Trials+Tribulations Of Opening School With Misis
from the Associated Administrators of Los Angeles Weekly Update for the Week of 8 Sept 2014 | http://bit.ly/YihifD AALA thanks a secondary administrator, who wishes to remain anonymous, for providing this article. 4 September, 2014 ::For years, we heard it was coming – an integrated student information system. And then, suddenly, almost without warning, we drop right into the middle of My
Calif. Teachers’ Union Sets Sights On Charters
By Arianna Prothero, Education Week http://bit.ly/YieK0S National Education Association President Lily Eskelson Garcìa poses at the teachers' union's Washington headquarters. Her visit to two recently unionized charter schools in California highlighted charter-organizing efforts in that state. —Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post/Getty September 5, 2014 :: A pair of small charter schools
California Goes It Alone On Special Ed Testing
by Kimberly Beltran, SI&A Cabinet Report :: http://bit.ly/1pTytPK September 04, 2014 (Calif.) :: California is moving forward with a plan to develop and administer its own assessment for cognitively disabled students after learning barely a month ago that it would not be allowed to test drive a new national model being launched this spring. The California State Board of Education took no
By Valerie Strauss - The Washington Post | http://wapo.st/1qChqzG September 4 at 3:34 PM :: The nonprofit Carnegie Corporation of New York, which has supported the Common Core State Standards, published a report in 2013 with some startling information that was little noticed in the education world until recently: that the high school dropout rate could double as a result of the Core
Teachers Union Submits Initial Contract Demands To La Unified + Utla’S Initial Bargaining Proposal
by Vanessa Romo, LA School Report | http://bit.ly/1lLMJt3 September 4, 2014 2:12 pm :: After months of bargaining talks with LA Unified, the teachers union, UTLA, today submitted its first contract demand within the course of current negotiations. In a document submitted to the board this morning, the union called for discussions of various subjects, including salaries, teacher
By Sarah Favot, Pasadena Star-News | http://bit.ly/Zaq0ga ***STAFF FILE PHOTO***First graders work together in groups on an "Eradicate Hunger Project" at Celerity Exa Charter School in Pasadena Friday, September 28, 2012. The project based K-5 school, which opened this year in the former Hodges Childrens Center, includes dance in their curriculum. (SGVN/ Photo By Sarah Reingewirtz) 9/
LUDICROUS³: The consensus of opinion of serving and retired LA County superintendents on John Deasy’s superintendency
smf writes for 4LAKidsNews 4 Sept 2014 :: I spoke this afternoon separately to three different school superintendents from three distinct and different school districts in L.A. County - two retired and one still practicing the craft – about their impression of the current kerfuffle ongoing in LAUSD – and the three principal challenges of the moment. The matter of the iPads and the Apple/
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 9-4-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: LA Times: the story retold — SUPT. DEASY’S EARLY AND AVID SUPPORT OF iPADS UNDER INTENSE SCRUTINYCritics question Deasy video – and much more – promoting iPads before bidding began By Howard Blume and James Rainey | http://lat.ms/1vS847t Supt. John Deasy appeared in a 2011 video for Apple promoting the iPad, saying it would "change the landscape o