James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

The question is how do Mayor Johnson’s words measure up to his deeds, Sandronsky Cities of Opportunity
Sandronsky Cities of Opportunity: Cities of Opportunity?By SETH SANDRONSKYSacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, a second-term Democrat, kept the city’s NBA team, the Kings, from leaving town. Anaheim and Seattle beckoned this pro sports franchise, without success. A former NBA star player, he now helms the US Conference of Mayors. On June 22 at its yearly meeting, Johnson tapped New York City Mayor Bill
Teachers as Expert Trainers | Connected Principals
Teachers as Expert Trainers | Connected Principals: Teachers as Expert Trainersby Jonathan VanderEls • September 10, 2014 • 0 CommentsThis past August I had the opportunity to participate in an incredibly effective model of professional development hosted by our school district. It consisted of workshops and presentations from national, state, and local experts focused on various topics related to
Blue Jersey:: Newark Students Hold the Line Against Police Horse & Motorcycle
Blue Jersey:: Newark Students Hold the Line Against Police Horse & Motorcycle: Newark Students Hold the Line Against Police Horse & Motorcycleby: Rosi EfthimWed Sep 10, 2014 at 05:48:59 PM EDTArne Duncan, are you seeing this?Washington Post, are you watching? Time Magazine? CNN? CBS? This is happening now, outside the headquarters of Newark Public Schools where students have been waiting a
Stop. Listen. Little Voices are Calling to Us - Lily's Blackboard
Stop. Listen. Little Voices are Calling to Us - Lily's Blackboard: Stop. Listen. Little Voices are Calling to UsSeptember 10, 2014 by LilyCategories: Education, I just had to say this, PolicyTags: Central America, Immigration, refugees, unacompanied minorsIn the past few weeks, I’ve been mesmerized by the voices of young refugees from Central America, telling their stories. One little girl I read
Feds add parent engagement condition to new SIG money :: SI&A Cabinet
Feds add parent engagement condition to new SIG money :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet: SEPTEMBER 10, 2014Feds add parent engagement condition to new SIG moneyby Tom Chorneau(District of Columbia) Parent and family engagement requirements will become a central tenet of new rules governing the federal government’s largest program for turning a
Russ on Reading: Why Corporate Education Reform Will Fail (Eventually)
Russ on Reading: Why Corporate Education Reform Will Fail (Eventually): Why Corporate Education Reform Will Fail (Eventually)In my post on Monday I explored the work of historian and social theorist, Michael Katz, especially his 1968 book The Irony of Early Education Reform, which so uncannily presaged the current education reform movement. One line I read from Katz’s updated introduction to the 2
Choosing Democracy: U.S. Teachers Work Really Hard
Choosing Democracy: U.S. Teachers Work Really Hard: U.S. Teachers Work Really HardAmerican teachers work hard. Like, really hard.Rebecca KleinThis year's education report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development outlines the state of education in the world's most developed countries. It finds that American elementary school teachers spend more hours actually teaching student
My Contribution To #FergusonSyllabus [Edutopia] | The Jose Vilson
My Contribution To #FergusonSyllabus [Edutopia] | The Jose Vilson: My Contribution To #FergusonSyllabus [Edutopia] SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 MR. VILSON LEAVE A COMMENT 12 0 0 12 0Hey everyone,I wrote up a resource on how to teach about and beyond the events of Ferguson, and included examples of how some teachers are already doing it. Please read and let me know what you think.3. Bring it back to th
9-10-14 Philadelphia Public School Notebook
Philadelphia Public School Notebook: Former Bok principal surrenders credentials in cheating scandalSub Title: Melton is the seventh principal punished in cheating probe. Arthur "Larry" Melton, the retired principal of the now-defunct Bok Technical High School, has become the seventh Philadelphia principal to face official punishment as a result of a probe into widespread PSSA test chea
What every parent should know: Filing a complaint with the PA Dept. of Ed | Parents United for Public Education
