James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

8-26-14 Wait What? - Jonathan Pelto: Gubernatorial Candidate and A Really Nice Guy
Wait What?: Wait What? All Week Pelto/Murphy 2014 Illinois School Bans Discussions of Michael Brown’s Death (by Paul Thomas)This article was written by fellow pro-public education blogger Paul Thomas for Alternet. Paul Thomas is a an associate professor of education at Furman University and a powerful voice on behalf of public education . His blog can be found at: http://radicalscholarship.wordp
Why Be Concerned About Common Core Data Mining? Orwell, Kafka and the CCSSO (Updated) | Missouri Education Watchdog
Why Be Concerned About Common Core Data Mining? Orwell, Kafka and the CCSSO (Updated) | Missouri Education Watchdog: Why Be Concerned About Common Core Data Mining? Orwell, Kafka and the CCSSO (Updated)inShareThe following is an updated post originally appearing on the Blogger Missouri Education Watchdog site in June 2013.****************************************************************************
Excellent Sheep Run the World: Part II - Michelle Rhee | Just Visiting @insidehighered
Excellent Sheep Run the World: Part II - Michelle Rhee | Just Visiting @insidehighered: John WarnerThere are perhaps no better exemplars of the products of our current meritocratic system than three of the most important recent figures in the education reform movement: Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, “Common Core architect” David Coleman, and one-time chancellor of the Washington D.C. schools
A Teacher's Plea to President Obama | John Thompson
A Teacher's Plea to President Obama | John Thompson: A Teacher's Plea to President ObamaI became a teacher after Supply Side economics and the Reagan era banking collapse devastated our neighborhood. Three hundred houses were abandoned and the "Hoova" set of the Crips set up dozens of crack houses in vacant properties.Mr. President, I became attached to the children in the drug houses an
8-26-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: The Cult of OrderMany, many, many reformsters are members of the Cult of Order.The Cult of Order believes in blind, unthinking devotion to Order. Everything must be in its proper place. Everything must go according to plan. Everything must be under control.It is not new to find cult members in education. We all work with a least a couple. Desks must be just so. The surface of the t
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog 8-26-14
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog: Ferguson, MissouriThe New Yorker's cover for the week we return to school, Eric Drooker's "Ferguson, Missouri." “An artist friend of mine was killed by a cop in lower Manhattan, back in 1991. He happened to be black, and the police officer was never indicted.” Drooker continues, “As a resident of Manhattan’s Lower East Side, I witnessed the blurring distincti
On Kevin Johnson and Michelle Rhee’s latest power moves - Sacramento News & Review -
Sacramento News & Review - On Kevin Johnson and Michelle Rhee’s latest power moves - Bites - Opinions - August 21, 2014: On Kevin Johnson and Michelle Rhee’s latest power movesSome call the mayor and his wife the next Bill and HillaryWhen we checked in a couple weeks ago, Sacramento’s Michelle Rhee was coming back to help run husband Kevin Johnson’s St. HOPE charter schools. It’s since been co
The super wealthy can self-promote themselves for ALS while collecting and distributing student data, profiting from e-college, etc. | Reclaim Reform
The super wealthy can self-promote themselves for ALS while collecting and distributing student data, profiting from e-college, etc. | Reclaim Reform: The super wealthy can self-promote themselves for ALS while collecting and distributing student data, profiting from e-college, etc.Posted on August 26, 2014by Ken Previti“Here’s another example of what happens when the very wealthy and the very sel
All Things Education: In the past fifteen years, the overall number of teachers of color in DC has decreased by almost a third.
