James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

NYC Public School Parents: NYSAPE Governor's Candidate Scorecard; take a look!
NYC Public School Parents: NYSAPE Governor's Candidate Scorecard; take a look!: NYSAPE Governor's Candidate Scorecard; take a look!FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 1, 2014More information contact:Eric Mihelbergel (716) 553-1123; nys.allies@gmail.comLisa Rudley (917) 414-9190; nys.allies@gmail.comNYS Allies for Public Education (NYSAPE) www.nysape.orgGovernor Cuomo’s Education Positions Aligned to
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 9-1-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: Investor Update: APPLE INC. ON WATCH OVER LAUSD ISSUESby Ed Palmer| Financial Wired | http://bit.ly/1nQ647K August 26, 2014 :: by Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is on watch after Los Angeles schools Superintendent John Deasy says he is suspending a $1 billion iPad initiative with AAPL amid scrutiny over Deasy’s close ties with AAPL and Pearson Plc (PSO) and
Changing The Narrative, Right From My Classroom | The Jose Vilson
Changing The Narrative, Right From My Classroom | The Jose Vilson: Changing The Narrative, Right From My Classroom SEPTEMBER 1, 2014 MR. VILSON LEAVE A COMMENTTomorrow, New York City teachers go for their first day back from vacation. With no kids and two weeks to clean out their caches (well, some of us), we’ll hopefully come back refreshed and ready to take on the relentless energies of the burg
Common Core: What Bill Gates and Walmart Have in Common
Common Core: What Bill Gates and Walmart Have in Common: Common Core: What Bill Gates and Walmart Have in Common Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. -Nelson MandelaIn America, under the guise of education reform, an initiative called Common Core acts as an insurance policy issued by some of the most powerful think tanks and foundations of both the left and
9-1-14 Living in Dialogue - Edu-Politics 101, Part Two: The High Cost of Pleasing the Powerful
Home - Living in Dialogue: Edu-Politics 101, Part Two: The High Cost of Pleasing the PowerfulBy John Thompson. I twice supported Barack Obama for president. Throughout President Obama’s first term, I asked what we teachers might have done to provoke him so. Were his anti-teacher policies the avoidable result of teachers and unions being too slow to address conditions in Chicago schools? By now, it
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Labor Day Thoughts
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Labor Day Thoughts: Labor Day ThoughtsLabour cannot emancipate itself in the white skin where in the black it is branded. -- Karl MarxThe Wall St. Journal Reports...The White House and union leaders are using Labor Day to reinvigorate efforts to raise the minimum wage. “Raising the minimum wage would be one of the best ways to give a boost to working families,” Presi
9-1-14 Connected Principals | Sharing. Learning. Leading.
Connected Principals | Sharing. Learning. Leading.: Digital Parent VolunteersRecently, I had the opportunity to visit schools in Sydney, Australia and on one of these days, I was asked a few questions about where schools are going, and specifically, about getting parents more involved in school. I shared a wonderful idea that I first heard from the brilliant Tracey Kracht, on the idea of “Digital
9-1-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): remnant 62: “I was a worker”remnant 62: “I was a worker”.2 by plthomasedd / 36min 8-31-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindnessthe becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman Universi
This is our fight - AFT - A Union of Professionals
AFT - A Union of Professionals - This is our fight: This is our fightThe very first Labor Day was created to acknowledge and honor working people who aspired to the American dream and fought for a better life for themselves and their families.Together, each and every day, we build on the work they began decades ago. As a union that is 1.6 million members strong, we are immensely proud of who we ar
Editorial: Banda needs to suck up to the mayor right away - Opinion - The Sacramento Bee
Editorial: Banda needs to hit ground running as school opens - Opinion - The Sacramento Bee: Editorial: Banda needs to hit ground running as school opensBy the Editorial BoardPublished: Sunday, Aug. 31, 2014 - 12:00 amSacBee Priority: Banda needs to suck up to the mayor right awayJosé L. Banda faces his first big challenge as the leader of Sacramento City Unified schools on Tuesday when the distri
9-1-14 Jersey Jazzman
Jersey Jazzman: Sinatra, Carlin, Inequality, Education, and America: Happy Labor DayFrank Sinatra held his fair share of self-contradictions. For a guy who espoused such working-class sentiments, his endorsement of Ronald Reagan was more than a little incongruous. And JFK, the one politician Sinatra really went to bat for, was such a neo-lib that he would have felt right at home in the Obama White
Alliance for Childhood’s Joint Statement of Early Childhood Health and Education Professionals « Empowered by Play
