James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

Why Are You Silenced When You Oppose Common Core? | Missouri Education Watchdog
Why Are You Silenced When You Oppose Common Core? | Missouri Education Watchdog: Why Are You Silenced When You Oppose Common Core?(click on graphic to enlarge)The above was tweeted on August 27, 2014 and references Orwell’s writings on the threats to freedom. Do you find it astounding that Common Core proponents are extremely vitriolic in their marginalization of parents who speak out (or even as
NYC Public School Parents: An open letter about class sizes of 35-36 in 2nd grade at PS 85 in Queens
NYC Public School Parents: An open letter about class sizes of 35-36 in 2nd grade at PS 85 in Queens: An open letter about class sizes of 35-36 in 2nd grade at PS 85 in QueensClass sizes last year in the early grades have steadily grown and last year were the largest in 15 years. Unfortunately, the de Blasio administration has done nothing to reverse this damaging trend -- despite specific promi
Welcome to Lily's (new and improved) Blackboard - Lily's Blackboard
Welcome to Lily's (new and improved) Blackboard - Lily's Blackboard: Welcome to Lily’s (new and improved) BlackboardAugust 27, 2014 by LilyCategories: GeneralIf you have been following Lily’s Blackboard for the past few years, you will be happy to see all the new features. If this is your first time here, Welcome!!!Here are some of the exciting new features you will find on the new site:First and
Let’s Get Gov. Mike Pence’s Attention Tomorrow via Twitter | Truth in American Education
Let’s Get Gov. Mike Pence’s Attention Tomorrow via Twitter | Truth in American Education: Let’s Get Gov. Mike Pence’s Attention Tomorrow via TwitterFiled in Common Core State Standards by Shane Vander Hart on August 28, 2014 • 0 CommentsForecast: Twitter Storm Brewin' @GovPenceINTime for another Twitter rally. Governor Mike Pence (R-IN) will be in Dallas, TX tomorrow(8/29/14) at the Defending th
Judge: Texas School Finance System Unconstitutional | The Texas Tribune
Judge: Texas School Finance System Unconstitutional | The Texas Tribune: Judge: Texas School Finance System Unconstitutionalby Morgan SmithAug. 28, 20148Comments Comment Republish Email Tweet RecommendEnlargephoto by: Marjorie Kamys CoteraDistrict Court Judge John Dietz of Austin is shown in his courtroom on Feb. 4, 2013, before he ruled that the state's school finance system was unconstitutional.
What is #EdProdChat? | My Island View
What is #EdProdChat? | My Island View: What is #EdProdChat?August 28, 2014 by Tom Whitby @tomwhitbyAnyone who has ever attended a national state or even local Education Conference can tell you that there are vast numbers of education products out there. How do educators know what works and what doesn’t? Is there a way educators can share their product experience with others? How can educators talk
What Chumps Feel When Tricked, Cheated Or Deceived: iHad – redqueeninla
What Chumps Feel When Tricked, Cheated Or Deceived: iHad – redqueeninla: What Chumps Feel When Tricked, Cheated Or Deceived: iHadNew LAUSD iHAD 1.2B $$$ The Edu Revelations coming from west of downtown over on Beaudry are fast and furious, like the responses from all around. So fast is the news regarding Deasy’s ipads morphing in the media, that no sooner does one settle as a stakeholder on some s
8-28-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: Mike Petrilli Interprets Reform Backlash (Part 1)This week Mike Petrilli took a stab at interpreting some of the pushback on reformster programs in what we can hope is a step in his journey to a more enlightened opinion. The column is actually an excerpt from a speech that he delivered to the Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, which is interesting in that Chambers have not generall
Schooling in the Ownership Society: QUOTABLES FROM THE OWNERSHIP SOCIETY
Schooling in the Ownership Society: QUOTABLES FROM THE OWNERSHIP SOCIETY: QUOTABLES FROM THE OWNERSHIP SOCIETYKershnerChris Kershner, vice president of public policy and economic development for the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce“The business community is the consumer of the educational product. Students are the educational product. They are going through the education system so that they can be
