FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Thursday, August 2, 2012
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: *Mojave Desert * Education Headlines *Thursday, August 2, 2012* Bonita Unified officials receive updates on district projectsBonita High School, in La Verne, will have its more than $4.8 million gym construction scheduled for completion on Aug. 28, officials said. San Dimas High School is having its gym rebuilt and other construction planned at more than $6.9 million, officials said. Tustin bond measure asks voters to fund new school technologyCome November, voters will be asked to decide whether to approve a bond measure funding ... more »
Male teachers are sexual predators and the union protects them. « Fred Klonsky
Male teachers are sexual predators and the union protects them. « Fred Klonsky: Male teachers are sexual predators and the union protects them. by Fred Klonsky Okay. Let’s be frank, shall we? Why would a guy be an elementary school teacher? Gay. Right? And since male teachers *must* be homosexual, they *must* be after little boys. Right? Art teacher? Uh huh. Music? Yep. PE? Aren’t they all? And the teachers union protects these sexual predators?
Daily Kos: On Algebra and Lies We Tell Children (And Ourselves)
Daily Kos: On Algebra and Lies We Tell Children (And Ourselves): On Algebra and Lies We Tell Children (And Ourselves) byplthomasEdDFollow 4 PERMALINK3 COMMENTS Children who are native speakers of English do something extremely interesting and simultaneously frustrating for some parents who fret over whether or not their children are smart and whether or not their children speak "properly." At some point, that child will utter something like, "Mommy, he goed," and the adoring parent will respond with something like, "No, honey, he went." While this event should be an exciting and... more »
State Board of Education Members Co-Host Fundraiser for Jeb Bush’s Pro-Voucher Foundation at Voucher Advocates Home | Scathing Purple Musings
State Board of Education Members Co-Host Fundraiser for Jeb Bush’s Pro-Voucher Foundation at Voucher Advocates Home | Scathing Purple Musings: State Board of Education Members Co-Host Fundraiser for Jeb Bush’s Pro-Voucher Foundation at Voucher Advocates Home by Bob Sikes Florida Board of Education Chair Kathleen Shanahan and member Akshay M. Desai are listed as hosts of a fundraiser to benefit Jeb Bush’s Foundation for Florida’s Future. Not to be confused with Bush’s other foundation, Foundation for Excellence in Education, this one focuses on choice legislation and digital lear... more »
Shanker Blog » Investing In Children = Supporting Their Families
Shanker Blog » Investing In Children = Supporting Their Families: Investing In Children = Supporting Their Families by Esther Quintero Although some parents are better positioned than others to meet their families’ child care needs, very few parents are immune to the challenges of balancing work and family. Adding further stress to families is the fact that single-parent households are at a record high in the U.S., with more than 40 percent of births happening outside of marriage. Paid parental leave and quality early childhood education (ECE) are two important policies that can ... more »
Unionized Charter School Teachers Still Need Your Help | Edwize
Unionized Charter School Teachers Still Need Your Help | Edwize: Unionized Charter School Teachers Still Need Your Help by Rob Callaghan [image: UFT ACTS Contract Now]For those of you who expressed your support for the educators at the New York City Charter High School for Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industries’ (AECI) last week, we thank you. We are certain our message was heard by the board member we targeted in our call-in campaign. We want to ask you to once again reach out to another board member to help demand justice for teachers at this charter school in the B... more »
Education jargon: What ‘no excuses’ and other terms really mean - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
Education jargon: What ‘no excuses’ and other terms really mean - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: Education jargon: What ‘no excuses’ and other terms really mean By Valerie Strauss This* was written by Joanne Yatvin, a veteran public school educator, author and past president of the National Council of Teachers of English. She is now teaching part-time at Portland State University*. By Joanne Yatvin Way back when I was a college student, one of my professors warned the class to avoid using jargon in our papers. By jargon he meant big words of indeterminate meaning. Ever sin... more »
Schools Matter: Is Campbell Brown Just Another Corporate Lackey Posing as a Journalist?
