Durham Schools Cutting Ties with Teach for America
A day to celebrate! From the Herald-Sun:Aug. 30, 2014 @ 05:51 PM Gregory Childress DURHAM —The Durham school district will honor its current contract with Teach For America, but the national teacher training program’s future with Durham Public Schools is up in the air. The school board voted 6-1 last week to honor its commitment to TFA teachers, including five hired to work for DPS this school
8-31-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Citizen Jack's compendium of teacher reviews of Eva Moskowitz’s Success Academy Empire"They don't tolerate what we tolerate," she said several times. What is it HSA doesn't tolerate? According to my co-worker: disruptive children and parents who don't play an active role in their child's education. — Brian Jones"Jack," a frequent commenter on Professor Diane Rav