“principally.” Single word at heart of regulatory debate | EdSource
Single word at heart of regulatory debate | EdSource: CREDIT: JOHN FENSTERWALD/EDSOURCE TODAYSurrounded by other members of the student group Californians For Justice, Karla Rodriguez, a junior at James Lick High in San Jose, asks the East Side Union High School District school board to include students in the LCAP process during a meeting in May. The State Board of Education will consider amendi
Gene V Glass: Education in Two Worlds: Put a Hold on that Pultizer Prize Until We Answer a Couple of Questions
Gene V Glass: Education in Two Worlds: Put a Hold on that Pultizer Prize Until We Answer a Couple of Questions: Put a Hold on that Pultizer Prize Until We Answer a Couple of QuestionsA Phoenix newspaper, the East Valley Tribune, recently ran an article with the exciting title "BASIS Chandler ranks among world's best in international test."The BASIS charter school company is well known to
Arne Duncan’s “Back-to-School Conversation” |
Arne Duncan’s “Back-to-School Conversation” |: Arne Duncan’s “Back-to-School Conversation” Last week, Arne Duncan wrote a blog post titled, “A Back-to-School Conversation with Teachers and School Leaders.” This was subsequently reprinted on the official blog of the U.S. Department of Education, “Homeroom,” and also summarized/critiqued by Alan Singer on an Huffington Post-post titled, “Arne Duncan
Asean Johnson, Chicago 9-Year-Old, Youngest Speaker At March On Washington Anniversary (VIDEO)
Asean Johnson, Chicago 9-Year-Old, Youngest Speaker At March On Washington Anniversary (VIDEO): Asean Johnson, Chicago 9-Year-Old, Youngest Speaker At March On Washington Anniversary (VIDEO)Nine-year-old Chicago activist Asean Johnson took his Internet-winning show on the road over the weekend and captivated the massive crowd at the "Realize The Dream" rally honoring the 50th anniversary
8-28-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): Morning Read: LAUSD audit finds computers missing in actionMorning Read: LAUSD audit finds computers missing in action LA schools’ audit finds computers stolen, missing, unaccounted for An audit of the Los Angeles Unified School District’s computer inventory reveals 230 devices worth nearly $200,000 have
8-28-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: ICE Meeting Friday - ICE and MORE - A Lesson for New ActionAt the MORE meeting with New Action last October, we offered the ICE model to New Action as a way for their people to work within MORE for our common aims while keeping their caucus alive. They rejected that offer. ICE will be holding a rare meeting tomorrow. These meetings take place when people feel a need to talk to eac
Charter Schools Don’t Need An Ad Campaign; They Need Regulation
Charter Schools Don’t Need An Ad Campaign; They Need Regulation: Charter Schools Don’t Need An Ad Campaign; They Need Regulation This time of year, while classroom teachers and administrators in public schools are busy welcoming students back to a new school year and figuring out how they’re going to cope withdevastating financial constraints, advocates in the charter schools industry are propping
Two Takes: The Smartest Kids in the World
Two Takes: The Smartest Kids in the World: Two Takes: The Smartest Kids in the Worldby Gene Perry and John Thompson | August 28th, 2014 | Posted in Blog, Education | Comments (0)Early next month, the education advocacy group Stand for Children Oklahoma is hosting a lunch with keynote speaker Amanda Ripley, a journalist and author of the recent non-fiction book, “The Smartest Kids in the World and
US Sen. Baldwin (WI) & GA Leader Abrams Join DPE As Co-Chairs - Democrats For Public Education
US Sen. Baldwin (WI) & GA Leader Abrams Join DPE As Co-Chairs - Democrats For Public Education: US Sen. Baldwin (WI) & GA Leader Abrams Join DPE As Co-Chairs DPE Momentum & Support Continues To Grow(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Today, Democrats For Public Education (DPE) announced U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (WI) and Georgia Assembly House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams as the latest co-chairs to
Americans' Satisfaction With Education System Increases
