A Big Education Ape Nite Cap

School Tech Connect: Social Media Brain Rot: Social Media Brain Rot by noreply@blogger.com (Tim Furman) Spent the day with a book. Let me just say this one little thing sorta kinda related to ed technology. My nose I'm a person who reads a lot of books. If you can't find my nose, it's because it's in a book somewhere. But I'm also a social media person. I blog, I check my Twitter feed every 32 seconds. I learn about the world outside of Rogers Park from social media. What I find is that it's much easier for me to start a new book if I've been reading books immediately prior. If I... more »
A Parent Guide to the Broad Foundation’s training programs and education policies | Seattle Education: A Parent Guide to the Broad Foundation’s training programs and education policies by seattleducation2011 This was originally posted on the Parents Across America website by Leonie Haimson. It’s an excellent overview of the influence of Eli Broad on our educational system. I added the photo’s. Dora *The question I ask is why should Eli Broad and Bill Gates have more of a say as to what goes on in my child’s classroom than I do? * Sue Peters, co-editor Seattle Education and founding... more »
Michelle Rhee’s Laughable Attempt to Insert Herself Into Florida High-Stakes Test Fight | Scathing Purple Musings: Michelle Rhee’s Laughable Attempt to Insert Herself Into Florida High-Stakes Test Fight by Bob Sikes From Rhee’s controversial *StudentsFirst *web site: (For background information, please read this recent Tampa Bay Times opinion editorial by speaker-designate Will Weatherford of the Florida House of Representatives where he discusses the importance of accountability and testing.) Florida has led the nation in its efforts to establish strong systems of accountabilit... more »
Bullying of teachers more damaging in online era - San Jose Mercury News: Bullying of teachers more damaging in online era By CHRISTINE ARMARIO Associated Press Posted: 06/23/2012 06:37:31 AM PDT Updated: 06/23/2012 09:23:42 AM PDT Related Stories - Jun 22: - Bus monitor's pain seen by millions on YouTube, whopping donation total provides happy ending - Boys get death threats over their bullying of bus monitor Karen Klein - Jun 21: - Video of bullying brings outpouring of support for school bus monitor MIAMI -- The bullying that bus monitor Karen Klein endured on... more »
We're Not Your Model Minority: Asian American Education Groups Dispute Pew Report - Education - GOOD: We're Not Your Model Minority: Asian American Education Groups Dispute Pew Report by Liz Dwyer [image: asian.students] It should be common sense that Asian American and Pacific Islander students are not universally high achieving and on the college track. But, thanks to the "model minority" stereotype—the myth that all Asians are highly educated and financially successful—the academic challenges that AAPI students face are frequently ignored. AAPI students encounter teachers who b... more »
Princeton’s Commencement: how to really honor teachers « Parents Across America: Princeton’s Commencement: how to really honor teachers by leoniehaimson A few weeks ago, I attended my daughter’s graduation from Princeton University. I was impressed with several events that occurred during the festivities. First of all, at several of the ceremonies, parents were thanked by Princeton administrators, professors and the students themselves for supporting their efforts. At previous graduations, I had never noticed explicit thanks offered to parents before – and it was appreciated. M... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Decline to Sign at Target: Decline to Sign at Target by Melissa Westbrook That was an interesting exercise. I just spent two hours meeting people and handing out the flyer on Decline to Sign. There were two signature gatherers there (same two from the last time). They first tried to say I was with the teachers union and I told them - out of earshot of voters - to NOT say that. They stopped. I didn't hear a lot of what they were saying as it was outdoor and noisy. Did it help to be there? *Absolutely. * The majority of people just walk past th... more »
How One Charter School Audit Reveals the Fatal Flaws in Jeb Bush’s Education Prescription | Scathing Purple Musings: How One Charter School Audit Reveals the Fatal Flaws in Jeb Bush’s Education Prescription by Bob Sikes *Miami Herald *reporters Kathleen McGrory, Scott Hiassen and Shiaa Sen continue to reveal for Floridians that state charter schools are far from the institutions of virtue their advocates want them to believe. The audit by the Miami-Dade school district of one charter school will sound familiar to Florida’s charter school watchers: Auditors examining the cash-stra... more »
