Breaking. Hinsdale teachers file Unfair Labor Practice.
Hinsdale, Ill. – Sept. 5, 2014 – After enduring months of unnecessary delays and a series of public relations stunts by the school board, the Hinsdale High School Teachers Association (HHSTA) has filed an unfair labor practice complaint with the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board (IELRB). In the complaint, the teachers allege a series of bad faith negotiation practices by the board’s repre
Logan Square rally for an elected school board. Then the rains came.
The Logan Square Neighborhood Association organized a rally at the Centennial Monument to support an elected school board. Tim Meegan, second from the right, is running for 33rd Ward Alderman. 39th District State Representative-elect Will Guzzardi (center) and me at the rally before the rains came down. They said it would rain. And it did. So featured speaker, CTU President Karen
Quinn is a one trick pony with no message for angry state employees.
I keep saying that if Pat Quinn has a chance to beat Bruce Rauner, he needs to say something to those who are so angry with his born to kill pensions mantra that they will trust him for the next four years. I know the polls showing that the gap between Rauner and Quinn is shrinking. But that just means that a few thousand still-angry state employees will be the difference between a Governor Quinn
State school funding. Reduce the size of the pie. Slice it into smaller pieces.
Illinois school funding is a cruel joke. Since we already ranks at the bottom in state school funding, the burden falls on local districts to raise money locally. Rich school districts do fine. Poor ones, not so much. To fix the situation, several things are required. Reliance on local property taxes to fund schools must change. State revenue must increase with a tax system that doesn’t punish wo
CTU endorses Quinn.
News that the CTU House of Delegates endorsed Pat Quinn for Governor over the Napa wine connoisseur comes as no great surprise. I will not vote for either one. However, the CTU endorsement certainly reflects the views of most Chicago teachers. In that regard, the Rauner panic-machine has been very effective. Although I am not a member of the CTU and I am certainly not privy to their internal disc
9-4-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Fight for 15.1 by Fred Klonsky / 5min hide // saveRobin Potter. Karen Lewis at the National Lawyers Guild.- Chicago activist and attorney Robin Potter sends this: The National Lawyers Guild is holding its national convention starting Thursday in Chicago. The NLG is a pivotal progressive organization