Americans' Satisfaction With Education System Increases: Americans' Satisfaction With Education System IncreasesIn 2014, 48% of Americans are satisfied with the quality of K-12 educationby Rebecca RiffkinWASHINGTON, D.C. -- As students return to school in the U.S., 48% of Americans are "completely" or "somewhat satisfied" with the quality of kindergarten through high school edu
The attack on bad teacher tenure laws is actually an attack on black professionals - The Washington Post
The attack on bad teacher tenure laws is actually an attack on black professionals - The Washington Post: The attack on bad teacher tenure laws is actually an attack on black professionalsBy Andre M. Perry August 28 at 6:00 AM Dr. Andre Perry is the founding dean of urban education at Davenport University in Grand Rapids, Mich. He is the author of The Garden Path: The Miseducation of a City.After
Schoolhouse Live: IN THE NEWS: DEASY SUSPENDS iPAD PROGRAMBesieged Los Angeles Unified Superintendent John Deasy suspends iPad program after emails reveal his negotiations with Pearson and Apple prior to the bidding process. Read about it here, and check out the infographic below.
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 8-28-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: iPadGate: ARE JOHN DEASY’S DAYS NUMBERED? They should be after cozy iPad dealOpinion By Ted Rall, LA Times Editorial Cartoonist | http://lat.ms/1wI7HOh Aug 27, 3:38 PM :: It sounded like a great idea at the time: L.A. would give students a boost into the 21st century by putting tech directly into their hands. The Los Angeles Unified School District w
WTF? Holyoke Superintendent Dr. Sergio Paez Hands Out Trespassing Notice to President of the Holyoke Teachers Association - CNN iReport
Holyoke Superintendent Dr. Sergio Paez Hands Out Trespassing Notice to President of the Holyoke Teachers Association - CNN iReport: Holyoke Superintendent Dr. Sergio Paez Hands Out Trespassing Notice to President of the Holyoke Teachers AssociationBy busyboypro | Posted August 26, 2014 | District of Columbia207 Share Agustin Morales III, President of the Holyoke Teachers Association, was issu
Morning Wink 8-28-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-28-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: “The People Who Write These Tests Don’t Know You…”I received news from England that a letter written by Rachel Tomlinson, the head of Barrowford, a primary school in Lancashire, went viral. The
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-28-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: “The People Who Write These Tests Don’t Know You…”I received news from England that a letter written by Rachel Tomlinson, the head of Barrowford, a primary school in Lancashire, went viral. The letter was a clone of one written by American teacher Kimberly Hurd Horst on her blog. No claims of plagiarism here. Maybe every principal
8-28-14 Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement"
Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement": “Teacher home visits ease kindergarteners’ fears of first day of school”Teacher home visits are certainly in the news these days! Here’s the latest article about what’s going on in Tulsa: Teacher home visits ease kindergarteners’ fears of first day of school. Here’s the final sentence in the story: “We’re really trying to f
Who Owns Your Schools? In Lee County, Florida They Belong to Parents and Children
Who Owns Your Schools? In Lee County, Florida They Belong to Parents and Children: Who Owns Your Schools? In Lee County, Florida They Belong to Parents and ChildrenAUGUST 28, 2014 BY NANCY BAILEY 1 COMMENTFor years now, I’ve wondered who owns school boards. Venture philanthropists come into cash-strapped districts and suddenly parents and citizens find their voices no longer matter. Anyone with th
The Answer Sheet 8-28-14
Answer Sheet: Assistant principal who secretly changed son’s grades gets $7,000 fineTeachers can lose their jobs if their students don’t do well enough on standardized tests. An assistant principal in New York City who secretly changed 11 of his own son’s test scores and class grades received a $7,000 fine but still remains employed by the Education Department. The New York Daily News explains in
