Deborah Meier: On Leisure This Labor Day
Deborah Meier from Schoolhouse Live on Vimeo. This Labor Day small schools founder Deborah Meier reminds us of the need for leisure time to practice the art of democracy. Learn more about Deborah here. The post Deborah Meier: On Leisure This Labor Day appeared first on Living in Dialogue.
Do Our Schools Need a New Accountability System?
By Anthony Cody. A new report from Marc Tucker is gaining some support for its supposedly new approach to holding schools accountable. But I am afraid his plan makes many of the mistakes that previous such systems have made. Here is the core of his proposal: Instead of testing all of our students every year with low-level, cheap tests, our students would take high stakes tests only three times in
Edu-Politics 101, Part Two: The High Cost of Pleasing the Powerful
By John Thompson. I twice supported Barack Obama for president. Throughout President Obama’s first term, I asked what we teachers might have done to provoke him so. Were his anti-teacher policies the avoidable result of teachers and unions being too slow to address conditions in Chicago schools? By now, it is clear that teachers were in the wrong place at the wrong time. President Obama was search
8-31-14 All NEW Living in Dialogue
Home - Living in Dialogue: Politicizing the Common Core as Candidates Plan Their Next MovesAcross the country, politicians are reacting to the Common Core debate. Some are sinking and others are swimming in their support or condemnation of the national standards. The post Politicizing the Common Core as Candidates Plan Their Next Moves appeared first on Living in Dialogue.7 by Robert Perry / 40min