Confessions of a Whistleblower: LAUSD Whistle Blower Protection is a Fallacy by Cheryl Dorsey

This is the story of what happens when someone reports wrong doing by an employer. This story probably plays out daily in an office near you. This is why most go along to get along; but I'm not built that way. The Office of the Inspector General within the Los Angeles Unified School District is an independent investigatory body responsible for investigating fraud, waste and abuse. So, what would you say if the very entity responsible for those investigations was itself engaged in behavior that appeared fraudulent, wasteful and abusive? And what would you say if an employee of the Office of the Inspector General reported what appeared to be abuse only to become the subject of bullying and retaliation? You'd say "that's wrong". Then- what would you say if those in a position of authority tasked with preventing retaliation failed to act? You'd say, "That's outrageous". Welcome to my world.
The Los Angeles Unified School District's Whistleblower Policy reads in part, "If the report alleges that the OIG or the General Superintendent interfered or took the retaliatory action, the OIG shall not investigate the report. The file shall be directly provided to the President of the Board who shall investigate the matter or designate someone to investigate the retaliation."
I guess the Los Angeles Unified School District administrators are (above the law) not required to follow or enforce whistle blower complaints with mandated investigations.
The Los Angeles Unified School District is the second largest school district in the nation; an untouchable super power, seemingly. Right now, the highest authority figures on the Los Angeles Unified School District are burying their heads to allegations of possible criminal activity and actively circling the wagons around an out of control Office of the Inspector General.
I have for the better part of a year, been publicly silent and fighting this battle alone.
In March 2015, I reported what I believed to be potentially criminal behavior and acts of Confessions of a Whistleblower: LAUSD Whistle Blower Protection is a Fallacy by Cheryl Dorsey -