Ed Notes Online

Jews and Social Justice
Pre-eminent among Jewish values in his mind, he said, is the call to do justice...Reform Judaism, which is the largest denomination in American Judaism, has a long tradition of social justice and activism, but it can be a challenge to convince many liberal, modern Jews of the need to live out those values in a Jewish context.... NY Times: A Rabbi’s Departure Manifests a Challenge for Jews in Ameri
"Brother" Ernie Logan Throws UFT Chapter Under the Bus
When a UFT official called the CSA (principals union) our "union brothers and sisters" all I had to say is that justbecause the concentration camp guards have a union doesn't make them my brothers.... John Elfrank-Dana, CL Bergraum HSWell Ernie Logan in this article scapegoats our chapter for Bergtraum's problems. You can read my response in the comments.http://nymag.com/daily/intelligen
Cornel West Calls Al Sharpton the "Bonafide House Negro of the Obama Plantation"
West and his co-host Tavis Smiley both lamented that black leadership has become “so sold-out” so as not to have the courage to be a “bull in the china shop,” break rank, and talk about “racism, poverty, and militarism” at an otherwise “bought-out” event.The Princeton professor also believes Martin Luther King Jr. would have been disappointed by the March on Washington anniversary speeches.http://
He Wasn't Marchin' Anymore - How Al Sharpton Was Bought By Bloomberg
The march that Sharpton called was clearly in response to what happened in Staten Island and that's why it was held there. It was called even before the events in Missouri. Why were none of these marches called by Sharpton and his cronies during the Bloomberg era - especially with all of the stuff going on with stop and frisk? The person who calls for a march or demo is always an important questio
Malcolm X on The March on Washington
Who ever heard of angry revolutionists swinging their bare feet together with their oppressor in lily-pad park pools, with gospels and guitars and "I Have A Dream" speeches? And the black masses in America were--and still are--having a nightmare.... Malcolm X on the March on Washington, 1964 From The Autobiography of Malcolm X. New York: Ballantine Books, 1964. 278-281. Not long a
Congrats to John Elfrank-Dana who has now successfully battled two abusive principals
If this were Atlanta, Almonte would be leaving in handcuffs..... Ed NotesBergtraum HS principal leaves after caught pushing kids into substandard online courses & violating sped rights; sadly she will now likely go and ruin some adult ed program. Congrats to John ElFrank-Dana who has now successfully battled two abusive principals now…hope the school gets someone good finally!... Leonie Haimso
Haimson - Prepare to Be Really Sick - Comment on NY Times Mag Moskowitz Puff Piece by Daniel Bergner
Six teachers spoke to him as well as several parents. I was 100% honest with him. We were completely ignored. Many of things I talked about were the main things he focused on here. Conveniently left out.... Teacher at Mickey Mantle school where Eva attempted to evict the special ed childrenBelow is a comment by Leonie Haimson, followed by teachers who spoke at length to Daniel Bergner and realize
SEP 02
Samuel Freedman, on Bel Kaufman, Goes After Teacher Bashing, With Ties to the 68 Strike
Around the same time that “Up the Down Staircase” was published, New York City was convulsed by a battle over community control of public schools. The struggle reached its apogee between 1967 and 1968, with the installation of a black governing board in the Ocean Hill-Brownsville section of Brooklyn, its dismissal of several dozen white teachers, and a series of citywide teachers’ strikes in respo
Farina Threat to ATRS Echos Our Opposition to the Contract
Fariña pledged to announce in the next two weeks a big reduction in the number of teachers getting paid despite not having steady classroom jobs. Earlier this month 114 of the roughly 1,100 teachers — known as the Absent Teacher Reserve — accepted $16,000 buyouts. Fariña said the numbers would dwindle further as principals are taught best practices for writing up teachers and beginning the arduous
Eva Moskowitz Success Academy - Changes Locks on Renovated Faculty Restrooms to Shut Public School Teachers Out
My solution? Pee on the outside of the door.A co-located public school teacher in an Eva invaded school. By the way, sources tell me that in this Success School you will find a hell of a lot of white kids, a bunch of them Jewish out of a Hebrew school - not corroborated - yet. Eva used the kids of color as a step to go where she really wants to go --- Inside ColocationThe public school where I've
SEP 01
Sept 2, 4:30: Unjust, unfair firing of probationary teachers – give them a second chance
Hey, good news. New Action is taking some action. I will be there to videotape it. Ed Notes has taken up the issue of Discontinued teachers who are blackballed from the system for many years - I'm too lazy to look for the links but if you search for '"the dreaded D" you will find a bunch.Many of us in MORE have worked with people in this situation.MOREista Patrick Walsh, CL of PS 149M, h
It's an exhausting enterprise getting rid of a principal, especially when you get NO help from 52 Broadway
Murry Bergtraum has a new principal. MOREista Chapter Leader John Elfrank-Dana helped lead the battle. The principal mis-used the data to target teachers.I know people are impatient and unhappy over the slow pace of replacing the Bloomberg supervisor appointee horror stories. Of course, having our union be pals with the CSA, the bosses' union, doesn't help.Like call Ernie Logan and say "Tell
AUG 31
Vera Pavone: Why there must be accountability for police and due process
After my last post on the NYPD, where I pointed out how MORE was being trashed from the left for calling for due process for police, Vera sent these thoughts, and I totally agree.Due process does not mean automatic amnesty for all police no matter what they do. It includes investigation, prosecution and punishment of the guilty. All the guilty—not just those frightened, poorly trained, overly aggr
Teachers: Wear Blue Handcuffs on Tuesday to Support Innocent Teachers Arrested by NYPD
Congrats, Chaz - and I say this as someone who refused to march in Staten Island because of Sharpton's presence - you're now officially identified with the gentrification/White Backlash wing of the UFT and teaching profession.... I hope you continue to feel the same crush on your NYPD "union brothers and sisters" if/when one of them is called upon to investigate/arrest you, based upon th
Charter schools making big profits for private companies
10 Investigates found new ways charter schools companies are profiting off education: real estate and high rents...http://www.wtsp.com/story/news/investigations/2014/08/21/charter-school-profits-on-real-estate/14420317/Charter schools making big profits for private companies Noah Pransky, WTSP 12:48 p.m. EDT August 22, 2014(Photo: WTSP) 1796 CONNECT 252 TWEET 7 LINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMORETAMPA, Flori
Ms Moskowitz doesn't care about these children if so the would help the ones that really need help
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Success Charter Attempt to eliminate its at-risk a...": Yes those success academy school are shameless using the children to get what they want and they don't even care. The have a so called strict policy on behavior, not taking into consideration that mostly all of the children come from public schools that they so much despise. Their suspe
AUG 30
Moaning Mona Moaning and Video: Mona Davids 2009 Racist Rant Against Julie Cavanagh and PS 15 Teachers
Moaning Mona is moaning again - this time about Campbell Brown not working with her and her law firm leaving Mona high and dry. Read the joyful news here:http://www.eclectablog.com/2014/08/law-firm-supporting-new-york-parents-union-quits-parents-blame-bullying-by-campbell-browns-education-reform-group.html#.VAH-iHu_RWY.facebook NYC Parents Union @NYCParentsUnionCampbell Brown does not speak for
Gabrielle Horowitz-Prisco - Loretta and Gene Would Be So Proud
A part of the impetus for the change is due to the behind-the-scenes work of people like Gabrielle Horowitz-Prisco, a small woman with fuchsia glasses.... Epoch TimesAt last night's ICE meeting we talked over old times about Loretta and Gene, two education fighters for social justice for their entire lives. They had been founders of ICE and were sorely missed. (Oh what would they be doing over in