Big Education Ape 2nd Banana
Recap of Last Week's Best Post

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Axelrod's old firm behind 'Infrastructure Trust', Citibank, and attacks on CTU
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Axelrod's old firm behind 'Infrastructure Trust', Citibank, and attacks on CTU: Axelrod's old firm behind 'Infrastructure Trust', Citibank, and attacks on CTU by Mike Klonsky Obama, Emanuel & AxelrodWell, mercy me! Look who's behind those ads blasting the CTU. Why, it's ASGK Public Strategies and AKPD, David Axelrod's old firms. An embarrassed Axelrod is claiming that he no longer has any connection to the firms since he sold them in 2009, when he became Obama's Senior White House Advisor. But he's still very much connected (the A stands for Axelrod)... more »
H.R.5876: Increasing Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care Act - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress
Shop Til You Drop - Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's June Shopping Spree #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
*Shop Til You Drop * *Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's * *June Shopping Spree* *What did Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's Corporate Millions buy? * *Our Public Schools. * *She plans to spend even more in November. * *Don't let Corporate Reformers Buy * * * *Our Public Schools!* * * * * * * * Beware of AstroTurf Ed Reformers * * * *Just Like Michelle Rhee's Students first only BETTER* * * *Astroturf lobbying refers to political organizations or campaigns that appear to be made up of grassroots activists but are actually organized and run by corporate interests seeking to furthe... more »
Education takes a beating nationwide -
Education takes a beating nationwide -
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Updates + Decline to Sign
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Updates: Decline to Sign Updates by Melissa Westbrook Breaking news from the West Seattle Blog; Executive Director Aurora Lora is leaving the district. She's going to Dallas as an assistant superintendent. Her last day is July 6th. That's one TFA gone (and I hear we lost another in HR). Decline to Sign flyer here. Going to the Gay Pride parade? There an SPS float in it that will be decorated as a school bus. The Board approved the change to the advertising policy and will permit it on school calendar, scoreboards, etc. Not sure where (high ... more »
Billionaires buy Wisconsin recall election for Scott Walker -
Billionaires buy Wisconsin recall election for Scott Walker - Billionaires buy Wisconsin recall election for Scott Walker - [image: print] - Comments 256 - Email Share - - - [image: Billionaires buy Scott Walker a win in Wisconsin] How billionaires spent their money way back when ... and how they spend it now. (David Horsey /June 6, 2012) Related photos » - ALSO - [image: Top of the Ticket cartoons]Photos: Top of the Ticket cartoons - [image: America's political divide is turning into a chasm]America's political divide is t... more »
This Week In Education: Five Best Blogs: Hubris, DFER Standout, & Ugly Habits
This Week In Education: Five Best Blogs: Hubris, DFER Standout, & Ugly Habits
Does Reform Have to Equal Sagging Polls? EdSector: Which would you rather have: a sweeping reform whose implementation is delayed in the courts and likely to be overturned at the next election? Or a reform effort that elicits buy-in and thus long-term impact?... The Right Way to Approach School Reform American Times: Hubris is at the heart of all this overreach, in Florida, in Wisconsin, in Michigan. And hubris comes at a price. ... The Inside Game Tom Hoffman: Boy that guy from DfER is a real standout jackass... And the Most Overhyped Edu-Entrepreneur of the Mom
Petitions | The White House - Replace Sec. Ed. Arne Duncan with Prof. Diane Ravitch
Petitions | The White House: WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Replace Sec. Ed. Arne Duncan with Prof. Diane Ravitch, as Duncan's ed advice to Obama hurts more students than it helps If President Obama truly desires to provide all students with access to the best public education possible, and concurrently to energize teachers as an important voting bloc in his re-election campaign, he should replace Sec. of Ed. Arne Duncan with Prof. Diane Ravitch, or someone else not beholden to corporate interests, such as Prof. Linda Darling-Hammond, Prof. Yong Zhao, or similar. Duncan'... more »
My summer vacation began on June 13 and Diane Ravitch has started blogging. What's the connection? Well, every morning when I open my email, there are about 4-7 posts from Diane Ravitch. She doesn't send them to me personally. But, being a person who wants to know what's going on in the realm of education, besides the latest edtech tool, hers is one of the blogs I subscribe to.