Alliance for Childhood’s Joint Statement of Early Childhood Health and Education Professionals « Empowered by Play: Alliance for Childhood’s Joint Statement of Early Childhood Health and Education ProfessionalsYou know something is wrong when a kindergartner asks: “Mom, can I retire from school?”Kindergarten has traditionally been a wonderful world of discovery and playful learning. It has been a
Gene V Glass: Education in Two Worlds: "50 Myths" & the Two Worlds of Public Education
Gene V Glass: Education in Two Worlds: "50 Myths" & the Two Worlds of Public Education: "50 Myths" & the Two Worlds of Public EducationA few people have asked me recently why this blog is called Education in Two Worlds. The reason is because K-12 public education is caught in a political struggle between progressives and conservatives — the "two worlds" — as n
9-1-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Seattle Schools This WeekTuesday, Sept. 2ndSuperintendent Nyland will have a press conference at JAMS followed by a ribbon-cutting for the renovated school at noon. He will also be at the ribbon-cutting for Fairmount Park Elementary at 2:45 pm. (I'm taking ideas for questions to ask Superintendent Nyland.)Wednesday, Sept. 3rd - First Day of SchoolSuperintendent
9-1-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Durham Schools Cutting Ties with Teach for AmericaA day to celebrate! From the Herald-Sun:Aug. 30, 2014 @ 05:51 PM Gregory Childress DURHAM —The Durham school district will honor its current contract with Teach For America, but the national teacher training program’s future with Durham Public Schools is up in the air. The school board voted 6-1 last week to honor its commitment to
Idaho Teacher Provides More Information About Common Core | Missouri Education Watchdog
Idaho Teacher Provides More Information About Common Core | Missouri Education Watchdog: Idaho Teacher Provides More Information About Common CoreinShareIs excessive testing abusive? Is data mining and disseminating children’s information without your knowledge and/or consent a crime via The CCSS Initiative? Start asking these questions.We posted a letter today from a teacher in Idaho which allow
EXCLUSIVE: City schools will push for more 'family connections,' parent involvement, Chancellor Carmen Fariña says - NY Daily News
EXCLUSIVE: City schools will push for more 'family connections,' parent involvement, Chancellor Carmen Fariña says - NY Daily News: EXCLUSIVE: City schools will push for more 'family connections,' parent involvement, Chancellor Carmen Fariña saysFamily engagement at schools will be getting an overhaul, the city schools boss tells the Daily News. Changes include longer one-on-one parent-teacher con
This School (OFFICIAL TEACHER MUSIC VIDEO) Brachmann and Hein
Brachmann and Hein - This School (OFFICIAL TEACHER MUSIC VIDEO) JK Hein25036,778Published on Aug 27, 2014Want to help fund some great Brachmann and Hein classroom projects and learning opportunities?Follow the link! http://gofundme.com/BrachmannAndHeinInterested in becoming a corporate sponsor for construction of a new community fitness center? CONTACT US!! Help us create a fit community!Mr. Jorda
L.A. Unified exemplifies the forces that stifle public school reform - LA Times
L.A. Unified exemplifies the forces that stifle public school reform - LA Times: L.A. Unified exemplifies the forces that stifle public school reformBy now, Los Angeles Unified was supposed to be the technological model for big-city school systems.All of its pupils would have iPads, teachers could access student data with the click of a mouse, and parents could check their children's attendance a
The US has had the same arguments about teachers for 100 years - Vox
The US has had the same arguments about teachers for 100 years - Vox: The US has had the same arguments about teachers for 100 years Should teachers be judged based on their students' test scores? Should they get tenure and job protections that other workers don't? Should education schools recruit the best and the brightest, or change how they teach future teachers entirely?Those are some of the h
What Pope Francis Would Say to Obama: Let Workers Unionize | Perspectives | BillMoyers.com
What Pope Francis Would Say to Obama: Let Workers Unionize | Perspectives | BillMoyers.com: What Pope Francis Would Say to Obama: Let Workers UnionizeSeptember 1, 2014by Sister Simone CampbellUS President Barack Obama meets with Pope Francis, Thursday, March 27, 2014 at the Vatican. Obama called himself a 'great admirer' of Pope Francis.(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)This post first appeared a
9-1-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: It's an exhausting enterprise getting rid of a principal, especially when you get NO help from 52 BroadwayMurry Bergtraum has a new principal. MOREista Chapter Leader John Elfrank-Dana helped lead the battle. The principal mis-used the data to target teachers.I know people are impatient and unhappy over the slow pace of replacing the Bloomberg supervisor appointee horror stories.
