James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

What Would Campbell, Mona, and Sam Have to Say? southbronxschool
http://www.southbronxschool.com: What Would Campbell, Mona, and Sam Have to Say?Some interesting news came across the SBSB news desk today.A teacher, let's call him, Rudy Baylor, was teaching a class one day and reached from behind to hand a 7th grade female student a piece of paper. The student was sitting with several of her female friends. It seemed all pretty routine, huh?The next thing Rudy k
Another Cami disaster–chaos at Barringer | Bob Braun's Ledger
Another Cami disaster–chaos at Barringer | Bob Braun's Ledger: Another Cami disaster–chaos at BarringerChaos hitHespe laughs as Newark kids go without food, teachers, and the courses they needBarringer High School in Newark was in chaos today after scores of students and parents marched out of the North Ward school–the oldest high school in Newark–to protest teacherless classrooms, foodless lunch
empathyeducates – When All the Angels Are White
empathyeducates – When All the Angels Are White: When All the Angels Are WhiteIllustration by Tara JacobyBy David J. Leonard | Originally Published at Gawker. September 13, 2014I am an angel in this nation.And I suspect the New York Times or Fox News would remember me as an angel if I am murdered in the middle of the road by a police officer in California, Florida, Missouri or Washington. Of cours
Teacher Refuses, Florida DOE Responds. FAIR testing suspended statewide #Florida | Continuing Change
Teacher Refuses, Florida DOE Responds. FAIR testing suspended statewide #Florida | Continuing Change: Teacher Refuses, Florida DOE Responds. FAIR testing suspended statewide #FloridaSeptember 15, 2014Education Rate ThisIf you think that you can’t make a difference, think again.One teacher refuses and within a week, the Florida DOE responds.K-2 Fair testing is suspended, statewide.Nice. Thank
9-15-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): Stephen King: On TeachingMy life as a reader and film goer overlapped significantly with Stephen King’s rise to fame as a horror writer, and then while I was teaching in the summer institute for a regional National Writing Project (Spartanburg Writing Project), we assign
Seattle PreSchool Initiative 1B: Acelero, The fox watching the hen house | Seattle Education
Seattle PreSchool Initiative 1B: Acelero, The fox watching the hen house | Seattle Education: Seattle PreSchool Initiative 1B: Acelero, The fox watching the hen houseIt seems in the world of education these days that whenever someone has an idea, there are efforts in play to try to co-opt the idea and make money off of it.Here’s an example in our own backyard and is happening before our very eyes.
Join us for Public Education Nation Event in NYC on October 11, 2014 | Cloaking Inequity
Join us for Public Education Nation Event in NYC on October 11, 2014 | Cloaking Inequity: Join us for Public Education Nation Event in NYC on October 11, 2014The Network for Public Education will hold a historic event in one month’s time. You may choose to attend in person at the Brooklyn New School in New York or view it via Livestreaming. A live-stream of the event will be available on Saturday,
9-15-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: To Chris Barbic: There Will Be No Civility for Child Abusers and Corporate Profiteers2 by Jim Horn / 8min 9-14-14 Schools MatterSchools Matter: Indy's John Harris Loflin and José Evans' Big Gig at International ED ConferenceBy Doug MartinBelow is, first, a press release from public school activist John Harris Loflin, director of education and youth issues at the Black and Latin@ Po
Raw Story » Bible-pushing Christians open the door for Satanic activity books in Florida schools
Raw Story » Bible-pushing Christians open the door for Satanic activity books in Florida schools: Bible-pushing Christians open the door for Satanic activity books in Florida schoolsThe Satanic Temple has responded to an Orange County, Florida decision to disseminate religious materials in public school by creating complementary materials that espouse the philosophy and practice of Satanism.Last m
9-15-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): ‘Email delete’ policy is misunderstood according to LAUSD‘Email delete’ policy is misunderstood according to LAUSD A policy intended to delete unnecessary emails on LA Unified district computers has caused a media storm and much confusion, but ultimately is misunderstood, according to officials who spoke
Cali Education Headlines 9-15-14 Fiscal Crisis & Management Team
Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team | CSIS – California School Information Services: Education HeadlinesSanta Ana Unified aims to close the AP achievement gapIn Santa Ana Unified — where the percentage of low-income students is 91 percent — about 40 percent of juniors and seniors take an AP exam. And among those who take the tests, 37 percent get a passing score. Santa Ana Unified Schoo