NYC Public School Parents: Reactions to sample Common core questions; what do you think?
NYC Public School Parents: Reactions to sample Common core questions; what do you think?: Reactions to sample Common core questions; what do you think? by Leonie Haimson NYS Education Commissioner John King released sample Common Core questions this week. Here are some responses from parents and former teachers on the NYC Education list. Please take a look and add your comments below. *Jeff Nichols: parent of 3rd grader:* Well, I looked at the sample 3rd grade ELA questions. Utterly bizarre. I would never put this material in front of my 8-year- olds (avid, enthusiastic, proficie... more »
Corporate Education Reform - DC Style
*Corporate Education Reform - DC Style* * * * *
Oprah, Reagan and Mitt Romney’s Views on EducationPolitical News and Opinion from a Multicultural Point of View | Political News and Opinion from a Multicultural Point of View
Oprah, Reagan and Mitt Romney’s Views on EducationPolitical News and Opinion from a Multicultural Point of View | Political News and Opinion from a Multicultural Point of View: Oprah, Reagan and Mitt Romney’s Views on Education [image: Oprah, Reagan and Mitt Romney’s Views on Education] Asked nearly half a dozen times whether or not he would overturnPresident Obama’s decision to stop deporting undocumented youth, affording them the opportunity to pursue higher education, careers in the armed services, and temporary work permits, Mitt Romney danced around the question as though he ... more »
Corporate Education Reform - Sacramento Style - What's Wrong With This Picture?
*Corporate Education Reform - Sacramento Style * * What's Wrong With This Picture?* [image: ScreenHunter_33 Jun. 20 12.10] Joe Biden to raise money in Sacramento on Tuesday Vice President *Joe Biden*, in California for two days this week, is scheduled to attend a fundraiser at the Sutter Club in downtown Sacramento on Tuesday. Tickets for the afternoon fundraiser, to raise money for the Obama Victory Fund, start at $500. Biden was expected to speak earlier Tuesday in Los Angeles, at a convention of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. He is expected to a... more »
STEM Task Force - Initiatives & Programs (CA Dept of Education)
STEM Task Force - Initiatives & Programs (CA Dept of Education): STEM Task Force A volunteer group appointed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to explore the status of STEM (Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics) education in curriculum, instructional practices, professional learning, etc. ------------------------------ On May 24, 2012, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson and Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla convened 55 volunteers to become members of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Task Force. Co-chaired by He... more »
Sumter SC schools are being subjected to Broad-style corporate reform « Parents Across America
Sumter SC schools are being subjected to Broad-style corporate reform « Parents Across America: Sumter SC schools are being subjected to Broad-style corporate reform by leoniehaimson *This post is written by Parrish Rabon, founder of our new affiliate, Sumter Education Task Force (SETF) in Sumter, SC. She can be reached at* Corporate education reform and its responsible parties (Broad and Gates) were introduced to Sumter, South Carolina, in a fast and furious manner last year. Sumter County’s two former school districts consolidated to form the Sumter... more »
Strong Readers All: What Would It Take ... ? — Whole Child Education
Strong Readers All: What Would It Take ... ? — Whole Child Education: Strong Readers All: What Would It Take ... ? June 19, 2012 by ASCD Whole Child Bloggers *Post written by Naomi Thiers, associate editor, Educational Leadership* [image: EL Summer 2012] What would it take to make all the children we serve strong readers? It's a bold question to ponder as you prepare for the coming school year. Sadly, according to the latest National Assessment of Educational Progress, U.S. students are*not* all strong readers. But authors in ASCD's *Educational Leadership* (EL) summer issue, "Strong ... more »
Request for Waiver of Provisions - Letters (CA Dept of Education)
Request for Waiver of Provisions - Letters (CA Dept of Education): [image: California Department of Education (CDE) Seal] [image: California State Board of Education (SBE) Seal] *CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TOM TORLAKSON,* State Superintendent of Public Instruction 916-319-0800 *CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION MICHAEL W. KIRST,* President 916-319-0827 1430 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814-5901 June 15, 2012 Deborah Delisle, Assistant Secretary Office of Elementary and Secondary Education U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202 Dear Assistant ... more »
Standardized Testing in the Arts? No. Please, No. - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher
Standardized Testing in the Arts? No. Please, No. - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher: Standardized Testing in the Arts? No. Please, No. by Nancy Flanagan When it comes to assessing music students, and their learning, I can say with confidence that I am a bona fide expert. I did this work for thirty years--by my count, evaluating well over 5000 music students, giving them grades and feedback. Which only means I had lots of practice--not necessarily proficiency--but depth of experience matters here. Over three decades, I developed and continuously adjusted a conce... more »
Schools Matter: Case Against Ben Chavis Goes to District Attorney
Schools Matter: Case Against Ben Chavis Goes to District Attorney: Case Against Ben Chavis Goes to District Attorney by Jim Horn Any public school with such a record of abuse, corruption, and anti-social malfeasance would have been shut years ago. From the Oakland Tribune: The head of an Oakland charter school organization that has made national headlines for its low-income students' outstanding test scores is now faced with mounting evidence that he used his position to enrich himself and his family. A state investigation into allegations of operational fraud and other unsc... more »
Summer Games | Special Olympics Northern California
Summer Games | Special Olympics Northern California: Summer Games Summer Games is the culminating competition for our Spring Sports season: Aquatics, Bocce, Tennis and Track & Field. Summer Games is one of the largest Special Olympics Northern California sporting events. *OPENING CEREMONIES* The weekend's festivities begin with Opening Ceremonies on Friday evening at beautiful Aggie Stadium on the UC Davis campus. Opening Ceremonies is an evening of excitement for our athletes, and the coaches, families and volunteers who support Special Olympics. Emcees for Opening Ceremoni... more »
IRS Examining Charter Schools « Diane Ravitch's blog
IRS Examining Charter Schools « Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] IRS Examining Charter Schools by dianerav A reader sent the following article about IRS scrutiny of the financial management of charters, especially for-profit management companies. ** * * *Alert: Increased IRS Scrutiny of Charter Schools Operated by For-Profit Management Companies* * * * * *Author(s): Eric V. Hall, H. William Mahaffey, Christopher D. Freeman* *Published: 06/18/2012* * * *In some cases, charter schools are mana... more »
Race To The Top Grant Might Not be Worth Its Cost to SCUSD | The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education
Race To The Top Grant Might Not be Worth Its Cost to SCUSD | The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education: Race To The Top Grant Might Not be Worth Its Cost to SCUSD by Kate_Lenox Restrictions on the Use of the Grant Mean the Money Can't Help Restore Education Cuts [image: Home] The US Dept. of Education has released its rules for districts applying to receive Race to the Top grants. They allow individual districts or a consortia of districts to apply directly to the federal government for the money, bypassing state education officials. This is particularly significant in... more »
DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: Why Can't We Hold Parents Accountable Any More?
DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: Why Can't We Hold Parents Accountable Any More?: Why Can't We Hold Parents Accountable Any More? by Lisa M I've noticed that whenever someone starts talking about "the parents", people want to shut them down. The immediate reaction is a harsh backlash, usually accusing the author of parent bashing. "The parents" are off-limits. But, I'm going to go there.:) I believe society started a trend from which there is no escape, and no turning back. Parents were allowed to relinquish the reins of raising their children. They relinquished them, hand... more »
Blue Jersey:: A Tale of Two Tenure Bills
Blue Jersey:: A Tale of Two Tenure Bills: A Tale of Two Tenure Bills by Jersey Jazzman Today, Senator Teresa Ruiz's tenure bill will most likely make it out of her committee; this follows on the heels of Assemblyman Patrick Diegnan's bill, which was approved by his committee last Thursday (despite the abstentions of the Republican members).Given the momentum, it's quite likely the two bills will be reconciled, put to full votes, and eventually land on Chris Christie's desk. But before looking at what it will take for the Assembly and Senate versions to become compatible, it's wort... more »
This Week In Education: Reform: The Problem With "Parents Across America"
This Week In Education: Reform: The Problem With "Parents Across America":
About Alexander's post on Parents Across America, I find myself liking it more than agreeing with it.
On the one hand, while my experience with PAA is pretty limited, at least some of its members seem perfectly willing to question the legitimacy of their opponents based on the interests they appear (or are assumed) to represent.