Teachers Are People Too: Some Musings on Education “Reform” and Gender: Teachers Are People Too: Some Musings on Education “Reform” and Gender by Source Vilification of teachers belies the hard work and preparation it takes to educate our children. *By Kelly Mayhew / Special to San Diego Free Press* A line of chatting parents greets the hurly burly crowd of small ruffians storming out of school at 3:40 on a Wednesday afternoon. I stand among these folks, basking in the sunshine and marveling at the mix of families and kids, waiting for my son Walt to make his way through the gate. M... more »
Denisha Jones: A Liberator | United Opt Out National: Denisha Jones: A Liberator by admin Today we welcome Denisha Jones. An educator, an activist, a writer and a Liberator in D.C. who is on call and available to help. Denisha has written about corporate education reform in emPower, here, here and here. She would be a great support to any parents or educators who are interested in hosting discussions to increase awareness of the harms of charter schools and high stakes testing. Check out her new FB page: If you aren’t completely outraged you haven’t been paying attention. In the... more »
Op-ed by President Obama: President Obama Reflects on the Impact of Title IX | The White House: Op-ed by President Obama: President Obama Reflects on the Impact of Title IX The full text of the op-ed by President Barack Obama is printed below. The piece was published today in*Newsweek.* *President Obama Reflects on the Impact of Title IX* *By President Obama* Coaching my daughter Sasha’s basketball team is one of those times when I just get to be “Dad.” I snag rebounds, run drills, and have a little fun. More importantly, I get to watch Sasha and her teammates improve together, sta... more »
NEA Today: Privatization Efforts Find New Target in School Secretaries and Teaching Aides June 22, 2012 by twalker Filed under Featured News, State News, Top Stories 1 Comment [image: Email][image: Share] *By Tim Walker and John Rosales* Across the country, many politicians at the state and local level have been making catastrophic decisions impacting schools – all under the guise of “budget cutting” and often without any consideration to the harm they are inflicting on the students and communities they are supposed to serve. Latest case in point – Englewood, New Jersey, where the... more »
Saturday coffee. « Fred Klonsky: Saturday coffee. by Fred Klonsky This retirement gig is working pretty well so far. Granted. It’s only been a couple of weeks. And I would have been on summer break anyway. I’m still working out the kinks. My daily walking regimen has been interrupted by a string of blistering hot days. But now that the weather has calmed down, I’m back at it. My plan to draw every day is on track. Yes, those cartoons that have been appearing on this blog are mine. Matthew says I should sign them. And I will. I am pretty sure that I am not going to get a permanent g... more »
Achievement Gap Persists For Low-Income Students While Competing Philosophies Vie For Influence: Achievement Gap Persists For Low-Income Students While Competing Philosophies Vie For Influence by Joy Resmovits NEW YORK -- Ana Enriquez, 17, did her homework in a rat-infested South Bronx apartment, where she shared a bed with her mother and lived with five other relatives. She once considered a career selling drugs. Now she studies how they affect the brain and dreams of winning a Nobel Prize. Janell, also 17, watched former classmates from her tough Washington Heights neighborhoo... more »
Ocala Star-Banner Rips Gerard Robinson in High-Stakes Testing Flap | Scathing Purple Musings: Ocala Star-Banner Rips Gerard Robinson in High-Stakes Testing Flap by Bob Sikes The editors of the *Star-Banner *have the plot down: ……..the Legislature and the DOE have generally taken a top-down, heavy-handed approach to student testing with little consideration of unfunded mandates and the ripple effects of a testing-dominant culture. Nor have they given any indication they’re the least bit interested in listening to the concerns of educators or school board members. This arrogance i... more »
Top Content this Week - The Educator's PLN: Top Content this Week Top Content Rank1[image: Toxic Grading Practices] Toxic Grading Practices Added by Thomas Whitby on June 15, 2012 2[image: Educators Need to Discuss and Learn…?] Educators Need to Discuss and Learn…? Added by Thomas Whitby on June 18, 2012 3[image: Are you attending ISTE12? Who else will be there?] Are you attending ISTE12? Who else will be there? Posted by Thomas Whitby on May 16, 2012 4[image: New Pedagogies For The Digital Age] New Pedagogies For The Digital Age Added by Thomas Whitby on June 4, 2012 5[image: TEDxCo... more »
Daily Kos: Bullying: Bullying by rss@dailykos.com (teacherken) Whether it is a Republican debate audience booing a gay soldier or Rush Limbaugh’s vicious attack on a female Georgetown law student or Newt Gingrich’s salvos at the poor, bullying has become boilerplate. Hiss and taunt. Tease and intimidate. Target your enemies and torture them mercilessly. Maintain primacy through predation. That paragraph is from a powerful *New York Times* column by Charles M. Blow, titled Bullies on the Bus, about the incident of the 68 year old bus monitor in upstate New York who was bullied by... more »