Fact or Fiction?: Video Games Are the Future of Education - Scientific American
Fact or Fiction?: Video Games Are the Future of Education - Scientific American: Fact or Fiction?: Video Games Are the Future of EducationSome educators swear by them as valuable high-tech teaching tools but little is known about their impact on learningSep 12, 2014 |By Elena MalykhinaA student plays MinecraftEdu.Courtesy of TeacherGaming LLCAs kids all across the U.S. head back to school, they’re
What Was I Doing in New Jersey? - Lily's Blackboard
What Was I Doing in New Jersey? - Lily's Blackboard: What Was I Doing in New Jersey?September 15, 2014 by Lily's BlackboardCategories: Education, Events, TestingTags: back to school, New Jersey, storify, TestingNEA’s Back to School Tour continues in New Jersey. Lily met with educators, community leaders and the students they love.[View the story "NEA Back to School 2014: New Jersey" on S
Six Things The Us Dept Of Education Did To Deprive Your Child Of Privacy | Common Core
SIX THINGS THE US DEPT OF EDUCATION DID TO DEPRIVE YOUR CHILD OF PRIVACY | COMMON CORE: SIX THINGS THE US DEPT OF EDUCATION DID TO DEPRIVE YOUR CHILD OF PRIVACY 46 commentsThe story of Common Core and data mining begins as most stories do, with a huge, unmet need.Self-appointed “stakeholder” know-it-alls at the federal level (also at state, corporate, and even university levels) determined that
Morning Wink 9-15-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-15-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Amy Frogge: A Novel Idea for Real Education Reform!Everyone wants to reform education. Everyone went to school, so everyone has ideas. But Amy Frogge, a member of the Metro Nashville School Boar
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-15-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Amy Frogge: A Novel Idea for Real Education Reform!Everyone wants to reform education. Everyone went to school, so everyone has ideas. But Amy Frogge, a member of the Metro Nashville School Board, has a truly novel idea: Let experienced educators lead the way. Think of it. Who knows best what children need? Experienced teachers. Wh
9-15-14 Wait What? - Three cheers for campaign finance corruption in Connecticut!
Wait What?: Three cheers for campaign finance corruption in Connecticut!Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy has deposited his check for $6.2 million from the State’s Public Finance System. As a result of Connecticut’s landmark 2005 campaign finance reform bill, in return for raising $250,000 in contributions of under $100, Malloy (and the Republican nominee for governor) have each received $6.2 million i
9-15-14 Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement"
Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement": “Home Visits: Reaching Beyond the Classroom”Home Visits: Reaching Beyond the Classroom is a new nice post over at Edutopia. You might also be interested in The Best Resources For Learning About Teacher Home Visits.2 by Larry Ferlazzo / 4h 9-14-14 Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement"Engag
9-15-14 Ed Notes Online Week
Ed Notes Online: Another March and Why I Ain't Marchin' Anymore - Unless People are going to a bar afterwardsSo after sitting through a meeting on Saturday where the Staten Island march for Eric Garner was raised to the level of the most important civil rights issue of our time - and you were basically supporting racism if you were not there - as about 7 million people weren't - including a few mi
9-15-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Neil Steinberg compares opposition to Israeli policies and campus rape.“Jeez. Condemning Israel is a classic American college phenomenon, like binge drinking and date rape,” writes the Sun-Times Neil Steinberg. This is so wrong on so many levels. But so typical of what passes for Chicago’s current mai
9-15-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Research Studies Of The WeekI often write about research studies from various fields and how they can be applied to the classroom. I write individual posts about ones that I think are especially significant, and will continue to do so. However, so many studies are published that it’s hard to keep up. So I’ve started writing
The Answer Sheet 9-15-14
Answer Sheet: How to get girls more interested in STEM subjectsWhy are girls underrepresented in STEM classes and careers? What can be done about it? Author Annie Murphy Paul discusses that in this post. She is a contributing writer for Time magazine, writes a weekly column about learning for Time.com, blogs about learning for a number of websites and contributes to various publications. She i
9-15-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Monday! Let Senator Murray know you value Student Data PrivacyThe Senate HELP (Health Education Labor and Pensions committee) is negotiating over the re-authorization of the Education Sciences Reform Act. We were told that there are Democrats on the committee who are pushing for relaxing limits on access to personal student data, and are saying that researchers sh
