Data Privacy Issues; It's Time to Start Protecting Your Kids
I am absolutely amazed that people believe (a) there's nothing that can be done about privacy and (b) it's all for the good so why worry.We're adults and that's okay. But kids? How do they defend their privacy? Right. That's our job.I want to say in advance, people can take any kind of photo they want on their phone. (But you might want to warn teenagers of the devastating outcomes if they do
High School Start Times - What Happened?
The majority of high schools, comprehensive and alternative, will start at 7:50 am (ten minutes earlier than last year) and end at 2:20 pm. This includes Cleveland STEM, World School and South Lake.The outliers are Center School (8:30 am-3:10 pm), Chief Sealth (8:40 am- 3:10 pm), Hale (8:40 am-3:10 pm) and Nova (8:30 am - 3:00 pm). So Center School I get because of its location. Sealth because i
Seattle Schools This Week
Tuesday, Sept. 2ndSuperintendent Nyland will have a press conference at JAMS followed by a ribbon-cutting for the renovated school at noon. He will also be at the ribbon-cutting for Fairmount Park Elementary at 2:45 pm. (I'm taking ideas for questions to ask Superintendent Nyland.)Wednesday, Sept. 3rd - First Day of SchoolSuperintendent Nyland will be visiting several schools that day including
8-30-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum Week
Seattle Schools Community Forum:Seattle Schools Community ForumFriday Open ThreadBoy do I like public disclosure laws because that story out of LA about the iPad debacle only gets better/worse. I'll have another thread on that soon.Kids and Uzis - I'm not sure there is anything that could better demonstrate a lack of common sense. Very funny story from the Scary Mommy blog about going back to s