Gates Money Attempts to Shift the Education Conversation to Successes
In 2010, a stark image was broadcast around the nation. It showed a child seated at a school desk surrounded by absolute devastation and ruin. That image was used promote the movie, “Waiting For Superman.” The movie was boosted with a $2 million advertising grant from the Gates Foundation, and was further promoted on Oprah and NBC’s Education Nation – also underwritten by the Gates Foundation. The
Due Process Should Include Peer Assistance and Review
This week Mark Naison took an axe to the Peer Assistance and Review program, citing research done by Brian Crowell, a math teacher in Berkeley, California. Crowell states that his research has shown that teachers who are outspoken, and those who are over 55, are of color, and those who are expensive, are the ones most likely to be referred to PAR. I have a somewhat different perspective on the pro
9-8-14 All NEW Living in Dialogue - A Response to Bill Nye (The Science Guy): Standards? Yes. The Common Core State Standards? No.
Home - Living in Dialogue: A Response to Bill Nye (The Science Guy): Standards? Yes. The Common Core State Standards? No.By Stephen Krashen Bill Nye (“The Science Guy”) is enthusiastic about the Common Core because he feels that there are some basic principles that students simply need to know: Everybody needs to learn “a little bit of physics, chemistry, mathematics and you got to learn some evol