AN ANALYSIS OF THE 2012-13 JOBS AND SERVICES RESTORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN LAUSD AND UTLA By Dr. John Fernandez - AGREEMENT BETWEEN LAUSD AND UTLA By Dr. John Fernandez by Leonard Isenberg [image: Dr. John Fernandez.jpg] Not only is the Agreement misleading, tentative, and conditional, the Agreement fails to support the claim that 4,149 jobs will be restored and does not give an exact number of all pending Reduction in Forces (RIFS) and job loses that will take place after June 30, 2012. For instance on page 4 of the Agreement, Section 5a, the subheading states: "Total... more »
Teacher evaluation plan a test for LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy - LA Daily News
Teacher evaluation plan a test for LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy - LA Daily News: Teacher evaluation plan a test for LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy By Barbara Jones, Staff Writer Posted: 06/17/2012 05:58:17 PM PDT Updated: 06/17/2012 08:59:39 PM PDT James Jordan Middle School principal Myranda Marsh talks with students before they take a final. A court order is mandating that student test scores be a part of a teacher s performance evaluation at LAUSD schools. (Andy Holzman/Staff Photographer) Armed with a court order mandating the use of student test scores in teacher evalu... more »
The FCAT Spring | Scathing Purple Musings
The FCAT Spring | Scathing Purple Musings: The FCAT Spring by Bob Sikes Consider this timeline of events. January 20: Florida Governor Rick Scott directs Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson to rank Florida’s school districts by FCAT scores February 2: Texas’ long-time, pro-accountabilty education commissioner Robert Scott says testing has become a “perversion” of its intent and triggered 360 Texas districts to join a National Resolution on High Stakes Testing February 23: Robinson defends changes to Florida’s school grade system. April 24: National Resolution on High Stakes Test... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Seniority in Teaching: An Unproven Problem
Jersey Jazzman: Seniority in Teaching: An Unproven Problem: Seniority in Teaching: An Unproven Problem by Duke You can always count on Tom Moran and the *Star-Ledger* editorial page to come up with solutions to problems that they haven't shown to exist: The NJEA, while backing the weaker tenure proposal, has come miles from where it was on education reform. Yet when it comes to seniority, there was no give. The union, along with most Democrats, argues that veteran teachers will be fired to save more money. That’s highly unlikely, because it would violate federal laws against age ... more »
The Final Report : Watergate- National Geographic the definitive examination on the Watergate scandal.
Los Angeles students and teachers need your help fighting Green Dot Charter Schools |
Los Angeles students and teachers need your help fighting Green Dot Charter Schools | Los Angeles students and teachers need your help fighting Green Dot Charter Schools from by Danny Weil I have written extensively about *Green Dot Charter Schools*, an educational retail charter chain that gained a foothold in Los Angeles and a step-ladder into the public consciousness due to favorable publicity by the charter charlatans and their corporate allies. You can read about the detestable Green Dot and its takeover of some of Los Angeles schools,... more »
Visioning Many Educational Paths | Lefty Parent
Visioning Many Educational Paths | Lefty Parent: Visioning Many Educational Paths by Cooper Zale Angelajean and I founded our Daily KOS “Educational Alternatives” group because we both believe that our youth (and their families) would be much better served in their development if they had a wide range of educational options. Currently there are very few such options available to most young people, particularly those from families without the economic means to have sufficient discretionary income to spend on private schools. I wanted to restate the group’s goal, to hopefully recruit... more »
Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee: Vouchers can make me rich |
Michelle Rhee: Vouchers can level playing field | There are two things that I think could happen among the big business community in Pennsylvania that would potentially change the education game. Michelle Rhee, with StudentsFirst, is an education reform advocate. 06/12/2012 DAN GLEITER, The Patriot-News The first is a simple one: Advocate for the policies that you want to be in place in your own life. I guarantee you that you don’t run your organization anything like the way public school sys
Reformers vs. Democracy « Diane Ravitch's blog
Reformers vs. Democracy « Diane Ravitch's blog: Reformers vs. Democracy by dianerav One thing reformers don’t like is to hear from teachers or parents or the public. We see the same pattern repeated again and again. Reform can only be successful when power is consolidated in the hands of the mayor, preferably when the mayor has a puppet board appointed by him and that serves at his pleasure. (See New York City.) Reform can only be successful when it is rammed through the Legislature with a minimum of public notice and a minimum of public hearings. Fast action means no public delibe... more »
