James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

9-5-14 Living in Dialogue - End Suspensions, and Bring Play Back to Kindergarten - Living in Dialogue
End Suspensions, and Bring Play Back to Kindergarten - Living in Dialogue: End Suspensions, and Bring Play Back to KindergartenBy Sara Lahm. Is there a crack forming in the anti-child world we have been subjecting our children to for far too long? I ask this question on the heels of Minneapolis Public Schools Superintendent Bernadeia Johnson’s announcement that, effective immediately, preschoolers
Why Unionizing Teachers In Charter Schools is a Bad Idea
Why Unionizing Teachers In Charter Schools is a Bad Idea: Why Unionizing Teachers In Charter Schools is a Bad IdeaSEPTEMBER 5, 2014 BY NANCY BAILEY 1 COMMENTIn California, the new NEA leader Lily Eskelsen García is working to gather charter school teachers to unionize. HERE. She appears savvy and smart and gave an uplifting, firery introductory speech to teachers upon her election. As a retired me
Student Member App + Advisory Commission on Charter Schools App + CNP Reimbursement Rates - State Board of Education
Student Member Application Memo - State Board of Education (CA Dept of Education): REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS FOR THE2015-16 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION STUDENT MEMBERThe California State Board of Education (SBE) is accepting applications for the 2015–16 Student Board Member position. Any student who is a California resident and enrolled in a public high school, will be a senior in good standing in the
Back To School With American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten | Talk Radio News ServiceTalk Radio News Service
Back To School With American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten | Talk Radio News ServiceTalk Radio News Service: Back To School With American Federation of Teachers President Randi WeingartenTRNS Bureau Chief Ellen Ratner interviews Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers.Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers (Courtesy Photo A
NYC Public School Parents: NYC Kids PAC endorsements
NYC Public School Parents: NYC Kids PAC endorsements: NYC Kids PAC endorsementsFor immediate releaseSept. 4, 2014For more information contact: Shino Tanikawa, info@nyckidspac.org , 917-770-8438NYC KidsPAC endorses Teachout for Governor, Jackson, Liu, Koppell for State Senate;Fedkowskyj and Simon for AssemblyToday, NYC KidsPAC, a political action committee composed of parent leaders devoted to stre
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Our neighborhood rally with Karen Lewis
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Our neighborhood rally with Karen Lewis: Our neighborhood rally with Karen LewisKaren at El Cid. THE DELUGE...This afternoon's rally at the monument in Logan Square, was drowned by a deluge as a series of storms rolled across the city. Karen Lewis and some brave souls made a run for El Cid up the block and set up camp there to discuss the issues at hand. Even great
Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » Teacher Rotation: China’s New National Campaign for Equity
Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » Teacher Rotation: China’s New National Campaign for Equity: Teacher Rotation: China’s New National Campaign for Equity5 SEPTEMBER 2014 717 NO COMMENTBy 2020, about one million teachers and principals in China will be swapped between good and poor schools annually, if the nation’s new strategy for easing education inequity goes as planned. The
IQC Recruitment Joint Letter - Application Information (CA Dept of Education)
IQC Recruitment Joint Letter - Application Information (CA Dept of Education): CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION 2015 CALL FOR APPLICATIONSINSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY COMMISSIONWe are requesting your assistance in recruiting currently practicing teachers with teaching experience and expertise in science, history–social science, world languages and/or health to apply for membership on the Instructional
for the love of learning: Bring Your Own Device: It's awesome except for the inequity
for the love of learning: Bring Your Own Device: It's awesome except for the inequity: Bring Your Own Device: It's awesome except for the inequityIt's the end of my first week at my new school and it has been awesome!I'm teaching six classes. Two grade 6 social studies, two grade 6 language arts and two grade 8 social studies. For grade 6, I am teaching two classes language arts and social studies
9-5-14 Wait What? - Governor Malloy: Tell the truth about your position on teacher tenure
Wait What?: Governor Malloy: Tell the truth about your position on teacher tenureAs we know, on-line petitions demanding politicians account for their actions have become all the rage. It is time for Governor Malloy to come clean and tell the truth about his position on tenure. Therefore we’ve started on an-line petition to do exactly that: Governor Dannel Malloy is the only Democratic governor i
9-5-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Seattle Schools UpdatesFrom last Friday's "Friday Memo" from the Superintendent Here's something interesting from the press conference with the Mayor that included Superintendent Nyland. The Superintendent referenced a "taskforce" about African-American student outcomes. I was a bit puzzled but the Friday memo from the Superintendent has the &
Geaux Teacher!: Standardized Testing and Pearson's Dangerous Game!
