Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog:

Ferguson Readings
Photo: Scott Olson, GettyHere is a very incomplete list of thought-provoking articles on the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, the protests as a result and the militarization of local policy forces.Mariame Kaba with a commentary in the Washington Post: For Blacks, America is Dangerous by Default Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (yes, THAT Kareem Abdul-Jabb
AUG 26
Ferguson, Missouri
The New Yorker's cover for the week we return to school, Eric Drooker's "Ferguson, Missouri." “An artist friend of mine was killed by a cop in lower Manhattan, back in 1991. He happened to be black, and the police officer was never indicted.” Drooker continues, “As a resident of Manhattan’s Lower East Side, I witnessed the blurring distinctions between the police and military during the
JUN 10
New Parents Depending on Apps for Parenting Guide
New parents, starting with this generation, are depending on their smartphones to help them survive raising their child. Instead of using their own knowledge to raise their child, the parents download parenting apps online. These apps help parents in all ways physically and mentally. There are apps that relate to a baby's health and emotion; parents would determine whether their child was healthy
JUN 08
The Leading Web Browser; Google's Web Browser
Since computers were invented, the web browser, Internet Explorer (IE), was the most popular web browser to be used. As computers and software start expanding, different web browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome, were developed but were not used as much as IE because every new monitor purchased comes with IE already installed. This lead to IE being the most used of all the ot
JUN 02
AP U.S. Government Summer Reading (Periods 5 and 6)
Summer reading assignment for all AP US Govt students (non-HISP) who will be in my classes next year is available here.
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog 4-26-14
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog:Russia is Still Having Fun with the UkraineSo there are now up to 40,000 Russian troops equipped with all their fighting machines on the border of the Ukraine. Russia has annexed Crimea and clearly shows intent of not stopping there. Ethnically Russian cities inside of the Ukrainian border have exploded in revolt and violence has torn the streets. There are cities in the