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-16-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-15-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-14-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-13-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-12-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-12-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-11-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-10-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-9-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-8-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-7-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-6-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-5-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-4-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-3-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Axelrod's old firm behind 'Infrastructure Trust', Citibank, and attacks on CTU
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Axelrod's old firm behind 'Infrastructure Trust', Citibank, and attacks on CTU: Axelrod's old firm behind 'Infrastructure Trust', Citibank, and attacks on CTU by Mike Klonsky Obama, Emanuel & AxelrodWell, mercy me! Look who's behind those ads blasting the CTU. Why, it's ASGK Public Strategies and AKPD, David Axelrod's old firms. An embarrassed Axelrod is claiming that he no longer has any connection to the firms since he sold them in 2009, when he became Obama's Senior White House Advisor. But he's still very much connected (the A stands for Axelrod)... more »
H.R.5876: Increasing Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care Act - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress
Shop Til You Drop - Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's June Shopping Spree #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
*Shop Til You Drop * *Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's * *June Shopping Spree* *What did Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's Corporate Millions buy? * *Our Public Schools. * *She plans to spend even more in November. * *Don't let Corporate Reformers Buy * * * *Our Public Schools!* * * * * * * * Beware of AstroTurf Ed Reformers * * * *Just Like Michelle Rhee's Students first only BETTER* * * *Astroturf lobbying refers to political organizations or campaigns that appear to be made up of grassroots activists but are actually organized and run by corporate interests seeking to furthe... more »
Education takes a beating nationwide -
Education takes a beating nationwide -
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Updates + Decline to Sign
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Updates: Decline to Sign Updates by Melissa Westbrook Breaking news from the West Seattle Blog; Executive Director Aurora Lora is leaving the district. She's going to Dallas as an assistant superintendent. Her last day is July 6th. That's one TFA gone (and I hear we lost another in HR). Decline to Sign flyer here. Going to the Gay Pride parade? There an SPS float in it that will be decorated as a school bus. The Board approved the change to the advertising policy and will permit it on school calendar, scoreboards, etc. Not sure where (high ... more »
Billionaires buy Wisconsin recall election for Scott Walker -
This Week In Education: Five Best Blogs: Hubris, DFER Standout, & Ugly Habits
This Week In Education: Five Best Blogs: Hubris, DFER Standout, & Ugly Habits
Does Reform Have to Equal Sagging Polls? EdSector: Which would you rather have: a sweeping reform whose implementation is delayed in the courts and likely to be overturned at the next election? Or a reform effort that elicits buy-in and thus long-term impact?... The Right Way to Approach School Reform American Times: Hubris is at the heart of all this overreach, in Florida, in Wisconsin, in Michigan. And hubris comes at a price. ... The Inside Game Tom Hoffman: Boy that guy from DfER is a real standout jackass... And the Most Overhyped Edu-Entrepreneur of the Mom
Petitions | The White House - Replace Sec. Ed. Arne Duncan with Prof. Diane Ravitch
Petitions | The White House: WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Replace Sec. Ed. Arne Duncan with Prof. Diane Ravitch, as Duncan's ed advice to Obama hurts more students than it helps If President Obama truly desires to provide all students with access to the best public education possible, and concurrently to energize teachers as an important voting bloc in his re-election campaign, he should replace Sec. of Ed. Arne Duncan with Prof. Diane Ravitch, or someone else not beholden to corporate interests, such as Prof. Linda Darling-Hammond, Prof. Yong Zhao, or similar. Duncan'... more »

My summer vacation began on June 13 and Diane Ravitch has started blogging. What's the connection? Well, every morning when I open my email, there are about 4-7 posts from Diane Ravitch. She doesn't send them to me personally. But, being a person who wants to know what's going on in the realm of education, besides the latest edtech tool, hers is one of the blogs I subscribe to.
NYC Public School Parents: Reactions to sample Common core questions; what do you think?
