Strauss: Common Core: What’s true, false and fuzzy
Thomas Scarice, the superintendent of Madison Public Schools in Connecticut, has been a vocal critic of high-stakes test-based school reform. This year he sent a letter to state legislators explaining why these “reforms will not result in improved conditions since they are not grounded in research” and he has spelled out what he sees as the worst effects of the test-based “accountability” movem
Kindergarten teacher: ‘There is a good possibility I will be fired but…’
Teachers are increasingly speaking up about the onslaught of standardized tests that students in all grades — including kindergarten — are required to take in public schools today. Some are refusing to administer the tests, which can result in a teacher being dismissed for a breach of contract. Here is a letter that a Florida […]
Education Dept. offers 9/11 teaching materials — but won’t guarantee their accuracy
Teachers looking for materials to help them devise lesson plans on the September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks can find a lot of them on the Internet. There are lesson plans on the website of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum, as well as materials on Scholastic. org and on the New York City schools […]
9-10-14 Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet: Long Island high school requires students to wear IDs, sign in and out of bathroomA Long Island high school is now requiring students to wear identification cards at all times while in school and to sign in and out of the bathroom every time they use the facilities. Irene McLaughlin, principal of Northport High School, wrote in a back-to-school letter sent to parents (see below) that