Schools Matter: Is Campbell Brown Just Another Corporate Lackey Posing as a Journalist?: Is Campbell Brown Just Another Corporate Lackey Posing as a Journalist? by Jim Horn From Media Matters: Former CNN anchor Campbell Brown criticized New York teachers unions in a *Wall Street Journal* op-ed over the weekend without disclosing a possible conflict of interest -- her husband, Dan Senor, is a board member of an organization that opposes teachers unions. On July 29, Brown criticized the New York teachers unions' handling of teachers accused of sexual misconduct: Under current New ... more »
Thomas: Linking teacher pay to test scores helps no one - Editorial Columns -
Thomas: Linking teacher pay to test scores helps no one - Editorial Columns - Thomas: Linking teacher pay to test scores helps no one By PAUL THOMAS By PAUL THOMAS - Guest Columnist [image: Bookmark and Share] [image: email this story to a friend] E-MAIL[image: print story] PRINT REPRINT 3 COMMENTS TEXT SIZE: Starting in the early 1980s, education reform focused on increasing expectations for students by establishing state standards and graduation requirements that included high-stakes exit exams. More recently, it has shifted from student accountability to teacher a... more »
Report detailing Boston Consulting Group’s findings and recommendations released | Philadelphia Public School Notebook
Report detailing Boston Consulting Group’s findings and recommendations released | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: Report detailing Boston Consulting Group’s findings and recommendations releasedby Dale Mezzacappa on Aug 02 2012 Posted in Latest news - COMMENTS (1)PRINT - EMAIL[image: ""] Tags: - budget cuts - English language learners - District budget - privatization - special education - funding equity - transportation - Pedro Ramos - Thomas Knudsen - Renaissance Schools - Philadelphia Federation of Teachers - s... more »
Special needs child can't accept school voucher - KSLA News 12 Shreveport, Louisiana News Weather & Sports
Special needs child can't accept school voucher - KSLA News 12 Shreveport, Louisiana News Weather & Sports: Special needs child can't accept school voucher *Posted: Aug 01, 2012 3:43 PM PDT**Updated: Aug 01, 2012 3:43 PM PDT* By Brittany Pieper - bio | email - KSLA NEWS 12 HEADLINESmore>> - NAACP joins fight of former city employees against mayor Updated: Aug 02, 2012 3:09 AM PDT The NAACP is now getting involved in Port Allen politics, working on behalf of former city employees. Several of those former employees have accused Mayor Roger Bergeron of being raci... more »
More Youth Run Away Who Attend Schools in the West, Have a Lack of Parent Involvement at School, or Have Larger Class Sizes - MarketWatch
More Youth Run Away Who Attend Schools in the West, Have a Lack of Parent Involvement at School, or Have Larger Class Sizes - MarketWatch: More Youth Run Away Who Attend Schools in the West, Have a Lack of Parent Involvement at School, or Have Larger Class Sizes CHICAGO, Aug. 1, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- National Runaway Switchboard's New Study Finds a Connection Between School Characteristics and Adolescent Runaway Behavior Many school level characteristics are predictors of youth runaway behavior, as determined in a new study released today by the National Runaway Switchboa... more »
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-2-12 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] When Talking and Listening Are Not Enough by dianerav A reader responds to another post: *I agree we need to do all of what you say, god knows I do, but I’m worried that we may exchange the support we give to each other and ourselves for a quiet waiting, a further hunkering down. Make no mistake, teaching is a gender issue for all of us as well as anything else. We are in a classic abusive relationship with ed deform. Most of us are women, and we are being treated in a traditionally determined way because o... more »
Back-To-School: Education Cuts Favored By Americans Include Teacher Salary Freezes, Administration Cuts, Survey Says
Back-To-School: Education Cuts Favored By Americans Include Teacher Salary Freezes, Administration Cuts, Survey Says: Back-To-School: Education Cuts Favored By Americans Include Teacher Salary Freezes, Administration Cuts, Survey Says by Joy Resmovits As school districts suffer from increasing costs and not enough cash, only 11 percent of Americans are willing to pay more in taxes to fund communities' schools, according to a new report released Thursday. Instead, almost half (48 percent) said that the best approach to fixing a school-district deficit would be "dramatically changing... more »