8-28-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: School District in Florida Votes to Opt-Out of Common Core TestingIn what can only be called unbelievable courage, a school district in Florida, Lee County, has voted to opt the entire district out of Common Core testing. The school board vote was 3-2 with the superintendent warning, "This will hurt children."From News-Press:Throughout the tense three-hou
8-28-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Little Eva Moves to Wall Streetfrom Juan Gonzalez at the Daily News:Eva Moskowitz, the firebrand chief of the city’s fastest growing charter chain, isn’t just backed by Wall Street, she’s officially moved there — with Wall Street-type salaries to boot.Last November, Moskowitz, who for years boasted of opening her Success Academy Charter Schools in the city’s poorest neighborhoods,
8-28-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: New Resources On Students & Sleep© 2011 Pink Sherbet Photography, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio Here are some new additions to The Best Resources For Helping Teens Learn About The Importance Of Sleep: Let Them Sleep In: Docs Want Later School Times for Teens is from NBC News. Students Aren’t Getting Enough Sleep—School Sta
8-28-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): Denying White Privilege Has an Evidence ProblemIf I had to guess, I suspect Bill O’Reilly fancies himself more akin to George Will, Newt Gingrich, or Cal Thomas than Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck. But speculating on that self-delusion isn’t really necessary because the rea
8-28-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: LAUSD’S John Deasy shoots his iPad outEdNotes: below is an editorial by someone with half the story who writes like he actually did his homework. While it is true the government has imposed the common core thus gadgetry on schools, it is not exactly Sacramento that mandates the common core, although the state does have final say on using CCSS. Notably, Governor Brown butted h
empathyeducates – I’m Black, My Brother’s White … and He’s a Cop Who Shot a Black Man on Duty
empathyeducates – I’m Black, My Brother’s White … and He’s a Cop Who Shot a Black Man on Duty: I’m Black, My Brother’s White … and He’s a Cop Who Shot a Black Man on DutyIt’s one thing to have to ask this of the police. It’s another to ask it of your brother. Photograph: Steve Eberhardt/Demotix/CorbisBy Zach Stafford | Originally Published at The Guardian. August 25, 2014 07.30 EDTI never thought
8-28-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Time To Send Tony Avella To The Political Trash HeapI have nothing but disdain for the the Independent Democratic Caucus, the group of breakaway Dems that governed with Republicans and helped Governor Cuomo with much of his pro-Wall Street, pro-education reform agenda.The member of the IDC I have the most disdain for is Tony Avella, the "maverick" who stuck the kni
Serial Killers! Don’t call the cops! | Bill Ayers
Serial Killers! Don’t call the cops! | Bill Ayers: Serial Killers! Don’t call the cops!I’m re-reading Herman Melville and thinking about Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Kajieme Powell—and the serial killing of young African Americans that characterizes America today.In Melville’s Benito Cereno a New England sealing ship operating off the coast of Chile in 1805 comes upon a Spanish frigate with a fi
NYC Educator: Role Model Among Role Models
NYC Educator: Role Model Among Role Models: Role Model Among Role ModelsAsk yourself this--what do you do when your own kid fails classes? Do you talk to them? Get them extra help? Take away some electronic device? Well, if you happen to be principal of the school they attend, you have other options. You can simply change their grades. After all, you have the super-duper master password to the sch
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Talking violence, trauma tonight on WGN
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Talking violence, trauma tonight on WGN: Talking violence, trauma tonight on WGNLATE-NIGHTERS...I'll be back on WGN tonight at 11:30, on the Patti Vasquez Show. Along with a few other noteworthy Chicagoans I'll be talking about gun violence. You can call in and join the conversation.Doctors demand trauma centerI'm certainly going to take issue with the Univ. of Chica
