Sam Mazza Garden NEWS!
George Washington Carver School of Arts and Science
Produce for Sale
Greetings! The Produce Market was a huge success last Friday! Thank you for your patronage: we hope you enjoyed the vegetables. We will sell individual bunches of vegetables this week for your Thanksgiving dinner! Read more about this weeks veggie sale and a review from one of our visitors last week.
It was a great pleasure meeting you and getting to observe your terrific staff and students in action. I deeply appreciate the timeyou took from your busy schedule to discuss both the joys andchallenges of leading a dynamic institution, such as George Washington Carver. I was struck by the kindness exhibited between students, and the caring and supportive interactions between teachers and students.
This alone says a lot about your school!
It's deeply inspiring the efforts you are making to introduce Waldorf methods to your staff and students.
This is such important work! Indeed, if young people are going to be prepared to participate in an increasingly complex world, they will need to be open and responsive and demonstrate originality and inventiveness. As you said, these skills are not acquired through textbooks or standardized tests, but through hands-on inquiry and experimentation. The ability to document the effectiveness of Waldorf methods (in both lower and upper grade levels) would be invaluable to school reform efforts everywhere, I imagine.
Thank you for the delicious vegetables. The bok choy was heavenly!
Friday's Produce Sale
Friday's Produce Sale
On Friday, November 20 from 3- 4 pm we will be selling produce. This week we will sell individual bunches for $1.00 per bunch. Bring your basket or bag to fill up for Thanksgiving dinner.
For Sale on 11/20:
bok choy lettuce spinach radishes cilantro red Asian greens
Music and merry-making will be on display as well!
We look forward to seeing you at our second produce market:
We look forward to seeing you at our second produce market:
Friday, November 20 from 3-4 pm in the front court yard. You will be glad you came!
Allegra Alessandri
George Washington Carver School of Arts and Science