Sal Khan responds to a critic — and the critic answers back - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
Sal Khan responds to a critic — and the critic answers back - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: Sal Khan responds to a critic — and the critic answers back By Valerie Strauss A guest post I recently published critiquing the Khan Academy received a great deal of response, including an e-mail from Salman Khan, founder of the academy. Now here’s the next part of the debate: A response from the critic. Salman Khan, founder of the Khan Academy, in 2010. (Courtesy of Khan Academy)For those who may not know, the Khan Academy is essentially a library of more than 3,300 videos on sub... more »
NYC Educator: Bloomberg Clarifies Breast Milk Position
NYC Educator: Bloomberg Clarifies Breast Milk Position: Bloomberg Clarifies Breast Milk Position by NYC Educator In another quick turnaround, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg has set out to clear up the confusion between public perception and what he claims to be his actual position. The Mayor has taken quite a bit of flack for his restrictions on baby formula. In fact, some New Yorkers are saying this action deprives mothers of a fundamental choice, and that he has no business whatsoever getting involved in such personal decisions. "It's all a misunderstanding," said the Mayor today. "... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: StudentsFirst, the Full Court Press (Arne Duncan would be Proud) and Olympic Videos in Missouri.
Missouri Education Watchdog: StudentsFirst, the Full Court Press (Arne Duncan would be Proud) and Olympic Videos in Missouri.: StudentsFirst, the Full Court Press (Arne Duncan would be Proud) and Olympic Videos in Missouri. by stlgretchen StudentsFirst practicing Arne Duncan's love of basketball moves. StudentsFirst's full court press has started in Missouri. We've gotten 2 new lobbyists for the organization (one is from the national office), Lea Crusey lets us know which Missouri politicians support RTTT-like mandates and we now have a video from the organization with an Olympic... more »
teacher/poet/musician glen brown: Any Assault on Public Employees’ Rights and Benefits Is an Attack on the Entire Middle Class
teacher/poet/musician glen brown: Any Assault on Public Employees’ Rights and Benefits Is an Attack on the Entire Middle Class: Any Assault on Public Employees’ Rights and Benefits Is an Attack on the Entire Middle Class How should we think about the legislative folly of the past several months? When we realize competent and ethical leadership does not exist in the Illinois General Assembly; that the majority of Illinois legislators pass bills they do not read because “doing something” is all that really needs to be done regardless of the disastrous consequences, then our belief i... more »
A Math Teacher and Dad Comments on Khan Academy (Jerry Brodkey) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
A Math Teacher and Dad Comments on Khan Academy (Jerry Brodkey) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: A Math Teacher and Dad Comments on Khan Academy (Jerry Brodkey) by larrycuban *Jerry Brodkey teaches at Menlo-Atherton High School in Menlo Park, California. He has been a public secondary school teacher since 1975, and has taught most of the subjects in Social Studies and Mathematics. He now teaches remedial algebra and Advanced Placement Calculus. His undergraduate degree was from Rice University (BA 1974), and has graduate degrees from Stanford (MA 1976, Ph.D.... more »
Lori Wheal Is Not Only a Master Teacher, But Master of Her Lori Wheal Is Not Only a Master Teacher, But Master of Her Domain The great teacher debate is on yet again. The New Teacher Project, which was created by Michelle Rhee, has come out with another slanted study that we are losing "great" teachers as the same rate as "bad" teachers. That being said, so what? Of course before one can whistle the Ride of the Valkyries the sycophants got their marching orders and were out in full force parroting all the ed deform talking points on how we are not keeping "great" teachers, yet keeping the "bad" ones. So bl... more »
Broad Foundation Alert | Could State-Run ‘Achievement School District’ Be Last Resort for Failing Schools?