8/28/14 – Charter Schools Don’t Need An Ad Campaign
8/28/14 – Charter Schools Don’t Need An Ad Campaign: 8/28/14 – Charter Schools Don’t Need An Ad CampaignAugust 27, 2014 SubscribeTHIS WEEK: Widening Inequality … Report Urges Fewer Tests … Arne Duncan’s Harmful Policies … High Teacher Turnover … Student Loan ApocalypseTOP STORYCharter Schools Don’t Need An Ad Campaign, They Need RegulationBy Jeff Bryant“This time of year, while classroom teachers
Who Cares? | The Crucial Voice of the People
Who Cares? | The Crucial Voice of the People: Who Cares? A selling point my House representative makes to his throngs of followers is that he is “a protector of the people against the tyranny of their government.” So why hasn’t he lifted a finger, or even lent an ear, to fight against the tyranny of incessantly testing young children?Why do we still have yearly testing mandated by federal law?Did
Over Easy: Public Schools in New Orleans 1958-1959 | MyFDL
Over Easy: Public Schools in New Orleans 1958-1959 | MyFDL: Over Easy: Public Schools in New Orleans 1958-1959By: Crane-Station Wednesday August 27, 2014 3:25 am Letty Owings, age 89 and the author of this post, recalls moving to New Orleans and teaching in a public elementary school in 1958.New Orleans, 1958Cultural experiences abound in this land of ours, but none can surpass living in New Orlea
California schools superintendent Tom Torlakson tours Long Beach City College’s career technical education center
California schools superintendent Tom Torlakson tours Long Beach City College’s career technical education center: California schools superintendent Tom Torlakson tours Long Beach City College’s career technical education centerState Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson took a tour of Long Beach City College as part of a statewide tour of Career Pathways Trust grant recipients. Torla
Major Sacramento labor leader Bill Camp fired over Kevin Johnson's strong mayor initiative - Page Burner - August 27, 2014 - Blogs - Sacramento News & Review
Major Sacramento labor leader Bill Camp fired over Kevin Johnson's strong mayor initiative - Page Burner - August 27, 2014 - Blogs - Sacramento News & Review: Major Sacramento labor leader Bill Camp fired over Kevin Johnson's strong mayor initiativeby Cosmo GarvinBill Camp, the outspoken executive secretary of the Sacramento Central Labor Council, has been fired, apparently because of an inter
CRIMINAL CHARGES SHOULD BE BROUGHT AGAINST LAUSD'S SUPERINTENDENT JOHN DEASY - Perdaily.com:CRIMINAL CHARGES SHOULD BE BROUGHT AGAINST LAUSD'S SUPERINTENDENT JOHN DEASY(Mensaje se repite en Español)Whether the Los Angeles Unified School District's (LAUSD) Superintendent John Deasy is criminally culpable for his actions in dealing with Pearson and Apple on behalf of the district concerning his cle
Education, Inc. By Tim Scott and Deborah Keisch, Truthout
Education, Inc.: Education, Inc.Tuesday, 26 August 2014 10:28By Tim Scott and Deborah Keisch, Truthout | News Analysis44font size Print Email(Illustration: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t)This story could not have been published without the support of readers like you. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to Truthout and fund more stories like it!Presidential administration proclamatio
Wow! Gates, PBS, Parents, Teachers, CCSS, etc. – Interactive Graphic Journalism | Reclaim Reform
Wow! Gates, PBS, Parents, Teachers, CCSS, etc. – Interactive Graphic Journalism | Reclaim Reform: Wow! Gates, PBS, Parents, Teachers, CCSS, etc. – Interactive Graphic JournalismPosted on August 27, 2014by Ken PrevitiThe most fascinating graphic journalism about the immense power and money behind Corporate Education Reform, CCSS, high stakes testing, media information control, etc. is created by Ad
Nite Cap 8-27-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPempathyeducates – Illinois School Bans Discussions of Michael Brown’s Deathempathyeducates – Illinois School Bans Discussions of Michael Brown’s Death: Illinois School Bans Discussions of Michael Brown’s DeathPhotographic Credit: Photo Credit: wa