9-1-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: Squeezing Labor For $$$If your goal is to get rich in business, labor is a problem you must solve.I mean, there's that big stream of money. You can see it, right there, fat and full and flowing right toward you and then BAM-- it suddenly gets diverted because you have to pay workers their wages.Early in human history, rulers established the ideal base level for wages-- $0.00/lifeti
Lily Eskelsen García Takes the Helm of the NEA | NEA Today
Lily Eskelsen García Takes the Helm of the NEA | NEA Today: Lily Eskelsen García Takes the Helm of the NEASeptember 1, 2014 by twalker Filed under Featured News, Top StoriesLeave a CommentBy Brenda ÁlvarezAs a child, Lily Eskelsen García was quiet, studious and introverted. The second eldest of six siblings, she often played alone with her dolls while her sisters played together. She kept her hea
9-1-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Just Published! 42nd ELT Blog Carnival: Back To School!David Deubelbeiss has just published the 42nd edition of the ELT Blog Carnival (formerly known as the ESL/EFL/ELL Blog Carnival) and it’s a great one on back-to-school activities. Teachers from all around the world have contributed their ideas! I’m adding it to The Best
9-1-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: About the radio showJoin Drs. Shaun Johnson and Tim Slekar LIVE Sundays at 6PM EST and Wednesdays at 7PM EST on Blog Talk Radio for progressive, pro-public education talk radio. Call in to speak live with Tim and Shaun during the show, (805) 727-7111. You can also listen to our Monday "Sunday-Replay" at 7PM EST, and re-broadcasts of the archives every Tuesday and Thursd
The Classroom Reality of Common Core. Is This What You Want for Your Child? | Missouri Education Watchdog
The Classroom Reality of Common Core. Is This What You Want for Your Child? | Missouri Education Watchdog: The Classroom Reality of Common Core. Is This What You Want for Your Child?inShareWhat does the Common Core State Standards Initiative look like in the classroom? (Diagram courtesy of ROPE)A teacher from Idaho describes her experience with SBAC testing in the classroom and provides background
Russ on Reading: Talkin’ Teachers Union
Russ on Reading: Talkin’ Teachers Union: Talkin’ Teachers UnionA Labor Day MessageCome you ranks of labor, come you union coreAnd see if you remember the struggles of beforeWhen you were standing helpless on the outside of the doorAnd you started building links on the chain, on the chainAnd you started building links on the chain. Phil Ochs, Links on
Happy Labor Day Morning Wink 9-1-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSLabor Day 2014 Quotes, sayings and solidarity - Happy Labor Day!Quotes in Support of Labor UnionsFranklin Delano Roosevelt:It is one of the characteristics of a free and democratic nation that it have free and independent labor unions.Pope Paul VI:The important role of union organizations must be admitted: their object is the representation of the various
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-1-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Labor Day, 2014I recently saw photographs of John F. Kennedy giving a Labor Day speech in New York City during his Presidential campaign in 1960. He spoke in the center of the Garment District, on the west side of Manhattan. He spoke to tens of thousands of garment workers. Today, the Garment District has been replaced by luxury hi
9-1-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Labor Day.1 by Fred Klonsky / 37min Life in Rahm’s Chicago. The death of a nameless homeless man in Logan Square. The Kennedy overpass at Belmont and Kedzie. DNAinfo: A man who police say was homeless was beaten to death in Logan Square Saturday evening. Around 10:50 p.m., the man, 59, was in an alle
9-1-14 Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet: Why one school system is dropping Teach For AmericaThe school board in Durham, N.C., has voted 6-1 to end its relationship with Teach For America after the 2015-16 school year, when all of the 12 TFA teachers hired in the past few years will have completed the two years of service they promise to make when joining the organization. What makes it interesting […]1 by Valerie Strauss /
9-1-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: STOP LAUSD From Throwing Good Money After Bad: Investigate/Audit Bad Ed Tech DealsDear Friends, Thank you for signing the petition "Reappoint Architect Stuart Magruder to the LAUSD Bond Oversight Committee" a while back. Together we restored a watchdog with integrity to his rightful role as member of the BOC. Now your powerful voice is needed again in LAUSD to help
9-1-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: Politico: Obama's Teacher Evaluation Reform Agenda In "Disarray"It's a mess out there:The idea seems simple enough: Identify the best teachers and reward them. Pinpoint the worst and fire them. That’s been a linchpin of the Obama administration’s education agenda from the start. But now the administration’s initiative is in disarray, with states scaling back, slowi
Beyond Labor | InterACT
Beyond Labor | InterACT: Beyond LaborAUGUST 31, 2014tags: Labor Day, unionby David B. CohenAt a San Francisco rally, Feb. 2011As we enjoy the Labor Day holiday this year, it’s important to keep in mind the role of the labor movement in securing workers rights and better working conditions for nearly all Americans. The struggles of labor unions in recent decades have accompanied a continually widen
NYC Educator: Happy Labor Day, Back at You, Randi!