What every parent should know: Filing a complaint with the PA Dept. of Ed | Parents United for Public Education:What every parent should know: Filing a complaint with the PA Dept. of EdPosted on September 10, 2014 by PARENTSUNITEDPHILALeave a commentParents United’s Robin Roberts speaks at a press conference with Sen. Vincent Hughes (far right) to announce the re-opening of http://www.myphillyscho
9-10-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): Reps for LAUSD, teachers union talk about computers, not salariesReps for LAUSD, teachers union talk about computers, not salaries Another bargaining session came and went today and still no contract agreement between LA Unified and the teachers union, UTLA. The district said in a press release, “union le
Teachers are quitting due to high stakes standardized testing and lack of voice in what they teach - Jonathan Kantrowitz
Teachers are quitting due to high stakes standardized testing and lack of voice in what they teach - Jonathan Kantrowitz: Teachers are quitting due to high stakes standardized testing and lack of voice in what they teachPosted on September 10, 2014 | By Jonathan KantrowitzPRINTSource: Michigan State UniversityContrary to popular opinion, unruly students are not driving out teachers in droves from
9-10-14 Education Research Report
Education Research Report: Intervention in 6-month-olds with autism eliminates symptoms, developmental delay'Infant Start' therapy removes disabling delay before most children are diagnosedTreatment at the earliest age when symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) appear – sometimes in infants as young as 6 months old – significantly reduces symptoms so that, by age 3, most who received the ther
Another American Hero | Live Long and Prosper
Another American Hero | Live Long and Prosper: Another American HeroIn 2008 I wrote about two teachers who jeopardized their jobs because they wouldn’t subject their students to high stakes tests.Doug Ward was a special education teacher in North Carolina and refused to administer the tests to his students with disabilities.Carl Chew, a 6th grade science teacher in Seattle refused to subject his s
for the love of learning: Too much time in school an economic waste
for the love of learning: Too much time in school an economic waste: Too much time in school an economic wasteThis was written by Zander Sherman who is the author of The Curiosity of School.by Zander ShermanLast week, as Alberta’s students headed back to school, some were probably wishing they’d had a longer summer holiday.Easily overshadowed by other issues, the question of our academic calendar
9-10-14 Curmudgucation - Common Core 2.0?
CURMUDGUCATION: Common Core 2.0?Over at the Washington Post. Lindsey Layton is reporting on a survey by the Education Commission of the States about the Common Core. The ECS bills itself as a non-partisan research group, headed by a different governor each year, with a history stretching back to mid-sixties. They've produced a handy list that shows all the cool new names states have come up with f
9-10-14 Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet: Long Island high school requires students to wear IDs, sign in and out of bathroomA Long Island high school is now requiring students to wear identification cards at all times while in school and to sign in and out of the bathroom every time they use the facilities. Irene McLaughlin, principal of Northport High School, wrote in a back-to-school letter sent to parents (see below) that
The High Cost of No Excuses | EduShyster
The High Cost of No Excuses | EduShyster: The High Cost of No Excuses Professor Joan Goodman, the director of the Teach for America program at the University of Pennsylvania, talks about the philosophy behind *no excuses* charter schools, and the price paid by students who attend them.EduShyster: You’re the author of an article called Charter Management Organizations and the Regulated Environment:
When Schools Can't Get Online - The Atlantic
When Schools Can't Get Online - The Atlantic: When Schools Can't Get OnlineAbout 70 percent of America's elementary schools still rely on slow Internet connections. But in rural areas, the challenges—and costs—make getting broadband particularly complicated.The laptop computer inside the Crellin Elementary School barn was built for outdoor use, but plastic wrap adds extra peace of mind in a distri
‘Relentless and Ruthless’: Filmmaker Robert Greenwald on the Koch Brothers | NEA Today
