Today’s Update On The Chicago Teachers’ Strike
Here are the newest additions to The Best Resources On The Chicago Teachers’ Strike:
Hearing Set in Chicago’s Bid to End Teachers Strike is from The New York Times.
Rahm is suing to end the Chicago teachers’ strike. Does he have a case? is from The Washington Post.
Standing up for teachers is from The Washington Post.
The Chicago Teachers’ Balancing Act is from The American Prospect.
Hearing Set in Chicago’s Bid to End Teachers Strike is from The New York Times.
Rahm is suing to end the Chicago teachers’ strike. Does he have a case? is from The Washington Post.
Standing up for teachers is from The Washington Post.
The Chicago Teachers’ Balancing Act is from The American Prospect.
Will President Obama Speak Out Against Act 10?
Four years ago, candidate Obama promised to break out his walking shoes and join the picket line if anyone threatened the collective bargaining rights of workers.
He forgot that promise when Governor Scott Walker stripped most public sector workers of their collective bargaining rights two years ago. He did not join the people who protested Act 10 in Madison.
And most people understand his unwillingness to inject himself into the Chicago teachers’ strike (which does not
He forgot that promise when Governor Scott Walker stripped most public sector workers of their collective bargaining rights two years ago. He did not join the people who protested Act 10 in Madison.
And most people understand his unwillingness to inject himself into the Chicago teachers’ strike (which does not
Could the Republicans have chosen a more vile candidate? The thing that really irks me about Romney is that he's so bound-to-lose that it makes it difficult to get the message to the President that this Arne Duncan guy is a base-suppressor, and that Rahm Emanuel should be exiled.
What's This Lying Around Shit?????
In the fall of 1962 Faber College senior and pre-med student Eric "Otter"Stratton received a phone call to from Babs Jansen that Mandy Peperidge wished to meet him at the Rainbow Hotel late in the afternoon. Sadly, Doug Niedermyer, Greg Marmalard, and the rest of Omega House were waiting for him and subsequently beat him, and the dozen roses, to a pulp.

Meanwhile across town in Dean Wormer's office, Flounder, Bluto, D-Day, Hoover, and Larry were being told that they, and all of Delta House, were bei

Meanwhile across town in Dean Wormer's office, Flounder, Bluto, D-Day, Hoover, and Larry were being told that they, and all of Delta House, were bei
Chicago Teachers Refuse to Return to Work
A funny thing happened on the way to ending the strike. The Chicago Teachers Union refused to vote on a tentative agreement and instead demanded to be able to read the agreement before voting. This unreasonable demand meant that school children would be unable to return until Wednesday and earned the ire of several Chicago alderman. The alderman had set a great example for the untrusting teachers by agreeing to several contracts like selling off Chicago's parking meters without reading the contracts.
Obviously, the greedy teachers are striking over pay and their own cushy jobs. Mayor Emanuel attempted to get an injunction today, because the greedy teachers refused to negotiate over pay and instead attempted to
Obviously, the greedy teachers are striking over pay and their own cushy jobs. Mayor Emanuel attempted to get an injunction today, because the greedy teachers refused to negotiate over pay and instead attempted to
Andrew Sullivan: Did Romney Just Lose the Election? ctd
is the title of this blog post which has a lot of quotes from right wingers, and which went up before Romney's disastrous presser
Here's the beginning:
Here's the beginning:
A consensus is forming. From the most right-wing columnist in the Tory paper, the Telegraph:In presser, Romney doubled down, tries to say he was talking about the political process about winning theRomney video: I think Obama just won the election. When was the last time a president fighting for re-election was handed such a gift? Remind me, someone: how did the GOP end up with this idiot as their candidate?
Sneaky Evaluators: Who Sent You, and Why are You Disrupting My Class?
Originally posted at
There is a constant stream of evaluators and academic “coaches” streaming through the classrooms at my school. They come in driving unreasonably nice cars, and always look like they just came from a designer boutique and then a full service salon. They look like blooming movie star hopefuls or just well kept wives of the wealthy, noses pointed to the heavens and all. They’re interactions with us lowly teachers come in the form of a note in our box or a message through the principal that we need more of this or that or to put our objectives on a
There is a constant stream of evaluators and academic “coaches” streaming through the classrooms at my school. They come in driving unreasonably nice cars, and always look like they just came from a designer boutique and then a full service salon. They look like blooming movie star hopefuls or just well kept wives of the wealthy, noses pointed to the heavens and all. They’re interactions with us lowly teachers come in the form of a note in our box or a message through the principal that we need more of this or that or to put our objectives on a
Harvard Education Letter: Opt-Out Movement Gains Steam
Opt Out coverage in The Harvard Education Letter. The Coalition for Better Education is using billboards to encourage parents to opt-out of the Colorado state test, called the TCAP. Volume 28, Number 5 September/October 2012 Opt-Out Movement Gains Steam … MORE
Late Night: ‘You’re Not Supposed to Support the Strike’
Look, I see where Miller’s going with this:My friend, a widely known pundit, wanted to tell me that he didn’t believe the poll, which was conducted by We Ask America.
After some back and forth about what the pollster could’ve or should’ve asked, I finally told him that as an older, white person with no kids in the public school system, he’s not supposed to support the strike.
The poll, taken after three full days of no school, found that a 52 percent majority of whites