Sinatra, Carlin, Inequality, Education, and America: Happy Labor Day
Frank Sinatra held his fair share of self-contradictions. For a guy who espoused such working-class sentiments, his endorsement of Ronald Reagan was more than a little incongruous. And JFK, the one politician Sinatra really went to bat for, was such a neo-lib that he would have felt right at home in the Obama White House.That said, Sinatra had his truly progressive moments: Boing Boing reminds us
8-31-14 Jersey Jazzman
Jersey Jazzman: Correcting the Education Punditry of @jonathanalterJonathan Alter and Bob Braun went man-to-man a few weeks ago in the pages of NJ Monthly over the subject of education reform. From my perspective, Braun cleaned Alter's clock, and I said so on Twitter. The sad fact is Alter got many things wrong in his piece, but that's understandable: the conventional wisdom he traffics in is larg