
My response to Bill Nye (The Science Guy"): Standards OK but not the Common Core Standards
Response to Bill Nye (“Science Guy”), Posted Sept 2 at: Could Common Core be the antidote for Creationist teachers?Bill Nye: If I were king of the forest we would have math in the core curriculum. Science would be in the core curriculum. English in the core curriculum. Elementary science is where you get scientists. Everybody in the space program, everybody who's a doctor got interested in science
SEP 01
Sustained Silent Reading after the National Reading Panel: Alive and Well
Sent to Education Week, Sept 1, 2014.As Liana Heitin states ("N.Y.C. Chancellor Pushes for Schools to Reinstate Independent-Reading Time," August 27), there has been "little media attention" given to the issue of free reading in school. There has, however, been a great deal of attention paid to this question in professional educational publications. Contrary to the conclusions
AUG 30
The real problems with the common core
The real problems with the common coreSent to the Christian Science MonitorArguments for opposing the common core presented by Gov. Jindal ("Common Core: Bobby Jindal says Obama forcing a national curriculum," August 27) do not include the reasons many professional educators and researchers oppose it. A central argument is that there is no need for a radical change in curriculum or testi
AUG 29
A more efficient, more pleasant way to teach English
Sent to the South Chine Morning Post, August 29, 2014Philip Yeung's observations about Hong Kong English instruction ("Teach English that's actually of use to struggling students," August 28) applies to language instruction in other countries. Yeung tells us that Sir Aker-Jones' daughter, after 12 years of English, could not "say or write a three word sentence." Survivors of f