CEA Education Forum 2014 – September 13, 2014
The Connecticut Education Association will be holding their forum with the gubernatorial candidates on Saturday, September 13, 2014 with a follow up CEA Political Action Committee meeting scheduled for September 17, 2014. Having fallen short on the number of signatures needed to qualify for the November ballot, I will not be participating, but I do […] The post CEA Education Forum 2014 – September
9-10-14 Wait What? - Malloy’s Big Lie on Student Financial Aid
Wait What?: Malloy’s Big Lie on Student Financial AidYesterday, Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy traveled around the state to brag about his record and plans “to make higher education more affordable.” Malloy stopped at various colleges and universities to release his “three-point plan to help families afford a higher education.” Malloy’s press statement read; “At a series of events in New Britain, D