Geaux Teacher!: Standardized Testing and Pearson's Dangerous Game!: Standardized Testing and Pearson's Dangerous Game!Re-post from a Jason Stanford of The Texas Observer.If you haven't figured out yet that education "reform" with its Standards and Testing mania is BIG BUSINESS check this out. Pearson Publishing (and all it's subsidiaries and holdings) are reportedly having a difficult
9-5-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): Morning Read: Lawmakers tightening accountability of LCFFMorning Read: Lawmakers tightening accountability of LCFF Activists win further regulation of LCFF money School administrators are still balking at attempts by lawmakers and other student advocacy groups to further tighten accountability restriction
By All Means, Let’s Talk About Alcohol and Campus Sexual Assault. But Let’s Do It Right. |
By All Means, Let’s Talk About Alcohol and Campus Sexual Assault. But Let’s Do It Right. |: By All Means, Let’s Talk About Alcohol and Campus Sexual Assault. But Let’s Do It Right.September 5, 2014 in StudentsStudentActivism.net is the work of Angus Johnston, a historian and advocate of American student organizing. A new piece went up at the Chronicle of Higher Education yesterday titled Why Campu
Thank you Mr. President for your Welcome! Join Us! | Cloaking Inequity
Thank you Mr. President for your Welcome! Join Us! | Cloaking Inequity: Thank you Mr. President for your Welcome! Join Us!https://twitter.com/ProfessorJVH/status/507763384817696768 Consider studying for your Ph.D. in Educational Leadership at California State University Sacramento. Join us! Click here.Please Facebook Like, Tweet, etc below and/or reblog.Want to know about Cloaking Inequity’s fresh
Activists win further regulation of LCFF money :: SI&A Cabinet Report
Activists win further regulation of LCFF money :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet: SEPTEMBER 05, 2014Activists win further regulation of LCFF moneyby Kimberly Beltran(Calif.) School administrators are still balking at attempts by lawmakers and other student advocacy groups to further tighten accountability restrictions under the state’s new sch
School Districts Part Of Network Working With Google To Collect Information | Missouri Education Watchdog
School Districts Part Of Network Working With Google To Collect Information | Missouri Education Watchdog: School Districts Part Of Network Working With Google To Collect InformationinShareLet me just start by saying I love the internet. It allows me to connect to friends and family who live far away. It allows me to share ideas on a plethora of social networks like Pinterest and Facebook. I can u
9-5-14 Schools Matter - KIPP: Waiting for the Marshmallow While Getting the Fist
Schools Matter: KIPP: Waiting for the Marshmallow While Getting the FistEducators have jumped on the bandwagon, hoping to teach the skills of delaying gratification to inner-city kids. Dave Levin, co-founder of KIPP (a network of charter schools) employs teaching these cognitive tricks to all his students, who also each wear T-shirts emblazoned with the slogan “Don’t eat the marshmallow!” SourceWh
As Schools Open, Resistance Must Continue! | WeArePCAPS
As Schools Open, Resistance Must Continue! | WeArePCAPS: As Schools Open, Resistance Must Continue!Posted on September 5, 2014by wearepcapsNext week students return for another year at badly under resourced, under staffed, “bare bones” schools. Even if the stalled cigarette tax passes, our schools will be in no better shape, and, arguably, worse off than last year. And last year was the low point
Morning Wink 9-5-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-5-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Plunderbund: Ohio’s Richest Charter HaulThe Ohio blogger Plunderbund here lays out the astonishing record of William Lager and the Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow.(ECOT). This online charter sch
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-5-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Plunderbund: Ohio’s Richest Charter HaulThe Ohio blogger Plunderbund here lays out the astonishing record of William Lager and the Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow.(ECOT). This online charter school is the largest charter in the state. It receives almost $100 million a year from the state. “On the latest report cards released by th
9-5-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: State school funding. Reduce the size of the pie. Slice it into smaller pieces.Illinois school funding is a cruel joke. Since we already ranks at the bottom in state school funding, the burden falls on local districts to raise money locally. Rich school districts do fine. Poor ones, not so much. To fi
9-5-14 Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet: Teacher: No longer can I throw my students to the ‘testing wolves’Dawn Neely-Randall, who just started her 25th year of teaching, is sick and tired of the effects that obsessive standardized testing is having on her students. She is a member of the Badass Teachers Association, a national group of more than 51,000 educators who came together to organize resistance to school reform th
9-5-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: September 17th Is U.S. Constitution Day — Here Are Related Resources© 2010 Mr.TinDC, Flickr | CC-BY-ND | via Wylio Federal legislation requires schools in the United States to offer lessons related to the U.S. Constitution on U.S. Constitution Day — September 17th of each year. You might be interested in The Best Sites For