NYC Educator: Happy Labor Day, Back at You, Randi!: Happy Labor Day, Back at You, Randi!Randi Weingarten (with help from Lorretta Johnson and Mary Cathryn Ricker) sent along Labor Day thoughts and wishes to me and probably many thousands of others. I read the e-mail just as I read Mulgrew's, to see how much I can agree with before the red flags are thrown up--or how much I can stomach before I th
Librarians Are A Luxury Chicago Public Schools Can't Afford : NPR Ed : NPR
Librarians Are A Luxury Chicago Public Schools Can't Afford : NPR Ed : NPR: Librarians Are A Luxury Chicago Public Schools Can't Affordby BECKY VEVEASeptember 01, 2014 4:22 AM ET Two years ago, the Chicago Public Schools budgeted for 454 librarians. Last year, the budget called for 313 librarians, and now that number is down to 254.With educators facing tough financial choices, having a full-time
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES: WEEKEND QUOTABLESBruce Rauner "I've worked with Rahm Emanuel and (former Mayor) Rich Daley because they control the schools," Rauner told the Tribune earlier this year. "And we've talked about school reform fairly extensively. We disagree on many things ... but on school reform we see things the same way. He believes in charter schoo
Why do I think Bobby Jindal is scamming us with faux Common Core lawsuits? | Crazy Crawfish's Blog
Why do I think Bobby Jindal is scamming us with faux Common Core lawsuits? | Crazy Crawfish's Blog: Crazy Crawfish's BlogZesty Louisiana Education PoliticsWhy do I think Bobby Jindal is scamming us with faux Common Core lawsuits?Posted on August 28, 20140To be quite frank, I did not develop this idea on my own. I was asked whether I thought Jindal’s opposition to Common Core was sincere, and my re
8-31-14 Wag The Dog - Common Core Bait and Switch
WagTheDog | Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. ~ Rumi: Common Core Bait and Switch“Selling” the Common Core State Standards to students, parents, and employers with promotional slogans such as “college and career readiness”, “critical thinking”, “constructivist learning”, “technology integration”, and “21st century skills”
8-31-14 Jersey Jazzman
Jersey Jazzman: Correcting the Education Punditry of @jonathanalterJonathan Alter and Bob Braun went man-to-man a few weeks ago in the pages of NJ Monthly over the subject of education reform. From my perspective, Braun cleaned Alter's clock, and I said so on Twitter. The sad fact is Alter got many things wrong in his piece, but that's understandable: the conventional wisdom he traffics in is larg
EdNext and the “Promise” of “Charter Choice”–But Let’s Not Mention the FBI | deutsch29
EdNext and the “Promise” of “Charter Choice”–But Let’s Not Mention the FBI | deutsch29: EdNext and the “Promise” of “Charter Choice”–But Let’s Not Mention the FBIAugust 31, 2014I have written a couple of posts of late regarding the results of Education Next’s 2014 public opinion survey, especially as concerns EdNext’s and its editor-in-chief Paul Peterson’s attempts to sell the Common Core State S
DPS ices relationship with Teach For America | The Herald-Sun
DPS ices relationship with Teach For America | The Herald-Sun: DPS ices relationship with Teach For AmericaAug. 30, 2014 @ 05:51 PMGregory ChildressDURHAM —The Durham school district will honor its current contract with Teach For America, but the national teacher training program’s future with Durham Public Schools is up in the air.The school board voted 6-1 last week to honor its commitment to TF
8-31-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): On Labor Day 2014On Labor Day 2014: “Click, Clack, Moo”: Why the 1% Always Wins http://t.co/vkJDHFRzll via @plthomasEdD — Paul Thomas (@plthomasEdD) August 31, 2014 On Labor Day 2014: Meditating on Teacher Unions and Tenure Post-Vergara http://t.co/iPaFC6dJ4E via @plthom
Nite Cap 8-31-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAP8-31-14 Jersey JazzmanJersey Jazzman: Charter Schools: Student Mobility Is Not Student AttritionGoing to get a little wonky here, but since we're already deep in the weeds on the issue of student attrition in charter schools, I don't think I've g