US Senate Looking To Open Access to Student Data – Call To Action | Missouri Education Watchdog
US Senate Looking To Open Access to Student Data – Call To Action | Missouri Education Watchdog: US Senate Looking To Open Access to Student Data – Call To ActioninShareImportant News In From the Parent Coalition for Student PrivacyRIGHT NOW, the Senate HELP (Health Education Labor and Pensions committee) is negotiating the re-authorization of the Education Sciences Reform Act. Some members of t
9-16-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: Common Core: It Seemed Like a Good Idea Until It Existeddeutsch29 posted: "In 2008, Education Next asked 3,200 respondents (700 of whom were public school teachers) about their thoughts on having "the same set of educational standards" in order to "hold schools accountable." Respondents were divided into sub-samples and asked on" Respond to this
9-15-14 Curmudgucation - Granddad Learns About The Common Core
CURMUDGUCATION: Granddad Learns About The Common CoreAs your grandad would not say, "OMG!"The media group 617 has produced a video in support of the Core that is apparently intended to embarrass its opponents into silence. It has decidedly not worked out that way-- you will have a hard time finding the video, which seems to have suffered its own attack of embarrassment, but you can read
9-15-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Cuomo Had Black, Hispanic Troopers Removed From His Security ContingentAnother week, another Cuomo scandal:A month before Andrew Cuomo was elected governor in 2010, his top aides met privately with two State Police officials and proposed systematically replacing members of the governor's protective unit, including more than a dozen black troopers who suspected they were remo
Common Core Validation Committee Non-Signer Dylan Wiliam Shares a Couple Thoughts :: Frederick M. Hess
Common Core Validation Committee Non-Signer Dylan Wiliam Shares a Couple Thoughts :: Frederick M. Hess: Common Core Validation Committee Non-Signer Dylan Wiliam Shares a Couple Thoughtsby Frederick M. Hess • Sep 15, 2014 at 8:38 amCross-posted from Education Week Print Send RSS ShareThe other week, I wrote a column flagging what I deemed to be five "half-truths" that have been repeated
"The Teacher Wars" Hits the Bestseller List, Plus More
"The Teacher Wars" Hits the Bestseller List, Plus More: “The Teacher Wars” Hits the Bestseller List, Plus MoreI am astounded and thrilled to report that The Teacher Wars has debuted at #8 on the New York Times bestseller list for nonfiction. Here are some new ways to learn about the book:A lovely and perceptive short review from The New Yorker, calling the book “engaging…thorough and fai
Russ on Reading: The False Promise of School Choice
Russ on Reading: The False Promise of School Choice: The False Promise of School ChoiceGovernor Chris Christie was in Camden, New Jersey this week to praise the opening of some new charter schools that he is championing. A great believer in school choice, Christie said that parents should have “more choice, not less.”I would like to take the Governor at his word on this. If I were a Camden parent
There’s Something Happening Here | janresseger
There’s Something Happening Here | janresseger: There’s Something Happening HerePosted on September 15, 2014 by janressegerLast spring in a profound commentary the editors of Rethinking Schools magazine argued that school accountability based on high-stakes standardized tests merely disguises class and race privilege as merit. While individual children of all economic and racial groups are likely
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES: WEEKEND QUOTABLESBethlehem, Pa. NAACP President Esther Lee "We could end up with segregation in another form," [Esther Lee] said of charter schools. "It's not 1909, but it's close." -- Express TimesChicago principal, Troy LaRaviereThe [custodial] cuts mean “residents of Chicago lose out, and the corporations profit from our loss
Common Core math standards add up to a big money for education companies | The Hechinger Report
Common Core math standards add up to a big money for education companies | The Hechinger Report: Common Core math standards add up to a big money for education companiesTeachers have to be savvy shoppers as glut of new products enters the marketplaceBy Sarah CarrThis story also appeared at:The politically controversial standards curriculum standards known as the Common Core have been in the headli
Colorado: Innovation Schools Do Not Mean Less Testing - UNITED OPT OUT: The Movement to End Corporate Education Reform
Colorado: Innovation Schools Do Not Mean Less Testing - UNITED OPT OUT: The Movement to End Corporate Education Reform: Colorado: Innovation Schools Do Not Mean Less TestingBY PEGWITHPEN · SEPTEMBER 15, 2014Voices for Public Education Press Release
