NYC schools have glaring disparitiesMELISSA HARRIS-PERRY 11/28/15Two nearby NYC schools have glaring disparitiesTwo public schools in New York City, just nine blocks away from each other, are at the center of a debate on school zoning.Duration: 9:36
No Art Left Behind: Introducing a New Series - Living in Dialogue
No Art Left Behind: Introducing a New Series - Living in Dialogue: No Art Left Behind: Introducing a New SeriesBy Susan Dufresne and Anthony Cody.In the past 13 years of No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top test-driven education policies, art has been pushed to the margins in our schools. Students have lost countless hours for creating art, music and dance that expresses themselves. But artist
How I Studied the Teaching of History Then and Now | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
How I Studied the Teaching of History Then and Now | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: How I Studied the Teaching of History Then and NowFrom time to time, a few readers ask me how I, as a historian of education, go about collecting and analyzing data about teachers at work in classrooms especially those who have taught many decades ago and those who teach now. In my next book,
Why does this Answer Sheet post make me want to stab my eyes out? @ THE CHALKFACE
@ THE CHALKFACE: Why does this Answer Sheet post make me want to stab my eyes out?BY SPJ ON NOVEMBER 28, 2015I’ve never really enjoyed the excessively sweet, sugary portrayals of teaching. I remember watching a Harry Wong video during my Masters program and there was some final scene with lighting a candle or something, like lighting the candle of imagination in a child. Stuff like that drives me
#StopESEA Live Hashtag Rally
#StopESEA Live Hashtag Rally: Live #StopESEA Hashtag Rally Fri Nov 27th 9pm ET Sun Nov 29th 9pm ET Mon Nov 30th 7pm ET Enter HereYou can help right now at the ACTION PAGE (Updated Saturday Nov 28, 2015 10:53 #StopESEAto#StopCommonCoreJoin Like-Minded Twitter Users in Live Chat50 hard hitting #StopESEA Featured Tweet buttonsInformative & Entertaining YouTube VideosTeam Tweeting - your twee
More on FairTest and Why You Should Call Your Legislators TODAY | Save Maine Schools
More on FairTest and Why You Should Call Your Legislators TODAY | Save Maine Schools: More on FairTest and Why You Should Call Your Legislators TODAYo days ago, I wrote a blog post warning that FairTest was giving bad advice regarding the ESEA rewrite.Admittedly, I wrote the post in a bit of haste. I had a baby tugging at my leg, family members begging me to get off the computer, a fiery incredul
The Nazi Metaphor Question | Diane Ravitch's blog
The Nazi Metaphor Question | Diane Ravitch's blog: The Nazi Metaphor QuestionFrom time to time, a blogger or a commenter compares something to Nazism or to Hitler. As sure as night follows day, there will be outraged comments saying that any invocation of Nazis and Hitler is strictly forbidden, intolerable, unacceptable, verboten.I disagree. I wrote a book in 2003 called The Language Police: How P
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Claypool on SpEd cuts: The 'formula' done it.
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Claypool on SpEd cuts: The 'formula' done it.: Claypool on SpEd cuts: The 'formula' done it.The great thing about Rahm's hand-picked chosen few who run the school system is, they can do no wrong -- unless they are caught, that is. Accountability is a one-way street, a word reserved for CPS' beleaguered teachers.Case in point: In the face of mounting parent protest an
Guest Op-Ed: Teachers deserve thanks, not blame | Seattle Education
Guest Op-Ed: Teachers deserve thanks, not blame | Seattle Education: Guest Op-Ed: Teachers deserve thanks, not blameTEACHERS DESERVE THANKS, NOT BLAMEby Dr. Tom StaszewskiIt’s time to stop blaming and criticizing teachers and start thanking and acknowledging them.Our schools reflect society, and society has undergone a dramatic shift from previous generations. A typical classroom today consists of
Is Bigger Always Better? The Case For Starting Small With New Learning Ideas : NPR Ed : NPR
Is Bigger Always Better? The Case For Starting Small With New Learning Ideas : NPR Ed : NPR: Is Bigger Always Better? The Case For Starting Small With New Learning IdeasOur Ideas series is exploring how innovation happens in education.Anytime there's an innovation in education, often the first question anyone asks is, "Will it scale?"Sure, you've managed to improve learning outcomes for
Effects of Indiana's school reform to be topic for Dec. 9 panel discussion - Terre Haute Tribune Star: Local News
Effects of Indiana's school reform to be topic for Dec. 9 panel discussion - Terre Haute Tribune Star: Local News: Effects of Indiana's school reform to be topic for Dec. 9 panel discussionHoosier School Heist TV is Doug Martin's channel featuring videos of his book tour across Indiana speaking on the corporate takeover of public education. Order Hoosier School Heist at http://hoosierschoolheist.c
Massachusetts’s Common Core Path - The New York Times
Massachusetts’s Common Core Path - The New York Times: Massachusetts’s Common Core PathTo the Editor:“Rejecting Test, Massachusetts Shifts Its Model” (front page, Nov. 22) describes the challenge of comparing children’s progress, state to state, and state and country to country, as “one of the most stubborn problems in education.”I am the proud parent of a child in a Massachusetts public school, a
Alabama Teacher of the Year Resigns– The Backstory, Part II | deutsch29
Alabama Teacher of the Year Resigns– The Backstory, Part II | deutsch29: Alabama Teacher of the Year Resigns– The Backstory, Part II Ann Marie CorgillOn November 23, 2015, I began a series of posts about Ann Marie Corgill, the 2014-15 Alabama Teacher of the Year who resigned from Birmingham City Public Schools effective October 30, 2015. Corgill’s resignation was prompted by notification from the
Text - S.1177 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Every Child Achieves Act of 2015 | Congress.gov | Library of Congress
Text - S.1177 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Every Child Achieves Act of 2015 | Congress.gov | Library of Congress: S.1177 - Every Child Achieves Act of 2015114th Congress (2015-2016) | Get alertsBILLHide Overview icon-hideSponsor:Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] (Introduced 04/30/2015)Committees:Senate - Health, Education, Labor, and PensionsLatest Action:11/19/2015 Conferees agreed to file conference
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 11/27/15
CORPORATE ED REFORMMike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Black Friday Protest: '16 Shots. Stop the cover-up!'Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Black Friday Protest: '16 Shots. Stop the cover-up!': Black Friday Protest: '16 Shots. Stop the cover-up!'When Black Friday comesI'll stand down by the doorAnd catch the grey men when theyDive from the fourteenth floor -Steely DanThe first recorded use of the term “B