Sacramento Press / Google Wave Hit’s The River City (Sacramento):
"What is a Google Wave? Why do I need a Google Wave Account? I’m just learning Facebook and Twitter, how does it compare to those social media sites? All of those are very good questions, let’s take them one at a time.
What is a Google Wave? A Google Wave is a great many things and in its simplest form, it is a (hosted) document as a conversation. Google Wave is a new online communications tool that enables groups of people to edit and discuss documents simultaneously on the web. The Google Wave team says Wave is 'what email would look like if it were invented today.' Google Wave is Google’s ambitious attempt to change the way we collaborate with each other."
AR: Attempting To Make Haircuts Illegal
Arkansas state legislature is deeply worried about trans persons. Rep.
Mary Bentley (R- 73rd Dist) has been trying to make trans kids go away for
years ...
3 minutes ago