NYC Public School Parents: Reactions to sample Common core questions; what do you think?: Reactions to sample Common core questions; what do you think? by Leonie Haimson NYS Education Commissioner John King released sample Common Core questions this week. Here are some responses from parents and former teachers on the NYC Education list. Please take a look and add your comments below. *Jeff Nichols: parent of 3rd grader:* Well, I looked at the sample 3rd grade ELA questions. Utterly bizarre. I would never put this material in front of my 8-year- olds (avid, enthusiastic, proficie... more »
Corporate Education Reform - DC Style
*Corporate Education Reform - DC Style* * * * *
Oprah, Reagan and Mitt Romney’s Views on EducationPolitical News and Opinion from a Multicultural Point of View | Political News and Opinion from a Multicultural Point of View
Oprah, Reagan and Mitt Romney’s Views on EducationPolitical News and Opinion from a Multicultural Point of View | Political News and Opinion from a Multicultural Point of View: Oprah, Reagan and Mitt Romney’s Views on Education [image: Oprah, Reagan and Mitt Romney’s Views on Education] Asked nearly half a dozen times whether or not he would overturnPresident Obama’s decision to stop deporting undocumented youth, affording them the opportunity to pursue higher education, careers in the armed services, and temporary work permits, Mitt Romney danced around the question as though he ... more »
Corporate Education Reform - Sacramento Style - What's Wrong With This Picture?
*Corporate Education Reform - Sacramento Style * * What's Wrong With This Picture?* [image: ScreenHunter_33 Jun. 20 12.10] Joe Biden to raise money in Sacramento on Tuesday Vice President *Joe Biden*, in California for two days this week, is scheduled to attend a fundraiser at the Sutter Club in downtown Sacramento on Tuesday. Tickets for the afternoon fundraiser, to raise money for the Obama Victory Fund, start at $500. Biden was expected to speak earlier Tuesday in Los Angeles, at a convention of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. He is expected to a... more »
STEM Task Force - Initiatives & Programs (CA Dept of Education)
STEM Task Force - Initiatives & Programs (CA Dept of Education): STEM Task Force A volunteer group appointed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to explore the status of STEM (Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics) education in curriculum, instructional practices, professional learning, etc. ------------------------------ On May 24, 2012, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson and Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla convened 55 volunteers to become members of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Task Force. Co-chaired by He... more »
Sumter SC schools are being subjected to Broad-style corporate reform « Parents Across America
Sumter SC schools are being subjected to Broad-style corporate reform « Parents Across America: Sumter SC schools are being subjected to Broad-style corporate reform by leoniehaimson *This post is written by Parrish Rabon, founder of our new affiliate, Sumter Education Task Force (SETF) in Sumter, SC. She can be reached at* Corporate education reform and its responsible parties (Broad and Gates) were introduced to Sumter, South Carolina, in a fast and furious manner last year. Sumter County’s two former school districts consolidated to form the Sumter... more »
Strong Readers All: What Would It Take ... ? — Whole Child Education
Strong Readers All: What Would It Take ... ? — Whole Child Education: Strong Readers All: What Would It Take ... ? June 19, 2012 by ASCD Whole Child Bloggers *Post written by Naomi Thiers, associate editor, Educational Leadership* [image: EL Summer 2012] What would it take to make all the children we serve strong readers? It's a bold question to ponder as you prepare for the coming school year. Sadly, according to the latest National Assessment of Educational Progress, U.S. students are*not* all strong readers. But authors in ASCD's *Educational Leadership* (EL) summer issue, "Strong ... more »
Request for Waiver of Provisions - Letters (CA Dept of Education)
Request for Waiver of Provisions - Letters (CA Dept of Education): [image: California Department of Education (CDE) Seal] [image: California State Board of Education (SBE) Seal] *CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TOM TORLAKSON,* State Superintendent of Public Instruction 916-319-0800 *CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION MICHAEL W. KIRST,* President 916-319-0827 1430 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814-5901 June 15, 2012 Deborah Delisle, Assistant Secretary Office of Elementary and Secondary Education U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202 Dear Assistant ... more »
Standardized Testing in the Arts? No. Please, No. - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher
Standardized Testing in the Arts? No. Please, No. - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher: Standardized Testing in the Arts? No. Please, No. by Nancy Flanagan When it comes to assessing music students, and their learning, I can say with confidence that I am a bona fide expert. I did this work for thirty years--by my count, evaluating well over 5000 music students, giving them grades and feedback. Which only means I had lots of practice--not necessarily proficiency--but depth of experience matters here. Over three decades, I developed and continuously adjusted a conce... more »
Schools Matter: Case Against Ben Chavis Goes to District Attorney
Schools Matter: Case Against Ben Chavis Goes to District Attorney: Case Against Ben Chavis Goes to District Attorney by Jim Horn Any public school with such a record of abuse, corruption, and anti-social malfeasance would have been shut years ago. From the Oakland Tribune: The head of an Oakland charter school organization that has made national headlines for its low-income students' outstanding test scores is now faced with mounting evidence that he used his position to enrich himself and his family. A state investigation into allegations of operational fraud and other unsc... more »
Summer Games | Special Olympics Northern California
Summer Games | Special Olympics Northern California: Summer Games Summer Games is the culminating competition for our Spring Sports season: Aquatics, Bocce, Tennis and Track & Field. Summer Games is one of the largest Special Olympics Northern California sporting events. *OPENING CEREMONIES* The weekend's festivities begin with Opening Ceremonies on Friday evening at beautiful Aggie Stadium on the UC Davis campus. Opening Ceremonies is an evening of excitement for our athletes, and the coaches, families and volunteers who support Special Olympics. Emcees for Opening Ceremoni... more »
IRS Examining Charter Schools « Diane Ravitch's blog
IRS Examining Charter Schools « Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] IRS Examining Charter Schools by dianerav A reader sent the following article about IRS scrutiny of the financial management of charters, especially for-profit management companies. ** * * *Alert: Increased IRS Scrutiny of Charter Schools Operated by For-Profit Management Companies* * * * * *Author(s): Eric V. Hall, H. William Mahaffey, Christopher D. Freeman* *Published: 06/18/2012* * * *In some cases, charter schools are mana... more »
Race To The Top Grant Might Not be Worth Its Cost to SCUSD | The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education
Race To The Top Grant Might Not be Worth Its Cost to SCUSD | The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education: Race To The Top Grant Might Not be Worth Its Cost to SCUSD by Kate_Lenox Restrictions on the Use of the Grant Mean the Money Can't Help Restore Education Cuts [image: Home] The US Dept. of Education has released its rules for districts applying to receive Race to the Top grants. They allow individual districts or a consortia of districts to apply directly to the federal government for the money, bypassing state education officials. This is particularly significant in... more »
DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: Why Can't We Hold Parents Accountable Any More?
DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: Why Can't We Hold Parents Accountable Any More?: Why Can't We Hold Parents Accountable Any More? by Lisa M I've noticed that whenever someone starts talking about "the parents", people want to shut them down. The immediate reaction is a harsh backlash, usually accusing the author of parent bashing. "The parents" are off-limits. But, I'm going to go there.:) I believe society started a trend from which there is no escape, and no turning back. Parents were allowed to relinquish the reins of raising their children. They relinquished them, hand... more »
Blue Jersey:: A Tale of Two Tenure Bills
Blue Jersey:: A Tale of Two Tenure Bills: A Tale of Two Tenure Bills by Jersey Jazzman Today, Senator Teresa Ruiz's tenure bill will most likely make it out of her committee; this follows on the heels of Assemblyman Patrick Diegnan's bill, which was approved by his committee last Thursday (despite the abstentions of the Republican members).Given the momentum, it's quite likely the two bills will be reconciled, put to full votes, and eventually land on Chris Christie's desk. But before looking at what it will take for the Assembly and Senate versions to become compatible, it's wort... more »
This Week In Education: Reform: The Problem With "Parents Across America"
About Alexander's post on Parents Across America, I find myself liking it more than agreeing with it.
On the one hand, while my experience with PAA is pretty limited, at least some of its members seem perfectly willing to question the legitimacy of their opponents based on the interests they appear (or are assumed) to represent.
On the one hand, while my experience with PAA is pretty limited, at least some of its members seem perfectly willing to question the legitimacy of their opponents based on the interests they appear (or are assumed) to represent.