‘Relentless and Ruthless’: Filmmaker Robert Greenwald on the Koch Brothers | NEA Today: ‘Relentless and Ruthless’: Filmmaker Robert Greenwald on the Koch BrothersSeptember 10, 2014 by twalker Filed under Featured News, Top StoriesLeave a CommentBy Mary Ellen FlanneryRobert Greenwald is the director of the recently re-released documentary film, Koch Brothers Exposed; 2014 Edition, and the founder
Morning Wink 9-10-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-10-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Jersey Jazzman Corrects Pundit Jonathan AlterA few years ago, I “debated” Jonathan Alter on a Denver radio show but soon realized that I had entered a zone where facts were irrelevant because Al
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-10-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Jersey Jazzman Corrects Pundit Jonathan AlterA few years ago, I “debated” Jonathan Alter on a Denver radio show but soon realized that I had entered a zone where facts were irrelevant because Alter’s mind was made up. He loves charter schools. He thinks testing and accountability are the answer to the deep problems of education. He
9-10-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Norm Does Something Right in Hot YogaAfter 15 years I did something well enough, Anita Ruderman took my photo doing Camel. Actually, now that I look it is not really right, but I'll take it.By this time I've already lost about 5 pounds. Don't worry, they were back a few hours later.1 by ed notes online / 43min hide // saveGodspell Opens This Friday in RockawayWith a great cast,
9-10-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: When Teachers Marry Police Officers- Reflections on Race and Neighborhood Culture
With A Brooklyn Accent: When Teachers Marry Police Officers- Reflections on Race and Neighborhood CultureDuring the controversy over the teachers who wore NYPD shirts to work in protest against their unions participation in the Staten Island March mourning the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, numerous commentators noted, correctly, that it is quite common in New York City for teachers to m
Schooling in the Ownership Society: Chicago principals: If you want poor performing, filthy schools, privatize
Schooling in the Ownership Society: Chicago principals: If you want poor performing, filthy schools, privatize: Chicago principals: If you want poor performing, filthy schools, privatizeChicago principals don't think so.If you want schools that dominate the bottom quartile, privatize their management. And if you want dirty, filthy schools, privatize their custodial services. That seems to be what
9-10-14 Jersey Jazzman - @BobBraunsLedger is Right About the Newark Teachers Union & One Newark
Jersey Jazzman: @BobBraunsLedger is Right About the Newark Teachers Union & One NewarkLet me start this piece by reiterating one of the primary missions of this blog: I am pro-teacher and pro-union. I believe this country was better off when we had more union membership, and I believe teachers are better positioned to advocate for themselves and their students when they form unions.I am also s
9-10-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: On a shoestring Teachout gets 35% of the vote in NY. Good morning Rahm. In yesterday’s New York’s Democratic Party primary election for governor Zephyr Teachout received nearly 35 percent of the vote against the incumbent governor, Andrew Cuomo. For my Illinois friends, Zephyr Teachout was the progre
The Whole Child Blog — Hope, Meaning, and Challenge: The Building Blocks of Motivation
The Whole Child Blog — Whole Child Education: Hope, Meaning, and Challenge: The Building Blocks of MotivationTeachers know that engaging and inspiring students initially requires building positive relationships and creating relevant learning experiences. Yet other key actions also matter: setting realistic expectations, creating a needs-satisfying classroom, and teaching students to self-evaluate
NYC Educator: The Name Game
NYC Educator: The Name Game: The Name GameOn day one I had mixed results with a young woman who didn't belong in my class. On Friday my supervisor caught up with her and a few others, and had them placed in more appropriate classes. But I'm gonna miss her. One of the big challenges I face as an ESL teacher is learning names. These days, our largest group is from China, and despite years of experie