NJ Spotlight | Could State-Run ‘Achievement School District’ Be Last Resort for Failing Schools?: Could State-Run ‘Achievement School District’ Be Last Resort for Failing Schools? Grant application to Broad Foundation sheds light on Cerf’s idea for lowest-performing schools print | email | share By John Mooney, August 2, 2012 in Education |Post a Comment Credit: Governor's Office/Tim Larsen Education Commissioner Chris Cerf is mulling an "Achievement School District" for failing schools. The Christie administration is weighing the idea of creating a separate state-run “achievement...more »
Schools Matter: Duncan Dishes $21.5 Million to College Board and Calls It Helping the Poor
Schools Matter: Duncan Dishes $21.5 Million to College Board and Calls It Helping the Poor: Duncan Dishes $21.5 Million to College Board and Calls It Helping the Poor by Jim Horn Arne Duncan has a No Excuses approach to education, and to prove it once more, he has just signed off on a plan to give every American child living in a car, motel room, or urban hovel a chance to take another test to show how hopelessly behind she is. As a side benefit for the testing-industrial complex, the College Board collects the entire sum: The U.S. Department of Education announced the award o... more »
NYC Public School Parents: Please help The Children's School expand!
NYC Public School Parents: Please help The Children's School expand!: Please help The Children's School expand! by Leonie Haimson *The following post is by Nicole Krieger, parent at The Children's School, a very special inclusion school in Brooklyn that has been asking DOE for years for more space to expand into the middle grades. Too often the folks at Portfolio Office seem eager to find space for charters over the needs of even our most successful public schools. Please lend your support to this campaign.* Parents’ Committee for The Children’s School Expansion has begun a ca... more »
School Tech Connect: A Fundraiser in August
School Tech Connect: A Fundraiser in August: A Fundraiser in August This in from Matt Farmer: Shortly after sunrise on July 10, three teenagers not only attacked, robbed and killed 62-year-old Delfino Mora in an alley near his West Rogers Park apartment, they filmed themselves doing it. Mr. Mora happened to be in the alley collecting aluminum cans to make a few extra dollars for his family. Not long after posting their violent video on Facebook, the three teens were arrested and charged with murder.**** Mr. Mora left behind a wife and 12 children. On Sunday, August 12, please j... more »
Key Florida US Representative Calls For Duncan to Investigate State’s Test-Obsessed Accountabilty System | Scathing Purple Musings
Key Florida US Representative Calls For Duncan to Investigate State’s Test-Obsessed Accountabilty System | Scathing Purple Musings: Key Florida US Representative Calls For Duncan to Investigate State’s Test-Obsessed Accountabilty System by Bob Sikes From Lauren Roth of the *Orlando Sentinel:* U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, a Tampa Democrat, has asked U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan to step in and investigate Florida’s school accountability sytem, and particularly the state FCAT tests. “We need some accountability for Florida’s accountability system,” Castor said. She said the high... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Superintendent of Public Instruction
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Superintendent of Public Instruction: Superintendent of Public Instruction by Melissa Westbrook I'm late (and behind) on this post but life got in the way. Randy Dorn is an okay guy. I supported his last election. But I have found him a less-than-I wanted state superintendent. I think he has gotten out there and pushed the Innovation schools program and continued to push more students taking the SAT. However, I'm not impressed with his website which doesn't have much in the way of what he wants to do in the future. And, I don't like anyone... more »
Campbell Brown Slams Unions At Teachers' Expense | Crooks and Liars
Campbell Brown Slams Unions At Teachers' Expense | Crooks and Liars: Campbell Brown Slams Unions At Teachers' Expense 0 comments By karoli I suppose the one good thing to come out of this is that Campbell Brown, who has absolutely no business talking about education in any way, finally reveals herself as the stealth Romney campaign advisor we have all known she is. Before I discuss her despicable effort to "Willy Horton" the American Federation of Teachers and President Randi Weingarten in particular, let's just review who Campbell Brown is. She is a long-gone CNN White House corr... more »
An Urban Teacher's Education: Why Zero Tolerance School Discipline Schemes in Low-Income Schools Are So Inappropriate