Truancy 2014 - Executive Summary | State of California - Department of Justice - Kamala D. Harris Attorney General
Truancy 2014 - Executive Summary | State of California - Department of Justice - Kamala D. Harris Attorney General: Executive Summary: Every Kid CountsCalifornia’s elementary school truancy crisis is a persistent problem that limits the potential of California’s children and costs school districts and the state billions of dollars each year. High rates of absenteeism interfere with students’ right
Map and Charts: Career Academies in California | EdSource
Map and Charts: Career Academies in California | EdSource: Map and Charts: Career Academies in CaliforniaSeptember 14, 2014 | By John C. Osborn and Michelle Maitre | No Comments SHARE THIS ARTICLECheck out our new interactive map on career academies in California high schools for 2013-2014.The programs typically combine college-preparatory academics aligned to a specific career field – health car
Relying on Half-Truths in Vergara P.R. Push | InterACT
Relying on Half-Truths in Vergara P.R. Push | InterACT: Relying on Half-Truths in Vergara P.R. PushSEPTEMBER 15, 2014tags: vergara, Wardby David B. CohenWriting in The San Diego Union-Tribune this weekend, San Diego County Superintendent Randy Ward offered lots of rhetoric and insufficient evidence to explain the educational benefits leading to hissupport for the Vergara ruling. At various times o
With Tech Taking Over in Schools, Worries Rise - NYTimes.com
With Tech Taking Over in Schools, Worries Rise - NYTimes.com: With Tech Taking Over in Schools, Worries RiseStudents in Oklahoma City. A patchwork of state laws is taking on concerns over third-party collection and use of student data. CreditSue Ogrocki/Associated Press At a New York state elementary school, teachers can use a behavior-monitoring app to compile information on which children have p
NYC Educator: On Astorino--Seeing the Forest for the Trees
NYC Educator: On Astorino--Seeing the Forest for the Trees: On Astorino--Seeing the Forest for the TreesThere's not a whole lot of controversy over the fact that our esteemed Governor, Andrew Cuomo, is pretty much a loathsome reptile. After all, he's maintained a Gap Elimination Adjustment over public schools while concurrently imposing a tax cap that's made it almost impossible to compensate for
Teachers Union Heads Get First-Hand Look at NJ School-Reform Hot Spots - NJ Spotlight
Teachers Union Heads Get First-Hand Look at NJ School-Reform Hot Spots - NJ Spotlight: TEACHERS UNION HEADS GET FIRST-HAND LOOK AT NJ SCHOOL-REFORM HOT SPOTSJOHN MOONEY | SEPTEMBER 15, 2014Two national leaders visits Camden and Newark districts, tout organized labor’s relevance in local debates over state initiativesLily Eskelsen Garcia, president of the National Education Association, visiting Py
Armed Teachers Are Not the Answer | Life at the Intersections
Armed Teachers Are Not the Answer | Life at the Intersections: ARMED TEACHERS ARE NOT THE ANSWER This is America. We want to believe that if there is a problem anywhere that involves violence, then we should be able to overcome it with even more violence. But, sometimes that just won’t work.Following the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, the media breathlessly waite
Geaux Teacher!: Louisiana BESE Member Indicted
Geaux Teacher!: Louisiana BESE Member Indicted: Louisiana BESE Member IndictedBESE must remove Walter Lee from the Board of education now that he has been indicted. It is well overdue.Grand jury indicts Walter Lee againLEE HAS YET TO GO TO TRIAL ON FOUR MORE SERIOUS CHARGES HANDED UP IN JANUARY BY ANOTHER GRAND JURY.(Photo: The Times/file 6MANSFIELD – A DeSoto Parish grand jury has indicted state
Week 1: I Belong Here (On Starting Exponents) | The Jose Vilson
Week 1: I Belong Here (On Starting Exponents) | The Jose Vilson: Week 1: I Belong Here (On Starting Exponents) I’ve started my unit on exponents the same exact way for the last five years. I’d give my students the definition of exponent and base, and give them examples of how each of them work. From there, we’d see what happens as I made tables to show growth patterns. What happens as the exponent
NYC Public School Parents: Commissioner King and NYSED have failed to implement the new state law on student privacy
NYC Public School Parents: Commissioner King and NYSED have failed to implement the new state law on student privacy: Commissioner King and NYSED have failed to implement the new state law on student privacySee below letter NYSAPE and CSM wrote to Commissioner King and the Regents about King's failure to implement the new privacy law, passed March 31 as part of the budget. Not only has he missed
Nite Cap 9-14-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAP9-14-14 Curmudgucation - The Antidote to MoneyCURMUDGUCATION: The Antidote to MoneyMoney has poisoned many of the conversations in this country, shaping the debates about everything from wars in foreign lands to the future of American public educ