Seattle Schools Community Forum:
Seattle Schools Community Forum

So What Have They Done?
Open Thread: Waitlists and Assignments
CPPS: Tapping the Power of Parents
Director Peaslee's Community Meetin Today Canceled
Since the sexual assault complaint that arose on a Garfield High School field trip to NatureBridge in November of 2012, we have heard from the Seattle Public Schools Board of Directors and senior management about how seriously they regard it and how committed they are to tightening up procedures, policy, and compliance. But what have they actually done? Shockingly little. And let's remember that t
Open Thread: Waitlists and Assignments
By request. Discuss among yourselves.
CPPS: Tapping the Power of Parents
From Community & Parents for Public Schools, Seattle (CPPS):SEATTLE: Students win when families and schools work together, but not all parents engage equally. So Community & Parents for Public Schools of Seattle is bringing an acclaimed program to the city that strengthens ties to public schools by recruiting, placing and mentoring volunteers who might not otherwise participate. For more
NOW National PTA Wants Your Opinion on Common Core
Kind of late but okay. Cast your vote. Currently it's 89% against (38K+ votes) and 11% for (4600+votes). PTA tweeted this yesterday: Have your voice heard on #CCSS! Poll in advance of Sept @IQ2US debate wants to know if u "Embrace the #CommonCore" 1:20 PM - 4 Sep 2014 The link in the tweet takes you to a poll which is tied to an upcoming debate. The event will be
Seattle Schools This Week
I will be taking a hiatus this week to do other things. Charlie may or may not be able to provide the Open Threads for this week.Monday, September 8thCurriculum & Instruction Committee meeting from 4:30pm - 6:30 pm. AgendaIt includes a discussion of K-12 Science Education, BAR for both Advanced Learning and RTTT 3B Investment Fund for Pre K-3, and a BAR for "DOE grant." That last
Director Peaslee's Community Meetin Today Canceled
I receive a brief request to put up that Director Peaslee's Community meeting today at Northgate Branch Library has been canceled. No explanation. Also, the Northgate branch was kind enough to also let me know.
What's wrong with the District's narrative on NatureBridge?
Seattle Public Schools, and Board President Peaslee in particular, have been pushing a narrative about the November 2012 sexual assault that has been making a lot of people mad. Just in case you, or someone you know, has read the District's account and cannot see why people are angry about it, I will offer an explanation.Here is the District's narrative.Here's what's wrong with it:In November 2012
Seattle Times, This One's For You
Guess what? According to a new Brookings study, teachers matter. Principals matter.Superintendents? Not so much.Findings:In this report, the authors examine the extent to which school district effects on student learning are due to the superintendent in charge, as compared to characteristics of districts that are independent of their leaders. Analyzing student-level data from the states of Flori
Items of Interest - Smarter Balanced/NCLB Waiver
The WEA did a survey of schools that field tested the Smarter Balanced assessments. The highest score - on a 1-4 scale - was "alignment with Common Core." That came in at 2.65.The lowest was a 1.72 for "Overall Impact of SBAC Practice and Administration on the School Day."50% (!) of member respondents said it 11-20+ hours for student to take the test.Also SB had an estimate o
Friday Open Thread
Two Community meetings with Board directors tomorrow, Sat. the 6th (I note that Blanford's was likely added in the last couple of days.) They are so spaced out, you could conceivable go to both.Director Blanford, 10 am-11:30 am, Capital Hill Branch LibraryDirector Peaslee, 3:30-4:30 pm, Northgate Branch LibraryA student at a Seattle public school in Wallingford was hit by a car this morning after
Seattle Schools Updates
Update:In my original thread, I mentioned that "several" staffers are to go on a trip to Toronto for an Asian American Alliance. Now I get a press release - again, on info from the earlier thread - about who is going to the White House to represent SPS for a discussion about SPS' PE programs. It's Superintendent Nyland. It seems the invitation was just for superintendents from district
SEP 04
Seattle School Board Comments from Last Night's Meeting
I only watched the Board comments and a bit more of the meeting. (They moved at lightening speed and I think may have adjourned by 6:30 pm.) This is NOT coverage of all their comments but just the issue-specific ones that they made.I wish I had heard one Board member say that he or she was committed to following thru on every stated commitment and accountability measure that staff has said. No
Reminder: Pre-K Forum Tonight
I meant to get this up as a reminder this morning but the League of Women Voters of Seattle-King County is having a forum on Early Childhood Education tonight. (They will not be specifically discussing the two propositions that will be on the ballot in November but it may come up during Q&A). Thursday, September 4 at 7:00 PMSeattle First Baptist Church, 1111 Harvard Ave, SeattleFree and open
Out of Touch at the Seattle Times
Well, I just finished listening to the Mayor's press conference for the announcement of the new Education and Early Learning department.Is Murray "thinking" about a governance takeover OR has he "considered" it in an abstract way? The press conference video indicates he is aware of what other cities do (he compared the East Coast to the West Coast ) and said that "power is
SEP 03
Times Urges Mayor Murray to Take Control of the School Board
In one of the most shameful and disrespectfully written editorials I've ever read in the Times, they urge the Mayor and the City Council to make taking over the majority of the Seattle School Board positions a top legislative priority.It's a funny thing because I JUST today wrote the Board about a couple of other issues but warned them of this. Now we all know there is no love between me and the
Title IX Update
Title IX Update Update!! New web pages added!! Scroll to the end of the post.As you may know, Seattle Public Schools wasn't quite up to snuff on Title IX compliance. The person responsible for Title IX compliance didn't know his responsibilities and, consequently, failed to perform his required duties. When this dreadful situation came to light (with tragic consequences), the District... well, the
Back to School New Yorker Cartoons
This one is dedicated to Smarter Balanced assessments.This one is just funny.