An Urban Teacher's Education: Why Zero Tolerance School Discipline Schemes in Low-Income Schools Are So Inappropriate: Why Zero Tolerance School Discipline Schemes in Low-Income Schools Are So Inappropriate by James Boutin On Sunday I posted my review of Kathleen Nolan's book, *Police in the Hallways*. Originally, I had intended for the post to be much longer, but as I reread it, I realized much of what I'd included was less about the book and more a discussion about factors that motivate students' oppositional behavior. Therefore, to ensure the book review remained a book review... more »
A Consumer’s Union for Schools « Deborah Meier on Education
A Consumer’s Union for Schools « Deborah Meier on Education: A Consumer’s Union for Schools by debmeier What would it be like if we took our children and their teachers as seriously as CU takes the many products it “assesses”, “tests”, “reviews/” If you haven’t looked at an issue of CU recently, pick one up. Read the average auto review—and particularly the ones that compare a great many cars. They do not give you a single score. They “score” according to dozens of categories—so that the reader/consumer can keep in mind the trade-offs that are critical versus those that are tr... more »
Why Research on 21st Century Skills Matters | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights
Why Research on 21st Century Skills Matters | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights: Why Research on 21st Century Skills Matters by Tim Magner *Editor’s Note: Our guest blogger today is Tim Magner, Executive Director of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21).* Despite many education experts, business leaders, and higher education professionals joining the bandwagon to implement and highlight 21st century skills and helping define the now 10-year old 21st century skills movement, there’s been an important missing element: Research in the arena of 21st century sk... more »
Modern School: Immigrant Labor Illegal (Unless They Are Prisoners)
Modern School: Immigrant Labor Illegal (Unless They Are Prisoners): Immigrant Labor Illegal (Unless They Are Prisoners) by Michael Dunn Parchman Farm Prison Labor, 1911 It should be obvious that increasing raids and deportations of immigrants is great for business as it reduces the chances that immigrant laborers will organize or fight for their workplace rights out of fear they will be deported. Deportations increased 400% from 1996 and 2011, while the Department of Homeland Security has increased its daily detention capacity to34,000 beds, according to a recent piece in Truthout,... more »
Bill Gates needs to get his facts straight on test scores | Seattle Education
Bill Gates needs to get his facts straight on test scores | Seattle Education: Bill Gates needs to get his facts straight on test scores by seattleducation2011 *I came across an article that I had saved on the NAEP (pronounced “nape”) test results over the last 12 years and Bill Gates pronouncement that our school system is a failure based on his perception that students have not shown any academic gains over the last 40 years.* *Au contraire Mr. Gates, not according to the NAEP test.* *Mr. Richard Rothstein with the Economic Policy Institute states in a report last year titled Fa... more »
Aug 8 – Teachers to meet with parents in Hyde Park Parents United for Responsible Education
Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » Aug 8 – Teachers to meet with parents in Hyde Park: Aug 8 – Teachers to meet with parents in Hyde Park by admin Next Wednesday, August 8, at 6:30 pm, Chicago Public School teachers from the Hyde Park area will meet with parents to share information about the progress of the teachers union contract talks and the impact the decisions may have on students and schools. I will also be on hand for the discussion. What: CPS teachers meeting with parents – all are invited! When: Wednesday, August 8, 2012, from 6:30 to 8 pm Where: Unit... more »
Most California for-profit colleges lose state grants - Inside Bay Area
Most California for-profit colleges lose state grants - Inside Bay Area: Most California for-profit colleges lose state grants By JUDY LIN, Associated Press Posted: 08/01/2012 08:12:24 AM PDT Updated: 08/01/2012 08:12:24 AM PDT SACRAMENTO -- California's move to tighten eligibility requirements for its Cal Grant program will eliminate or reduce awards to 14,500 students, most of them enrolled in for-profit colleges such as the University of Phoenix, the California Student Aid Commission announced Tuesday. The commission released a list of colleges that are no longer eligible to ... more »
OMG Whites Need Not Apply For School Vouchers In Richland Parish?