AN ANALYSIS OF THE 2012-13 JOBS AND SERVICES RESTORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN LAUSD AND UTLA By Dr. John Fernandez - AGREEMENT BETWEEN LAUSD AND UTLA By Dr. John Fernandez by Leonard Isenberg [image: Dr. John Fernandez.jpg] Not only is the Agreement misleading, tentative, and conditional, the Agreement fails to support the claim that 4,149 jobs will be restored and does not give an exact number of all pending Reduction in Forces (RIFS) and job loses that will take place after June 30, 2012. For instance on page 4 of the Agreement, Section 5a, the subheading states: "Total... more »
Teacher evaluation plan a test for LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy - LA Daily News
Teacher evaluation plan a test for LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy - LA Daily News: Teacher evaluation plan a test for LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy By Barbara Jones, Staff Writer Posted: 06/17/2012 05:58:17 PM PDT Updated: 06/17/2012 08:59:39 PM PDT James Jordan Middle School principal Myranda Marsh talks with students before they take a final. A court order is mandating that student test scores be a part of a teacher s performance evaluation at LAUSD schools. (Andy Holzman/Staff Photographer) Armed with a court order mandating the use of student test scores in teacher evalu... more »
The FCAT Spring | Scathing Purple Musings
The FCAT Spring | Scathing Purple Musings: The FCAT Spring by Bob Sikes Consider this timeline of events. January 20: Florida Governor Rick Scott directs Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson to rank Florida’s school districts by FCAT scores February 2: Texas’ long-time, pro-accountabilty education commissioner Robert Scott says testing has become a “perversion” of its intent and triggered 360 Texas districts to join a National Resolution on High Stakes Testing February 23: Robinson defends changes to Florida’s school grade system. April 24: National Resolution on High Stakes Test... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Seniority in Teaching: An Unproven Problem
Jersey Jazzman: Seniority in Teaching: An Unproven Problem: Seniority in Teaching: An Unproven Problem by Duke You can always count on Tom Moran and the *Star-Ledger* editorial page to come up with solutions to problems that they haven't shown to exist: The NJEA, while backing the weaker tenure proposal, has come miles from where it was on education reform. Yet when it comes to seniority, there was no give. The union, along with most Democrats, argues that veteran teachers will be fired to save more money. That’s highly unlikely, because it would violate federal laws against age ... more »
The Final Report : Watergate- National Geographic the definitive examination on the Watergate scandal.
Los Angeles students and teachers need your help fighting Green Dot Charter Schools |
Los Angeles students and teachers need your help fighting Green Dot Charter Schools | Los Angeles students and teachers need your help fighting Green Dot Charter Schools from by Danny Weil I have written extensively about *Green Dot Charter Schools*, an educational retail charter chain that gained a foothold in Los Angeles and a step-ladder into the public consciousness due to favorable publicity by the charter charlatans and their corporate allies. You can read about the detestable Green Dot and its takeover of some of Los Angeles schools,... more »
Visioning Many Educational Paths | Lefty Parent
Visioning Many Educational Paths | Lefty Parent: Visioning Many Educational Paths by Cooper Zale Angelajean and I founded our Daily KOS “Educational Alternatives” group because we both believe that our youth (and their families) would be much better served in their development if they had a wide range of educational options. Currently there are very few such options available to most young people, particularly those from families without the economic means to have sufficient discretionary income to spend on private schools. I wanted to restate the group’s goal, to hopefully recruit... more »
Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee: Vouchers can make me rich |
Michelle Rhee: Vouchers can level playing field | There are two things that I think could happen among the big business community in Pennsylvania that would potentially change the education game. Michelle Rhee, with StudentsFirst, is an education reform advocate. 06/12/2012 DAN GLEITER, The Patriot-News The first is a simple one: Advocate for the policies that you want to be in place in your own life. I guarantee you that you don’t run your organization anything like the way public school sys
Reformers vs. Democracy « Diane Ravitch's blog
Reformers vs. Democracy « Diane Ravitch's blog: Reformers vs. Democracy by dianerav One thing reformers don’t like is to hear from teachers or parents or the public. We see the same pattern repeated again and again. Reform can only be successful when power is consolidated in the hands of the mayor, preferably when the mayor has a puppet board appointed by him and that serves at his pleasure. (See New York City.) Reform can only be successful when it is rammed through the Legislature with a minimum of public notice and a minimum of public hearings. Fast action means no public delibe... more »