Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog:
Schooling in the Ownership Society
Schooling in the Ownership Society
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk
Schooling in the Ownership Society

Our neighborhood rally with Karen Lewis
Karen at El Cid. THE DELUGE...This afternoon's rally at the monument in Logan Square, was drowned by a deluge as a series of storms rolled across the city. Karen Lewis and some brave souls made a run for El Cid up the block and set up camp there to discuss the issues at hand. Even great organizing by the Logan Sq. Neighborhood Assoc. couldn't roll back the storm.What fun!
SEP 04
A color-coded visual of Chicago's reform failure
Blaine Principal Troy LaRaviereThanks to Blaine Principal Troy LaRaviere for sharing this excellent color-coded visual on Reading Growth in Chicago's Public & Charter Schools. @TroyLaraviere on Twitter calls it a "visual of Chicago's Charter Reform Failure." He's right.On one side, the chart shows the 45 CPS schools with the highest growth in reading scores. They are all public, with
SEP 03
Welcome back to your school, now under AUSL management.
Col. Tyrell as GreshamDAY ONE -- LEVEL ZERO Ex-Marine Col. Tom Tyrell was there to oversee the first day of school at Gresham. Before Coming to CPS to supervise school closings, Tyrell coordinated "prisoner-exchange" work in Kosovo. He then went on to work as Chief Operating Officer for the Intrepid Sea*Air*Space Museum in New York City, "helping instill in young people some of the
Civility? Do the Math
Do the math...Two years ago, Chicago Public School budgeted for 454 librarians.Last year: 313 librarians.This year? 254. -- WBEZThey're not librarians...Comcast is doing all right, here and most everywhere. Their proposed $45 billion takeover of Time Warner Cable Inc. has Rahm Emanuel and 70 other city mayors applauding like trained seals.“We’re proud to have the support of Chicago Mayor Rahm Eman
SEP 01
Labor Day Thoughts
Labour cannot emancipate itself in the white skin where in the black it is branded. -- Karl MarxThe Wall St. Journal Reports...The White House and union leaders are using Labor Day to reinvigorate efforts to raise the minimum wage. “Raising the minimum wage would be one of the best ways to give a boost to working families,” President Barack Obama said Saturday in his weekly radio address. He point
Weekend Quotables
Bruce Rauner "I've worked with Rahm Emanuel and (former Mayor) Rich Daley because they control the schools," Rauner told the Tribune earlier this year. "And we've talked about school reform fairly extensively. We disagree on many things ... but on school reform we see things the same way. He believes in charter schools and competition and choice. He's starting to come around and be
AUG 31
AUG 30
Nine years since Katrina. Maybe some justice for New Orleans teachers.
On Sept. 4th, the State Supreme Court will hear the case of 7,000 teachers fired after Hurricane Katrina. "Katrina accomplished in a day ... what Louisiana school reformers couldn't do after years of trying". -- American Enterprise Institute. When Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast exactly nine years ago, New Orleans school chief Paul Vallas saw the disaster as an opportunity to car
State Supreme Court to hear case of N.O. teachers fired by Vallas after Katrina
State Supreme Court will hear the case of 7,000 teachers wrongly fired after Hurricane Katrina. "Katrina accomplished in a day ... what Louisiana school reformers couldn't do after years of trying". -- American Enterprise Institute. When Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast exactly nine years ago, New Orleans school chief Paul Vallas saw the disaster as an opportunity to carry out his