Whites Need Not Apply For School Vouchers In Richland Parish?: Whites Need Not Apply For School Vouchers In Richland Parish?Posted by: Tom Bonnette on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, 15:11 [image: Black and White Cats] facebook twitter email pinterest Tagged with: Bobby Jindal Eric Holder Racism Richland Parish School Choice School Reform vouchers So, are only black kids in failing schools going to be eligible for vouchers in Richland Parish? That seems like a logical assumption if you take what’s going on in Louisiana’s Public School Choice policy in Richland and a... more »
Our New Book On Teaching English Language Learners Is Out Three Weeks Early! | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…
Our New Book On Teaching English Language Learners Is Out Three Weeks Early! | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…: Our New Book On Teaching English Language Learners Is Out Three Weeks Early! by Larry Ferlazzo My new book, *“The ESL/ELL Teacher’s Survival Guide: Ready-to-Use Strategies, Tools, and Activities for Teaching English Language Learners of All Levels,*” (co-authored by Katie Hull Sypnieski), now available — three weeks earlier than scheduled! Electronic versions, though, may not be available until the original publishing date — August 20th — but they might be out earlie... more »
Back to School: Family-School Partnership Act Brochure - Parent/Family (CA Dept of Education)
Family-School Partnership Act Brochure - Parent/Family (CA Dept of Education): Family-School Partnership Act BrochureQuestions and answers from the California Department of Education. Sacramento 2004. ------------------------------ What is the Family-School Partnership Act? The Family-School Partnership Act is a California law that allows parents, grandparents, and guardians to take time off from work to participate in their children's school or child care activities. The law (*Labor Code *Section 230.8) first took effect in 1995. Its provisions were expanded in 1997 to add *lice... more »
Just the threat of a pension cost shift is an immediate threat to every teacher in the state. « Fred Klonsky
Just the threat of a pension cost shift is an immediate threat to every teacher in the state. « Fred Klonsky: Just the threat of a pension cost shift is an immediate threat to every teacher in the state. by Fred Klonsky There are a number of things that may happen when the Governor calls the General Assembly into session on August 17th that impact teachers and working people in Illinois. - The House will be asked to pass HB1447. The Senate already has. HB1447 would force a class of state workers, not teachers, to choose between health care subsidy and a COLA. - Both ... more »
Education Research Report: Pay Teachers More: Financial Planning for Reach Models
Education Research Report: Pay Teachers More: Financial Planning for Reach Models: Pay Teachers More: Financial Planning for Reach Models by Jonathan Kantrowitz This report contains links to financial analyses of three of the 20+ Opportunity Culture school models. Savings and cost calculations of the models—*Elementary Subject Specialization, **Multi-Classroom Leadership, * and*Time-Technology Swap Rotation*—illustrate that schools could increase excellent teachers’ pay up to approximately 130%, *without increasing class sizes and within existing budgets*. In some variations, school... more »
New York City’s great-teacher problem—Lori Wheal -
New York City’s great-teacher problem—Lori Wheal - Why NYC can’t keep great teachers By LORI WHEAL *Last Updated:* 12:39 AM, August 1, 2012 When I first became a teacher 10 years ago, I envisioned a long career helping countless children reach their potential and go on to accomplish great things. By all measures, I’m succeeding — but it’s no longer enough to sustain me in this profession. Next month, as teachers and students return to to MS 391 in The Bronx, I won’t be among them. The decision to leave the classroom was among the most difficult I’ve ever made, but I feel... more »
Teacher union boss bends to school reform winds - Yahoo! News
Teacher union boss bends to school reform winds - Yahoo! News: Teacher union boss bends to school reform winds[image: Reuters]By James B. Kelleher | Reuters – 18 hrs ago - - - 1 - - Email - Print RELATED CONTENT - [image: American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten testifies during the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee hearing on economic recovery and job creation options on Capitol Hill in Washington October 29, 2008. REUTERS/Mitch Dumke] American Federation of Teachers … DETROIT (Reuters) - In the maelstrom of criticism s... more »
The “Confessions of a Teaching Fellow” Were Spot On « Diane Ravitch's blog
The “Confessions of a Teaching Fellow” Were Spot On « Diane Ravitch's blog: The “Confessions of a Teaching Fellow” Were Spot On by dianerav A previous post recounted “The Confessions of a Teaching Fellow” who described her revulsion at what she was expected to do. Soon after that post went up, another came from someone who said the writer of the original post was absolutely wrong. Here is confirmation for the teacher who spoke out: *I worked for the TFA program last summer as a supervising teacher (basically a baby-sitter for the TFA candidates who aren’t allowed to be in a class... more »
Why Hillsborough School Board’s Passage of Resolution on High-Stakes Testing Means More | Scathing Purple Musings
Why Hillsborough School Board’s Passage of Resolution on High-Stakes Testing Means More | Scathing Purple Musings: Why Hillsborough School Board’s Passage of Resolution on High-Stakes Testing Means More by Bob Sikes From the *Tampa Bay Times* Marlene Sokol: Testing — the subject of school board resolutions around the nation and state — has troubled (Board Chairwoman Candy) Olson for months. At the board workshop on the issue, members spent more than an hour learning about state-ordered tests, national tests and the end-of-course exams that have existed in Hillsborough since 1984.... more »
How Should Teachers Spell R-E-S-P-E-C-T?