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 9-5-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: LUDICROUS³: The consensus of opinion of serving and retired LA County superintendents on John Deasy’s superintendencysmf writes for 4LAKidsNews 4 Sept 2014 :: I spoke this afternoon separately to three different school superintendents from three distinct and different school districts in L.A. County - two retired and one still practicing the craft – a
9-5-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: Paying Teachers Less Will Make them MORE EffectiveAmerica's Schools Could Be More Efficient If Teachers Were Paid Less: Report Posted: 09/04/2014 7:19 pm EDT Updated: 29 minutes ago When it comes to education, the United States isn't getting all the bang it could for its buck, according to a new report. GEMS Education, an education consulting firm, released its "Efficie
9-5-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: Prof. Pearson Goes To CollegeOn Thursday, Gabriel Kahn at Slate reported news that is not actually news to anybody who pays attention to education these days, but it's still worth noting.Pearson has made it possible for colleges and universities to do away with those pesky professors entirely by providing a Course in a Box. Students who sign up for an Intro to Psychology course at
9-5-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: Cuomo In Hiding, Teachout EverywhereZephyr Teachout's schedule today:At 10 a.m., Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout participates in a Women’s Equality “Empty Chair Debate Stop”, 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, 23 Washington Pl., Manhattan.At 11:30 a.m., Teachout appears on “The Capital Pressroom” with Susan Arbetter, listen at 91.3 FM or http://www.wcny.org
Back to School with NEA president Lily Eskelsen Garcia in Florida
Back to School with NEA president Lily Eskelsen Garcia in Florida: Back to School Tour in FloridaSeptember 5, 2014 by LilyCategories: Education, EventsTags: back to school, florida, storifyThere are great things happening in public schools in Florida. So honored to see the great work of dedicated educators:Back to School with NEA president Lily Eskelsen Garcia in Florida:
Oregon Save Our Schools: Our press release: Parents Say No to Kindergarten Test
Oregon Save Our Schools: Our press release: Parents Say No to Kindergarten Test: Our press release: Parents Say No to Kindergarten TestFor immediate release August 31, 2014Parents, Teachers Say No to Kindergarten Test“I have opted out both my Kindergartner and my Second Grader,” says Jennifer Lewis, a Portland Public School parent. Lewis is just one of many parents across Oregon opting their child
The Battle for New York Schools: Eva Moskowitz vs. Mayor Bill de Blasio - NYTimes.com
The Battle for New York Schools: Eva Moskowitz vs. Mayor Bill de Blasio - NYTimes.com: The Battle for New York Schools: Eva Moskowitz vs. Mayor Bill de BlasioBy DANIEL BERGNERSEPT. 3, 2014One afternoon this summer, Eva Moskowitz, who runs Success Academy Charter Schools, showed me her senior yearbook. “I was the editor,” she said. We sat in a half-furnished office at the construction site of her c
NYC Educator: The Best Thing That Happened Yesterday
NYC Educator: The Best Thing That Happened Yesterday: The Best Thing That Happened YesterdayYesterday was the first day of class. I was nervous, the kids were nervous, but we all did the best we can. First day programming is always problematic. I teach beginning ESL and several of my kids turned out to have been born here.In my afternoon class, one girl got pretty upset about this. She asked me to
OSI Rent-a-Cop Comes Calling on a Teacher - southbronxschool
http://www.southbronxschool.com: OSI Rent-a-Cop Comes Calling on a TeacherI have been transferred.For those that recall, last year I spent my Rubber Room time at 4360 Broadway. Worse, I was held captive alone for over 6 months until I was allowed compatriots. I shared with the readers of this blog mycaptivity, my friends, and how I acclimated myself to the whims of my captors.I am now at 1230 Zere
SUPERINTENDENT JOHN DEASY'S IPAD SCANDAL- JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG - Perdaily.com: SUPERINTENDENT JOHN DEASY'S IPAD SCANDAL- JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG(Mensaje se repite en Español)Given the present iPAD scandal that in reality is just the latest incarnation of a long list of corrupt practices at the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), one can only hope that finally the curtain will b
The Illusionist | Bob Braun's Ledger
The Illusionist | Bob Braun's Ledger: The IllusionistAntoinette Baskerville-Richardson, a school board member, recrods data on empty buses on the first day of schoolCami Anderson, Chris Christie’s overseer of the Newark schools, spent a good part of the first day of school traveling to schools she knew would be orderly, stopping along the way to give impromptu news conferences in which she praised
9-4-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Ravitch Warms to Tuckerism: Can Randi Be Far Ahead?Posted September 4 at Schools Matter. I posted the other day on the new (old) Tuckerism that Joe Nocera was promoting (again) in the New York Times. Obviously, Tucker’s THL (Testing Hysteria Lite) has resonated with the neolibs as a way to stave off the revolution against testing, while preserving its worst features and maintai
DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: Wanted:A Great Year! Teachers and Parents Working Toward the Same Goal!
DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: Wanted:A Great Year! Teachers and Parents Working Toward the Same Goal!: Wanted:A Great Year! Teachers and Parents Working Toward the Same Goal!Every year, at the beginning of the school year, I send this form home. I ask my parents to fill it out in ther interest of learning what they want from their child's teacher. What can make this a great year for their chi
Using Student Surveys to Evaluate Teachers |
Using Student Surveys to Evaluate Teachers |: Using Student Surveys to Evaluate Teachers The technology section of The New York Times released an article yesterday called “Grading Teachers, With Data From Class.” It’s about using student-level survey data, or what students themselves have to say about the effectiveness of their teachers, to supplement (or perhaps trump) value-added and other test-
Why has U.S. academic success dropped? The answer may be on the playground | Deseret News National
Why has U.S. academic success dropped? The answer may be on the playground | Deseret News National: Why has U.S. academic success dropped? The answer may be on the playgroundA fierce rash on the boy's flushed face was Tim Walker’s first clue his student was stressed.“I need my 75 minutes of recess,” the fifth-grader demanded. He knew the American teacher was fresh off the boat, new to the Finnish
Black Parallel School Board Meeting September 6, 2014 Saturday 10:00am open to the public
Home - Black Parallel School Board: Black Parallel School Board MeetingSeptember 6, 2014Saturday 10:00amOak Park United Methodist Church3600 BroadwaySacramento, CA 95817We call on all parents, community members and students to attend the meeting. The Black Parallel School Board’s Candidate Forum(Free and open to the public)Featuring only Candidates for Sacramento City Unified School District Board
New Jersey's Newark schools open but some boycott - SFGate
New Jersey's Newark schools open but some boycott - SFGate: New Jersey's Newark schools open but some boycott NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — Organizers of a boycott of Newark schools on the first day of classes Thursday claimed success, but the school superintendent said it didn't appear many parents kept their children home in protest of her new enrollment system that is the target of a federal civil rights
America's Schools Could Be More Efficient If Teachers Were Paid Less: Report
America's Schools Could Be More Efficient If Teachers Were Paid Less: Report: America's Schools Could Be More Efficient If Teachers Were Paid Less: ReportPosted: 09/04/2014 7:19 pm EDT Updated: 29 minutes ago When it comes to education, the United States isn't getting all the bang it could for its buck, according to a new report.GEMS Education, an education consulting firm, released its "Effi
Inside the Mammoth Backlash to Common Core | Mother Jones
Inside the Mammoth Backlash to Common Core | Mother Jones: Inside the Mammoth Backlash to Common CoreHow a bipartisan education reform effort became the biggest conservative bogeyman since Obamacare.—By Tim Murphy| September/October 2014 IssueEmail262Illustration: Chris BuzelliONE NIGHT LAST SEPTEMBER, a 46-year-old Veterans Administration research manager named Robert Small showed up at a public
Nite Cap 9-4-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPYo Sac Bee: You Hate Teachers, You Hate Public Education and Love the 1%, We get it!Editorial: Teacher protections that hurt students are indefensible – unless you’re state’s top education official - Editorials - The Sacramento Bee: Yo Sac Bee: Y