9-10-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Interactive Map: “100 Years of Unrest”100 Years of Unrest is an interactive map that has: tried to gather information on social unrest throghout last century. Protests, uprisings, rebellions and revolts, civil wars, wars for independence, revolutions were mapped. Mapping events in time has enabled to follow hotspots or temp
Cutting to the core of Jindal’s flip-flop on aligning schools with national standards | The Lens
Cutting to the core of Jindal’s flip-flop on aligning schools with national standards | The Lens: Cutting to the core of Jindal’s flip-flop on aligning schools with national standardsOPINION By C.W. Cannon, Contributing writer 22 MINS AGO PRINTDonKeyHotey/flickrGov. Jindal was all for the Common Core — before he was against it.Bobby Jindal came into office hoping to “go down in history
9-10-14 Wait What? - Malloy’s Big Lie on Student Financial Aid
Wait What?: Malloy’s Big Lie on Student Financial AidYesterday, Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy traveled around the state to brag about his record and plans “to make higher education more affordable.” Malloy stopped at various colleges and universities to release his “three-point plan to help families afford a higher education.” Malloy’s press statement read; “At a series of events in New Britain, D
9-10-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter: Outraged at the coreSent to the Washington Post, September 9, 2014The Post says that progressives are "uncomfortable with the role of the Gates foundation and new tests associated with the (Common Core) standards" ("Common Core 2.0: Common Core by another name," Sept. 10).Uncomfortable? More accurate would be "outraged." Outraged not only at Gates' rol
9-10-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: About the radio showJoin Drs. Shaun Johnson and Tim Slekar LIVE Sundays at 6PM EST and Wednesdays at 7PM EST on Blog Talk Radio for progressive, pro-public education talk radio. Call in to speak live with Tim and Shaun during the show, (805) 727-7111. You can also listen to our Monday "Sunday-Replay" at 7PM EST, and re-broadcasts of the archives every Tuesday and Thursd
9-10-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): Language Arts: Grading in a Perfect WorldLanguage Arts: Grading in a Perfect World September 2014 See p. 34 for my response1 by plthomasedd / 1h 9-9-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindnessthe becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the
empathyeducates – ‘Chiraq’: Facts and Fictions – How These Affect Our Children
empathyeducates – ‘Chiraq’: Facts and Fictions – How These Affect Our Children: ‘Chiraq’: Facts and Fictions – How These Affect Our ChildrenDuring a memorial service on July 20 in Chicago, Audry Miller mourns granddaughter Shamiya Adams, 11, who was killed by a stray bullet. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) Chicago’s ‘murder capital’ rep stretches the truth.By Salim Muwakkil | Originally Publis
9-10-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Cuomo Will Be Governor But He Will No Longer Be KingMatt Stoller on what the primary results mean for Cuomo:Andrew Cuomo will be Governor, but his career is over. Cuomo will win in November. He will govern for another four years, or until he is indicted. But he will not hold another elected office, because he has proven himself a very good machine boss but a very bad candida
The First Step in Student Data Tracking. Your District’s Student Information System. | Missouri Education Watchdog
The First Step in Student Data Tracking. Your District’s Student Information System. | Missouri Education Watchdog: The First Step in Student Data Tracking. Your District’s Student Information System.inShareWe will be writing more in the next few weeks about the data gathering and tracking of children at school, how it is gathered and where it goes for ‘research’. The first gathering point of st
Franklin Roosevelt on the Role of Government to Protect the Public | janresseger
Franklin Roosevelt on the Role of Government to Protect the Public | janresseger: Franklin Roosevelt on the Role of Government to Protect the PublicPosted on September 10, 2014 by janressegerDuring a recent driving trip across the country, my husband and I sometimes felt we were threading our way across a map of American consumerism: McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Subway, and even Pita Pit. It can be argued