Goodbye APP - Hello Highly Capable Cohort
I'm not complaining about changing the name; I think people were forever getting APP and AP mixed up. But why is Spectrum now "Advanced Learner or Spectrum." Pick a name. Uh, I see this about the webpage: "...remove unnecessarily repetitive or outdated material,.." Meaning, we got rid of a lot of historical information that might have explained many things. Don't worry, we'
Seahawk Armageddon
I do like the Seahawks, really. (But we are more of Packers/Steelers fans in our house even though no one is from the Midwest. You may pick who you marry but not what sports team that person is attached to.)The NFL is taking over a section of Pioneer Square for "Gameday Village" with activities starting TODAY (Wednesday) from 10 am-10 pm. Thursday the "Village" will be open
First Day of School!
New parent or veteran of many grades, welcome back to Seattle Schools. It can be dizzying and worrying but take it in stride. You - and your child - will probably be just fine. Transportation kinks will be worked out and so can schedules.That said, if your high schooler has schedule issues, hang in there if you are trying to get your child a rigorous schedule and not TA classes. Also, if it's
SEP 02
The City wants to "Improve Collaboration" with Seattle Schools
Update: I missed the part where the City also wants to increase their data collection from their education work. No big surprise.End of update.From the Seattle PI via Joel Connelly, comes the not-so-new news that the City is going to create "a full-fledged Department of Education and Early Learning" that will be part of the next City budget.The new city department would have 38 employ
Jane Addams Middle School - What a Busy Day
Update: coverage from the West Seattle blog about the opening of Fairmount Park. end of updateI attended the press conference and ribbon-cutting at Jane Addams Middle School today. Quite eye-opening.First, it's a good thing that Hale and JAMS don't start at the same time. I note that 35th Avenue NE is closed south from Hale for about two blocks. And, Seattle Public Utilities appears to be doi
Tuesday Open Thread
The Times is reporting that five more Seattle area schools will have speed cameras at key intersections. They name Roxhill (with private school, Holy Family nearby), Dearborn Park, Eckstein, and Bailey Gatzert. The city made over $7M last year from four other schools with cameras and they say they will be using that revenue for more traffic safety (including crosswalks and sidewalks.)From the A
SEP 01
Data Privacy Issues; It's Time to Start Protecting Your Kids
I am absolutely amazed that people believe (a) there's nothing that can be done about privacy and (b) it's all for the good so why worry.We're adults and that's okay. But kids? How do they defend their privacy? Right. That's our job.I want to say in advance, people can take any kind of photo they want on their phone. (But you might want to warn teenagers of the devastating outcomes if they do
High School Start Times - What Happened?
The majority of high schools, comprehensive and alternative, will start at 7:50 am (ten minutes earlier than last year) and end at 2:20 pm. This includes Cleveland STEM, World School and South Lake.The outliers are Center School (8:30 am-3:10 pm), Chief Sealth (8:40 am- 3:10 pm), Hale (8:40 am-3:10 pm) and Nova (8:30 am - 3:00 pm). So Center School I get because of its location. Sealth because i
Seattle Schools This Week
Tuesday, Sept. 2ndSuperintendent Nyland will have a press conference at JAMS followed by a ribbon-cutting for the renovated school at noon. He will also be at the ribbon-cutting for Fairmount Park Elementary at 2:45 pm. (I'm taking ideas for questions to ask Superintendent Nyland.)Wednesday, Sept. 3rd - First Day of SchoolSuperintendent Nyland will be visiting several schools that day including