Ravitch Warms to Tuckerism: Can Randi Be Far Ahead?
Posted September 4 at Schools Matter. I posted the other day on the new (old) Tuckerism that Joe Nocera was promoting (again) in the New York Times. Obviously, Tucker’s THL (Testing Hysteria Lite) has resonated with the neolibs as a way to stave off the revolution against testing, while preserving its worst features and maintaining […]
9-3-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Education Post: A Sorry Attempt to Repackage Privatization as “Conversation”There is a test-score-driven, privatizing war on public schools and on the teaching profession. It is no secret that those chiefly financing the war stand above the chaos they create via their “philanthropy.” In short, they use their billions in order to promote their own ideal of American education priva