LA Schools: Restoring The SUPER In Tendent by Sara Roos
http://www.citywatchla.com/lead-stories-hidden/7465-la-schools-restoring-the-super-in-tendent -When my home town built a new school in the early '70′s, a whole era vanished in concert with the disappearance of gilded letters proclaiming the "Superintendent's Office" within. I never did figure out what a "Superintendent" was and I was always vaguely disappointed that that wing,
Supt. Deasy's early and avid support of iPads under intense scrutiny - LA Times
http://www.latimes.com/local/education/la-me-lausd-deasy-20140904-story.html# Supt. Deasy's early and avid support of iPads under intense scrutiny The pitch came from a smiling man in a jacket and tie, sitting at his desk and rhapsodizing about the wonders one product could bring to the sprawling Los Angeles Unified School District. The new item would lead to "huge leaps in what's pos
OSI Rent-a-Cop Comes Calling on a Teacher
http://www.southbronxschool.com/2014/09/osi-rent-cop-comes-calling-on-teacher.html I have been transferred. For those that recall, last year I spent my Rubber Room time at 4360 Broadway. Worse, I was held captive alone for over 6 months until I was allowed compatriots. I shared with the readers of this blog my captivity, my friends, and how I acclimated myself to the whims of my captors. I am
CAN YOU SEE WHERE THIS IS HEADED , TEACHERS? Controversial alternative teaching permit approved by Indiana State Board of Education
http://www.indystar.com/story/news/education/2014/09/03/state-board-vote-controversial-alternative-teaching-permit/15013745/ Controversial alternative teaching permit approved by Indiana State Board of EducationFORT WAYNE — The Indiana State Board of Education on Wednesday approved a controversial proposal to provide another way for people without a teaching degree to teach high school students,
OH YOU! Mike Mulgrew's free-spending, party hearty attitude and disregard for due paying members win him new label of "knucklehead"
ED NOTES: White chalk criminal is more like it. Like Randi Weingarten, Warren Fletcher, Alex Caputo Pearl and others, his desire to lead an opulent, entitled life flies in the face of the labor union's philosophy's proletariate sensibilities and dues paying members' best interest. More and more I see the resistance gaining an advantage by thwarting teacher unions in a very public fashion. Dinner a
Paying Teachers Less Will Make them MORE Effective
America's Schools Could Be More Efficient If Teachers Were Paid Less: Report Posted: 09/04/2014 7:19 pm EDT Updated: 29 minutes ago When it comes to education, the United States isn't getting all the bang it could for its buck, according to a new report. GEMS Education, an education consulting firm, released its "Efficiency Index" and an accompanying report on Thursday, rankin
DIY INVESTIGATIVE Journalism: How Bloggers Became Watchdogs in the LAUSD iPad Boondoggle | BlogHer
DIY Investigative Journalism: How Bloggers Became Watchdogs in the LAUSD iPad Boondoggle By cynematic on September 04, 2014 Syndicated 0 0 1 "If you don't like the news," an old saying goes, "make your own." Doubly so when you're an education news blogger and parent of a school-aged child. In 2010, my hometown newspaper the Los Angeles Times released a
No Parlo Italiano But I Will Teach It - Educator Fights Back
No Parlo Italiano But I Will Teach It SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 In case you missed it, I won my 3020-a termination hearing and wasn't terminated. Instead I was fined $10,000 that the DOE began taking out of my paycheck immediately. About $300 a pay period. Arbitrator Felice Busto stated that I should be returned to my classroom. Violating the contract, the DOE had other plans. They were goi
SUPERINTENDENT JOHN DEASY'S IPAD SCANDAL- JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG(Mensaje se repite en Español)Given the present iPAD scandal that in reality is just the latest incarnation of a long list of corrupt practices at the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), one can only hope that finally the curtain will be opened on illegal practices to expose a long history of enumerable improper actions
9-4-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: Accountability - ChangeTheLAUSDhttp://www.changethelausd.com/accountability.html Accountability - ChangeTheLAUSD"It was controversial?"- John Deasy (1)At the beginning of this month, Superintendent Deasy was mocking opponents of his plan "to provide an iPad to every Los Angeles student, teacher and school administrator." (2) Yesterday he cancelled the proj