All Things Education: In the past fifteen years, the overall number of teachers of color in DC has decreased by almost a third.: In the past fifteen years, the overall number of teachers of color in DC has decreased by almost a third.In one of my last posts, I wrote about the decline of and need for more teachers of color and about my own PK-12 schooling at DCPS.In private conversations, a few DC
Accountability LAUSD's iPad Saga Has Just Begun - ChangeTheLAUSD
Accountability - ChangeTheLAUSD: AccountabilityLAUSD's iPad Saga Has Just Begun“It was controversial?”- John Deasy (1)At the beginning of this month, Superintendent Deasy was mocking opponents of his plan “to provide an iPad to every Los Angeles student, teacher and school administrator.” (2) Yesterday he cancelled the project as the controversy grew over mounting evidence of improprieties in the
Speaking Out Against Excessive Testing (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out)
yahoo good news (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out): Speaking Out Against Excessive TestingSusan Notes: There's something in the air: revolution against federal standardized testing! Breathe deeply.by Susan OhanianWhile newspaper editorials call for obedience to federal laws linking student test scores to teacher evaluation and scrapping tenure, policy makers representing the people are beginning to see th
8-26-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Tuesday Open Thread In the "grrrr" editon of Open Thread:In Jurupa Valley (a small city near Irvine, California), school officials apologized to parents of high school Sped students because, as part of a "functional skills program," the schools had them dig through trash for items that could be recycled for money. The Superintendent carefully p
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)Family Policy Compliance Office (FPCO) HomeThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Depa
Rich Student, Poor Student | EduShyster
Rich Student, Poor Student | EduShyster: Rich Student, Poor Student Students in Salem, MA learn a hard lesson about classDear [insert name here]:Welcome back to school, Salem, MA student! If you’ll be attending thisschool, this school or this school, let me take this opportunity to congratulate you. Like the mariners of yore, your parents successfully navigated the treacherous shoals of Salem’s sc
Looking Back (Part 5) | Taking Note
Looking Back (Part 5) | Taking Note: Looking Back (Part 5)by JOHN MERROW on 26. AUG, 2014 in 2014 BLOGS, LOOKING BACK(For the past few weeks I have been traveling down memory lane and then posting entries on my blog. Memories aren’t sequential, I’ve learned. As evidence of that, here is one from my year away from college.)I’ve been a baseball fan for as long as I can remember-but I’ve been only a
Morning Wink 8-26-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-26-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Paul Horton on the Chicago Clique and the War on Public EducationPaul Horton is a history instructor in the University High School at the University of Chicago Lab Schools. This post explains th
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-26-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Paul Horton on the Chicago Clique and the War on Public EducationPaul Horton is a history instructor in the University High School at the University of Chicago Lab Schools. This post explains the Obama administration’s love for charters and its disdain for public schools. Martin Nesbitt is the President’s best friend, and close ass
8-26-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Black and Latino plaintiffs win back pay in Gulino v BOEBefore ed deform - or maybe an early stage of it - one of the first shots at teachers of color was the lifting of licenses from experienced teachers over a test - even if those teachers had excellent ratings.One of them was in my school, an impeccable pre-k special ed teacher who had worked her way up from a para. My principa
8-26-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: “Driving Value within a Changing Network of Schools through Learning and Development: The Use of a 360° Feedback Tool To Drive Change and Bring Value in Public Education.”Terrence Carter (right) and his attorney. We are on our way from our family’s August vacation rental in Rhode Island to a stop-over
8-26-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): Breaking News: Deasy says he’s cancelling iPad programBreaking News: Deasy says he’s cancelling iPad program Via Los Angeles Times | By Howard Blume Los Angeles schools Supt. John Deasy canceled the $1-billion program to provide all students with an iPad after public records showed he and his top deputy h
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 8-26-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: IPadGate Updated: LA SCHOOLS CANCEL iPAD CONTRACTS AFTER KPCC PUBLISHES INTERNAL EMAILSAnnie Gilbertson | 89.3 KPCC http://bit.ly/XP1S2a Los Angeles schools Supt. John Deasy speaks during a press conference at South Region High School #2 in 2012. AFP/AFP/Getty Images 11pm Aug 25 2014 :: Three days after KPCC published internal emails showing top L.
The Answer Sheet 8-26-14
Answer Sheet: School district bans classroom discussion on Michael Brown, FergusonThe superintendent of a school district in Illinois has issued a directive banning any discussion in classrooms of Michael Brown, the unarmed black teen killed Aug. 9 by a white police officer, or the civil unrest that followed in Ferguson, Mo. KMOX-TV reports that Superintendent Ed Hightower of Edwardsville District
8-26-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Klein Doing Damage Control for Deasy While Selling His Own Tablet SolutionOle McChoakumchild, himself, Joel Klein, had his media mothballs removed long enough this morning to go on CBS to pretend to defend "Dr." John Deasy's slimeware that he provided for Apple hardware and Pearson software to complete the Los Angeles IPad fiasco deal. What he was really for is to get M
8-26-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Sunday & Monday (2nd Wk) Tweets About #Ferguson #MichaelBrown© 2014 Mike Licht, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio [View the story "Sunday & Monday (2nd Wk) Tweets About #Ferguson #MichaelBrown" on Storify]by Larry Ferlazzo / 9min hide // saveTwo Of The Most Student Accessible Articles I’ve Seen On Self-Control©
8-26-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: About the radio showJoin Drs. Shaun Johnson and Tim Slekar LIVE Sundays at 6PM EST and Wednesdays at 7PM EST on Blog Talk Radio for progressive, pro-public education talk radio. Call in to speak live with Tim and Shaun during the show, (805) 727-7111. You can also listen to our Monday "Sunday-Replay" at 7PM EST, and re-broadcasts of the archives every Tuesday and Thursd
8-26-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: Defend Gus Morales!
