Wondering How To Handle A Controversial Topic In Class? What We Did This Week Worked Out Very Well
© 2010 Enokson, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio As all teachers know, controversial topics can be very tricky to handle in class. Here’s a process I used in my International Baccalaureate Theory of Knowledge classes this past week they went far better than I had expected, and I think this series of lessons might be able to be applied to other classes. FIRST DAY: I introduced The Belief-Knowledge Contin
New Hans Rosling Video: “How not to be ignorant about the world”
TED Talks just released a new Hans Rosling video (done with his son) called “How not to be ignorant about the world.” You can see it on the TED Talk site with all its bells and whistles, including a transcript, but I’ve embedded the YouTube version below. I’m, of course, adding it to The Best Hans Rosling Videos:
1,700 Categorized Links For IB Theory Of Knowledge Course
© 2012 Chris Potter, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio As regular readers know, I’ve been accumulating teaching/learning resources for the International Baccalaureate Theory of Knowledge class ever since I began to teach it a few years ago. The collection is now up to nearly 1,700 links that are categorized by Ways of Knowing and Areas of Knowledge, and you can access them all here.
Updated UNESCO Infographic On World Literacy
September 8th was International Literacy Day, and I have a lot of related resources at The Best Resources For International Literacy Day. There’s an infographic from UNESCO on that list from last year, and they’ve published this new one with updated statistics, which I’ll be adding there: by unesco.
9-10-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Interactive Map: “100 Years of Unrest”100 Years of Unrest is an interactive map that has: tried to gather information on social unrest throghout last century. Protests, uprisings, rebellions and revolts, civil wars, wars for independence, revolutions were mapped. Mapping events in time has enabled to follow hotspots or temp