Financial Genius Mayor Bloomberg Costs NYC Taxpayers $60 Million Extra On WTC Contract
Let us imagine Mayor de Blasio pulled some criminal act like this: In a deal worked out by ex-Mayor Bloomberg, taxpayers will pay nearly $60 million extra to move a city agency seven blocks into expensive office space at Four World Trade Center, a Daily News investigation has found. Back in 2008, Bloomberg signed off on an agreement to move the Human Resources Administration from its longtime head
Anti-Teacher Tenure Lawsuit In New York Starts Off Like A Circus
The Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal:Justice Philip Minardo in Richmond County Supreme Court agreed Thursday to merge two lawsuits seeking to challenge state tenure laws.The state attorney general's office had filed a motion to consolidate the two cases on grounds the issues were so similar, and the United Federation of Teachers had asked to intervene as a defendant.The court granted both request
9-11-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: De Blasio Caves To Charter School SectorIf there was ever a time when Mayor de Blasio could tell Governor Cuomo to go @#$% himself, this is the time.Cuomo needed de Blasio's help in securing the Working Families Party ballot line last May, something that was very important to Cuomo since the woman who might have gotten that line had de Blasio not helped Cuomo out - Zephry Te