9-10-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: Los Angeles Unified School Districthttp://home.lausd.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=178743&type=d&pREC_ID=367410 Los Angeles Unified School District Dr. John E. Deasy's Bio Dr. John E. Deasy is the superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District, the nation's second largest school district. In this role, Dr. Deasy leads the thousands of teachers, administr
Lessons of 9/11: Closer to the Heart | WagTheDog
Lessons of 9/11: Closer to the Heart | WagTheDog: Lessons of 9/11: Closer to the HeartSchools should be in the “business” of creating diverse and stimulating learning environments and experiences where a child’s academic, athletic, artistic, social, and emotional skills and desires are free to flourish and thrive.We should prepare our children to be thoughtful, caring, resilient, and responsible l
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: A real-estate and hedge-fund concern that happens to have a college attached
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: A real-estate and hedge-fund concern that happens to have a college attached: A real-estate and hedge-fund concern that happens to have a college attachedAnnie Lowrey writes in NY Mag:There's an old line about how the United States government is an insurance conglomerate protected by an army. Harvard is a real-estate and hedge-fund concern that happens to have a coll
PARCC and SBAC States Agree to Deliver Student-level Data to USDOE | deutsch29
PARCC and SBAC States Agree to Deliver Student-level Data to USDOE | deutsch29: PARCC and SBAC States Agree to Deliver Student-level Data to USDOESeptember 9, 2014In September 2010, two assessment consortia “won” federal Race to the Top (RTTT) money for the “design, development, and evaluation of the assessment system” known as Race to the Top Assessment (RTTA): The Smarter Balanced Assessment Con
Does Bill Gates Think Teachers are All Miss Trunchbulls?
Does Bill Gates Think Teachers are All Miss Trunchbulls?: Does Bill Gates Think Teachers are All Miss Trunchbulls?SEPTEMBER 9, 2014 BY NANCY BAILEY LEAVE A COMMENTAt school there’s Miss Trunchbull, two hundred menacing pounds of kid-hating headmistress. Get rid of the Trunchbull and Matilda would be a hero. But that would take a superhuman genius, wouldn’t it?From Matilda by Roald DahlDoes Bill Ga
Pedagogy First (A Note on Elizabeth Green's Building A Better Teacher) | The Jose Vilson
Pedagogy First (A Note on Elizabeth Green's Building A Better Teacher) | The Jose Vilson: Pedagogy First (A Note on Elizabeth Green’s Building A Better Teacher) SEPTEMBER 9, 2014 JOSE LEAVE A COMMENT 19 0 0 19 0Every so often, I love reading other folks talk about standards without any current teachers present in their conversation. Even a cursory read of education history in this country sh
Our leaders, the kids | Bob Braun's Ledger
Our leaders, the kids | Bob Braun's Ledger: Our leaders, the kidsStudents rally around the statue of Lincoln outside the Essex County CourthouseNewark’s political and organizational leaders will, I know, scoff at this but, right now, the leaders of the struggle against “One Newark” and the privatization of public education are the hundreds of high school students who early this morning marched fro
Foundation still determined to eliminate future pension plans for Oklahoma teachers | Red Dirt Report
Foundation still determined to eliminate future pension plans for Oklahoma teachers | Red Dirt Report: Foundation still determined to eliminate future pension plans for Oklahoma teachersBrett Dickerson / Red Dirt ReportBobby Stem (at the end of the table) leads the conversation while struggling to gain support.BRETT DICKERSON | SEPTEMBER 9, 2014CATEGORY: RED DIRT NEWSOKLAHOMA CITY -- An informal m
State Board of Education Appeals - Resources (CA Dept of Education)
State Board of Education Appeals - Resources (CA Dept of Education): State Board of Education AppealsResources for submitting an appeal to the California State Board of Education.If the governing board of a school district denies a petition for the establishment of a charter school, the petitioner may elect to submit the petition for the establishment of a charter school to the county board of edu
Nite Cap 9-9-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAP9-8-14 Wait What? - Governor Malloy’s record on state funding for public schoolsWait What?: Governor Malloy’s record on state funding for public schoolsA blog post that highlights the problem (see the Part I) and starts to lay out the solution (s