School Tech Connect: The Big Oversell: The Big Oversell by noreply@blogger.com (Tim Furman) All of these people making these bizarre claims about the CCS, and how they will "ensure" this and "allow" that---- these people are lying. They're overstating the case at the very minimum. Here's Brizard in reference to the CCS. Next semester, all principals must carry out Brizard's order to teach a nationally recognized "common core standards curriculum." "And what you'll see is a curriculum that's much more rich, that allows kids to think versus just prepare them for a test," said Bri... more »
Education Research Report: This Week's Education Research Report Confusion Can Be Beneficial For Learning Jonathan Kantrowitz at Education Research Report - 2 hours ago Most of us assume that confidence and certainty are preferred over uncertainty and bewilderment when it comes to learning complex information. But a new study led by Sidney D'Mello of the University of Notre Dame shows that confusion when learning can be beneficial if it is properly induced, effectively regulated, and ultimately resolved. The study will be published in a forthcoming issue of Learning and Instructi... more »
WEEKLY ADDRESS: Congress Must Act on Transportation Bill and Student Loans | The White House: WEEKLY ADDRESS: Congress Must Act on Transportation Bill and Student Loans by The White House WASHINGTON, DC— In this week’s address, President Obama spoke about the urgent need for Congress to act now on two common sense measures to help hardworking middle class families. Unless Congress takes action in the next week, thousands of workers will be sent home from their jobs and millions of students will see their interest rates double. At a time when hundreds of thousands of construction w... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: A Peek into the Real Intent of Common Core?: A Peek into the Real Intent of Common Core? by stlgretchen *….Hitherto the plans of the educationists have achieved very little of what they attempted and indeed, when we have read them …we may well thank the beneficent obstinacy of real mothers…But the man molders of the new age will be armed with the powers of the omnipotent state and an irresistible scientific technique: we shall get at last a race of conditioners who really can cut out all posterity in what shape they please…They know how to produce cons... more »
The in box. ReTired answers the question, “Where did all the teacher hatred come from?” « Fred Klonsky: The in box. ReTired answers the question, “Where did all the teacher hatred come from?” by Fred Klonsky *Where did “all the teacher hatred come from?” It’s a matter of $$$, pure & simple. I recently read somewhere that, after WWII, those who were invested in the military-industrial complex were left looking for another gold mine. They found it in agriculture & farms.* *Now, after the 2008 crash, those same people again went looking for another cash cow.* *Education! Ka-ching!* *... more »
Open Letter: Labor Leaders Support the Lakeview Sit-In and People’s School | Dailycensored.com: Open Letter: Labor Leaders Support the Lakeview Sit-In and People’s School by Danny Weil Dear Brothers and Sisters, We are writing to declare our support for the parents, teachers, and community member sit-in and People’s School for Public Education at Lakeview Elementary in Oakland, and to urge full labor support and outreach for this fight to keep all Oakland neighborhood schools open, public, and fully funded, and to oppose the anti-union policies of the Oakland school district admi... more »
Engaging Parents In School…: My Best Posts On Building Parent Engagement In Schools — 2012 (So Far) Larry Ferlazzo at Engaging Parents In School... - 12 hours ago I usually just do a year-end list on parent engagement posts and many other topics, but it gets a little crazy having to review all of my zillion posts at once. So, to make it easier for me — and perhaps, to make it a little more useful to readers — I’m going to start [...] “What is the most effective way for a school to communicate with parents about potentially sensitive topics?” Larry Ferlazzo at Engaging Parents In Schoo... more »
Teach For America | GiveWell: Teach For America Print Email Teach for America does not currently qualify for our highest ratings. *More information:* - What is our evaluation process? _____________________________ *Previous GiveWell reviews of TFA:* - July 2008 review Table of Contents - What do they do? - Does it work? - Evidence of impact - Ongoing monitoring - What do you get for your dollar? - Room for more funding - Sources What do they do? Teach For America (TFA) recruits recent college graduates,1 facilitates their training,2 and pl... more »