The Classroom Reality of Common Core. Is This What You Want for Your Child?

What does the Common Core State Standards Initiative look like in the classroom? (Diagram courtesy of ROPE)
A teacher from Idaho describes her experience with SBAC testing in the classroom and provides background on the purpose of the data mined from children. This is what is happening in your Common Core states. With the insertion of ‘Missouri’ where ‘Idaho’ appears, you have a good description of what Missouri teachers are experiencing.
We also have ratings (to address federal mandates) of attendance and accountability measures. Missouri schools will be rated based on MSIP5. The rating systems in Idaho and Missouri (and insert your state’s name here) are similar based on USDOEd mandates for school/student accountability. Like Idaho, our standards have been renamed ‘(Insert your state’s name here) Learning Standards’ but they are still Common Core State Standards.
Missouri and other states have companies contracted out to capture and disseminate children’s data without your knowledge or approval. We will be writing about this flow of information on MEW shortly, but this teacher’s information about Schoolnet is similar to how Missouri operates.
This teacher tells us what is happening in the classroom. How much longer will you allow your children to be taught in this way and their data to be mined?
From Local Teacher Speaks Out About Common Core(
To my friends and family,
I am an Idaho Teacher, and I am writing to you for help. For too long have many teachers sat quietly by and listened/let the Common Core and SBAC Testing debate go by with the hopes that things will be fine or change…..because truth and right always win, right? Although I do believe that truth and right will always win in the end, I know that there is often a lot of “yuck” to pass through before that happens. It is time that this teacher speaks up. I do want to make it clear that my opinions and research should not be reflected onto my school or any other school in Idaho. I work with an amazing group of people. The teachers at my school are highly trained and most The Classroom Reality of Common Core. Is This What You Want for Your Child? | Missouri Education Watchdog: