Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, #wiunion
Big Education Ape: Ed News Now
#wiunion - DUBUQUE – Unions have already lost much of their power in Wisconsin and now Iowa lawmakers are debating collective bargaining rights here. Fifty to sixty pro-union members gathered in Dubuque Sunda...

coopmike48 | - Wisconsin: crucible for a new American left | John Nichols | Comment is free | crucible for a new American leftThough socialism has been written out of US history, this new...  coopmike48 | - Brigit Martinez is correct that private sector workers are at least as hard-up as those in the public sector (“Join the Club,” Forum, March 15). In fact, despite comparatively low wages, state work... - Monday, 21 March 2011, 11:33 amColumn: Walter BraschPresident Obama: MIA in Labor's Struggleby Walter BraschAs expected, Michael Moore, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, and AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka ... - March 19, 2011 4:34 p.m. | Those who follow or practice politics sometimes get presented with a choice: Be for "good government" or for a desired or desirable outcome. But it's often a false choice... - What Happened To The Good Ol’ American Pie (Chart)? | MoveOn.OrgWhat Happened To The Good Ol' American Pie (Chart)?Posted on March 18, 2011 by AliciaRemember when everyone was served an equal porti... - Supreme Court tensions boil over - JSOnlineSupreme Court tensions boil overProsser says he was goaded into insulting chief justiceMadison - As the deeply divided state Supreme Court wrestled over w... - “It is not right to use racist, bumper-sticker hate to inflict human misery for political gain.”-Angel Buechner, Welfare Rights Committee If you look at a dollar bill, you’ll see the words “legal f... - We Are One April 4On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, where he had gone to stand with sanitation workers demanding their dream: The right to bargain collective... - I don’t know if the study below takes into consideration the EXTRA spending we’ll have to do to cover the gaps created by Walker’s budget cuts, but either way, there may be trouble ahead.WSJ: Gov. ... - Defending Wisconsin | Recall Scott WalkerHOME | STAY INFORMED | VOLUNTEER | FORUM | MAILING LIST | PETITION | DONATION | VIDEO | CONTACT the citizens of Wisc... - Last November, the Ohio Democratic Party was left flat on its back, knocked out cold by an electorate that had just turned everything - from the governor's office to the legislature to the state co... - Dear Editor: Wisconsin voters bought a pig in a poke last fall. No matter how many protesters come to Madison, Wisconsin’s vainglorious governor continues preening for the cameras as he plays to a ... - DC fundraiser for Wisconsin GOP was roadbuilder-sponsored payoff | Uppity WisconsinDC fundraiser for Wisconsin GOP was roadbuilder-sponsored payoffby xoffThis was lost in the shuffle last week, as ... - Last Week's Best Posts on Big Education Ape » PostRankHide9.8Defending Wisconsin | Recall Scott Walker #p2 #WIUNION #WEAREWI2011-Mar-19Defending Wisconsin | Recall Scott WalkerHOME | STAY INFORMED ... - The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel is reporting today that, during an "abusive temper tantrum" witnessed by several people, Supreme Court Justice David Prossser called Cheif Justice Shirley Abrahamson ... - GUEST COMMENTARY: We walked out to block radical GOP agendaGUEST COMMENTARY: We walked out to block radical GOP agendaStoryDiscussionBy Linda Lawson | Posted: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 12:00 am | (45... - Gov. Scott Walker’s plans to balance the state budget by cutting spending and public workers’ take-home pay will slow the state’s economic recovery, according to projections by a UW-Madison economi...