With A Brooklyn Accent: Defend Gus Morales!If you were going to "build a teacher" in a largely working class town where the majority of those enrolled in the public schools are students of color, one of the models you would work from would be Augustin Morales. Born in Holyoke Mass., part of that town's large Puerto Rican community, Gus spent several years in the military before returning
8-26-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): Illinois School Bans Discussions of Michael Brown’s Death | AlternetIllinois School Bans Discussions of Michael Brown’s Death | Alternet1 by plthomasedd / 38min 8-25-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindnessthe becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy
8-26-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: Publishing giant Pearson says LA school officials emails part of pilot project | 89.3 KPCCEmails also show Pearson offered to hire four, full-time staff members to help train teachers – which would be an extraordinary expense for an eight-classroom pilot. "In addition, we would hire one elementary math and one elementary ELA and one secondary math and one secondary ELA t
8-26-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: UFT Decides Not To Challenge The "Stop Common Core" Ballot LineLooks like UFT President Michael Mulgrew wanted to punch GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino in the face over the "Stop Common Core" ballot line but decided not to:ALBANY – The major New York City teachers union considered challenging Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino’s atte
New Orleans: The Poor Pay the Highest Price for Charter School Experiments | Life at the Intersections
New Orleans: The Poor Pay the Highest Price for Charter School Experiments | Life at the Intersections: NEW ORLEANS: THE POOR PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR CHARTER SCHOOL EXPERIMENTSAUGUST 25, 2014 BRETT DICKERSONIt’s now clear that not everyone in American society has suffered equally or at all from charter school experiments.While claiming to help the poor and people of color, in fact, corporate cha
BREAKING: Mixed Messages From Superintendent Deasy In Reply to KPCC Investigative Report on iPad Procurement
BREAKING: Mixed Messages From Superintendent Deasy In Reply to KPCC Investigative Report on iPad Procurement: BREAKING: Mixed Messages From Superintendent Deasy In Reply to KPCC Investigative Report on iPad ProcurementIn breaking news after the initial revelation that cozy talks between Superintendent Deasy and his upper-level staffers and Apple Corporation/Pearson, KPCC is now reporting:Deasy see
The University of Illinois Attacks Free Speech | Bill Ayers
The University of Illinois Attacks Free Speech | Bill Ayers: The University of Illinois Attacks Free SpeechIn mid-August the University of Illinois withdrew its appointment of Steven Salaita, formerly an English professor at Virginia Tech, as a tenured associate professorship at UIUC. Having cut his ties in Virginia (resignation from a tenured job, his spouse quitting her job, and the couple renti
EdNext’s Paul Peterson: Common Core Got the Bum Rap– Just Like Poor NCLB Did | deutsch29
EdNext’s Paul Peterson: Common Core Got the Bum Rap– Just Like Poor NCLB Did | deutsch29: EdNext’s Paul Peterson: Common Core Got the Bum Rap– Just Like Poor NCLB DidAugust 25, 2014Education Next is a journal that strongly promotes the privatization of public education based upon standardized-test-driven outcomes. The folks at EdNext really love charters and vouchers that drain *authentic* public
Shanker Blog » A Quick Look At The ASA Statement On Value-Added
Shanker Blog » A Quick Look At The ASA Statement On Value-Added: A Quick Look At The ASA Statement On Value-AddedPosted by Matthew Di Carlo on August 26, 2014Several months ago, the American Statistical Association (ASA) released a statement on the use of value-added models in education policy. I’m a little late getting to this (and might be repeating points that others made at the time), but I wa
Viewpoints: The cost of abusive lawsuits is taking a big bite out of California’s classrooms - Viewpoints - The Sacramento Bee
Viewpoints: The cost of abusive lawsuits is taking a big bite out of California’s classrooms - Viewpoints - The Sacramento Bee: Viewpoints: The cost of abusive lawsuits is taking a big bite out of California’s classroomsBy Craig De LuzSpecial to The BeePublished: Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2014 - 12:00 amAlthough not the largest city in California, Sacramento is home to two of the state’s largest school di
Eugene Robinson reflects on Michael Brown & related by teacherken
Eugene Robinson reflects on Michael Brown & related: Eugene Robinson reflects on Michael Brown & relatedbyteacherkenFollow 6 Comments / 6 NewTo be young, male and black in America means not being allowed to make mistakes. Forgetting this, as we’ve seen so many times, can be fatal.So begins When youthful mistakes turn deadly, a powerful column in the Washington Postthat went on line last
Updated: LA schools cancel iPad contracts after KPCC publishes internal emails | 89.3 KPCC
Updated: LA schools cancel iPad contracts after KPCC publishes internal emails | 89.3 KPCC: Updated: LA schools cancel iPad contracts after KPCC publishes internal emails Three days after KPCC published internal emails showing top L.A. Unified officials and executives from Pearson and Apple met and discussed bringing tablet-driven education software to the classroom, the school district announced
NYC Educator: Would You Like to Drink at the Bar?