How Should Teachers Spell R-E-S-P-E-C-T?: How Should Teachers Spell R-E-S-P-E-C-T? by Sam For the past several years, conversations about American public education – and how to improve it – have grown increasingly loud and contentious. In fact, there’s only one issue on which it seems all sides can agree: when it comes to the learning environment, nothing matters more than a great teacher. It’s ironic, then, that as a society we act as though nothing matters less. We internalize the notion that “Those who can’t, teach.” We speak in two-dimensional terms that portray educators...more »
RheeFirst! » Irony or Farce? Michelle Rhee, Kevin Johnson to speak about edu-ethics
RheeFirst! » Irony or Farce? Michelle Rhee, Kevin Johnson to speak about edu-ethics: Irony or Farce? Michelle Rhee, Kevin Johnson to speak about edu-ethics by admin The University of Hawaii William S. Richardson School of Law is hosting a conversation series about ethics in various facets of society. For its August 7 “Ethics in Education” lecture, the law school invited Michelle Rhee and Kevin Johnson to be the featured speakers. Here are a few facts that might have led the organizers to choose different speakers: - The widespread cheating in DC schools during Michelle Rhee... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: Who Is StudentsFirst Backing in the MO Elections?
Missouri Education Watchdog: Who Is StudentsFirst Backing in the MO Elections?: Who Is StudentsFirst Backing in the MO Elections? by Anngie This arrived in our mailbox this week from StudentsFirst. *We are pleased to announce our endorsements for the 2012 Missouri Primary Elections for elected offices in the State's General Assembly. The endorsed candidates below have been selected based upon their responses to a questionnaire on education policies and, if incumbents, their record of support for common sense education reform efforts. All those endorsed have clearly demonstrated ... more »
Last Stand for Children First: More on Using Loss Aversion with Teachers
Last Stand for Children First: More on Using Loss Aversion with Teachers: More on Using Loss Aversion with Teachers by Last Stand for Children Popout In the movie Goodfellas, Martin Scorsese gave a good demonstration on how you could use loss aversion to run a business. The idea is, giving somebody something and then threatening to take it away if certain goals aren't met is far more effective than just promising people something if they meet those goals. For teachers, this has obvious implication for merit pay schemes where teachers are handsomely rewarded at the beginning of t... more »
FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Wednesday, August 1, 2012
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: *Los Angeles, California* Education Headlines *Wednesday, August 1, 2012* Panama-Buena Vista poised to send bond measure to votersA recent poll of about 400 voters in the Panama-Buena Vista Union School District showed 59 percent would "probably" or "definitely" vote for a $147 million bond measure aimed at upgrading classrooms, security systems, computer labs and other facilities, trustees heard Tuesday. Tehachapi approves K-5 anti-bullying curriculumTehachapi Unified School District's board on Monday approved anti-harassment cur... more »

Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-28-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-21-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-14-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-7-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-30-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-23-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-16-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-9-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-2-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post

Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-1-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 7-31-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2