NPE Endorsement: Liz Hallmark for Rochester City School Board

Liz earned her Doctorate in Education at the University of Rochester, her Masters at Antioch New England, and her Bachelors at Mount Holyoke College. She has worked as a teaching artist at schools throughout the Rochester City School District and she has guided professional development for teachers through the Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) and local cultural organizations. Currently, Dr. Hallmark is an Adjunct Professor and researcher who teaches Masters-level teaching candidates at Nazareth College and the Warner Graduate School of Education.
As an experienced educator and parent of two children who graduated from city schools, she is concerned that there are no current educators on the Rochester City School Board. Hallmark plans to bring her years of teaching experience and educational research expertise to the board so that it may more clearly connect educational policy with sound instructional practice in the schools. She feels it is irrational to have a professional board without professionals from the very field it is mandated to oversee.
The Democratic Primary is September 10, 2013. Please spread the word about Liz Hallmark.
To read more about Liz Hallmark, please visit her website at