John Dillon. The 401K scam.
- John Dillon is a retired teacher, pension activist and blogger at Pension Vocabulary. On the heels of the latest WTTW Chicago Tonight debate – a contretemps which found Illinois Policy Institute spokesperson John Tillman promoting the need for public workers’ being forced into 410 k programs to (1) save the Illinois pension system, (2) give Illinois public workers the opportunity to control the
Chicago Tonight. Pension debate goes AWOL in the governor’s race.
Click here for link to WTTW Chicago Tonight. There were Ralph Martire, Dan Montgomery, Bruce Dold and John Tillman to talk about pension reform and the Illinois Governor’s race on WTTW’s Chicago Tonight. Host Carol Marin laughingly called them the Alumni Club because they have been on the show so often to discuss the issue. It was Marin who pointed out that the issue has been absent from serious
Gina Raimondo’s pension reforms in Rhode Island
On Tuesday, Rhode Island’s Democratic voters nominated state treasurer Gina Raimondo to be their candidate for governor. - Glen Brown blogs at Teacher/Poet/Musician. Before becoming the controversial General Treasurer of Rhode Island, Gino Raimondo ran a venture-capital firm in Providence, Rhode Island. Raimondo’s remedies for her state pensions were echoed at the “Fixing Illinois’ Public Pension
9-10-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: On a shoestring Teachout gets 35% of the vote in NY. Good morning Rahm. In yesterday’s New York’s Democratic Party primary election for governor Zephyr Teachout received nearly 35 percent of the vote against the incumbent governor, Andrew Cuomo. For my Illinois friends, Zephyr Teachout was the progre