NYC Educator: Would You Like to Drink at the Bar?: Would You Like to Drink at the Bar?Would you like to drink at the bar?Stay in the Hilton instead of your car,And be better off than you are,Or should I punch you in the face?A punch in the face will shut your festering craw,It might bust your nose or break your jaw,The dues you're paying are what you're here for,So shut your gob and love the Commo
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Duncan's unsolicited confession: He's choking education.
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Duncan's unsolicited confession: He's choking education.: Duncan's unsolicited confession: He's choking education.EPIPHANY...Arne Duncan has been talking with lots of teachers, principals and other educators, he claims, and has had an aha! moment. In his blog post, he offers this unsolicited confession:"I believe testing issues today are sucking the oxygen out o
The big fail of Common Core Standards | Seattle Education
The big fail of Common Core Standards | Seattle Education:The big fail of Common Core StandardsIn the state of Washington, the math standards have been lowered by accepting the Common Core Standards. Before the state legislature even knew what the new standards would be, the legislators in their divine knowledge, accepted Race to the Top money not knowing all of the ramifications. This happened ar
8-25-14 Wag The Dog - Critical Thinking vs. Creative Thinking
WagTheDog | Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. ~ Rumi: Critical Thinking vs. Creative ThinkingThe Common Core demands students think critically while staying connected and diving into text, yet employers desire workers who can think creatively, connect with people, and dive into their work. David Coleman has made it clear that
Publishing giant Pearson says LA school officials emails part of pilot project | 89.3 KPCC
Publishing giant Pearson says LA school officials emails part of pilot project | 89.3 KPCC: Publishing giant Pearson says LA school officials emails part of pilot project Pearson broke its weekend silence Monday and responded to emails obtained by KPCC showing LA Unified and Pearson officials discussing a software purchase ahead of a public bid for the district's massive technology program.Pearson
UTLA calls for investigation of Deasy's ties to Apple, Pearson execs - LA Times
UTLA calls for investigation of Deasy's ties to Apple, Pearson execs - LA Times: UTLA calls for investigation of Deasy's ties to Apple, Pearson execsLos Angeles teachers union president Alex Caputo-Pearl on Monday called on the L.A. Board of Education to launch an investigation into Supt. John Deasy’s relationship with executives from companies that won key contracts related to the $1-billion effo
To Keep Poor Kids in School, Provide Social Services - NYTimes.com
To Keep Poor Kids in School, Provide Social Services - NYTimes.com: How to Get Kids to ClassTo Keep Poor Kids in School, Provide Social ServicesEleanor TaylorARLINGTON, Va. — FOR the 16 million American children living below the federal poverty line, the start of a new school year should be reason to celebrate. Summer is no vacation when your parents are working multiple jobs or looking for one. M
8-25-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: About the radio showJoin Drs. Shaun Johnson and Tim Slekar LIVE Sundays at 6PM EST and Wednesdays at 7PM EST on Blog Talk Radio for progressive, pro-public education talk radio. Call in to speak live with Tim and Shaun during the show, (805) 727-7111. You can also listen to our Monday "Sunday-Replay" at 7PM EST, and re-broadcasts of the archives every Tuesday and Thursd
If you are concerned about poverty
If you are concerned about poverty: If you are concerned about povertybyteacherkenFollow 1 Comments / 1 NewI strongly suggest you read this blog post by my professional colleague Mike Rose of UCLA written in tribute to his co-author and colleague Mike Katz, who just passed away.Some of you may remember Public Education Under Siege, my review of the book of that title produced by the two Mikes,
PARCC CEO ADMITS GOAL OF TEST TO CONTROL CURRICULUM - Governor Bobby Jindal | State of Louisiana
PARCC CEO ADMITS GOAL OF TEST TO CONTROL CURRICULUM - Governor Bobby Jindal | State of Louisiana: PARCC CEO ADMITS GOAL OF TEST TO CONTROL CURRICULUMBATON ROUGE - On Friday, the federally funded Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) issued a press release where the Chief Executive Officer of PARCC Laura Slover revealed the true goals of the federally funded PARCC
Nite Cap 8-25-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPConservative Website Grades Companies on Common Core | Truth in American EducationConservative Website Grades Companies on Common Core | Truth in American Education: Conservative Website Grades Companies on Common CoreFiled in Common Core State S