James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."
Great. Another Non-Math Person Complaining About Algebra. | The Jose Vilson
Great. Another Non-Math Person Complaining About Algebra. | The Jose Vilson: Great. Another Non-Math Person Complaining About Algebra. by Jose Holy cow, Andrew Hacker. Shut up! OK, that was a bit harsh. Warranted, but harsh. Say what you want to, but lower your voice a few decibels. Frankly, I didn’t care much for your rhetorical question, but you had to write it in the New York Times, adding a semblance of legitimacy (if not outrage) to your argument against teaching abstract math to kids. The crux of your argument, that we shouldn’t teach algebra except to those of us who want t... more »
The Paradox of Teachers and Technology in the U.S. | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
The Paradox of Teachers and Technology in the U.S. | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: The Paradox of Teachers and Technology in the U.S. by larrycuban U.S. Presidents, philanthropists, parents, and researchers all say, no, swear, that teachers are the most important in-school factor in children and youth learning. Yet those very same teachers, professionals with advanced degrees, have little say in determining access or use of hardware and software in their classrooms. Policymakers decide, not teachers, to buy and deploy new technologies for classroom use. Sc... more »
An Urban Teacher's Education: Loss Aversion: Paying Teacher More and Less for Inferior Instruction
An Urban Teacher's Education: Loss Aversion: Paying Teacher More and Less for Inferior Instruction: Loss Aversion: Paying Teacher More and Less for Inferior Instruction by James Boutin You may have of a recent suggestion for enticing teachers to find ways to raise test scores: give teachers money at the beginning of the year, and then take it away from them if their scores don't improve appropriately. Its academic name is "Loss Aversion." The idea is that people work harder when an undesirable behavior might cause them to lose something they already have than if a desirable behav... more »
NYC Public School Parents: The "Irreplaceables"; another flawed report from TNTP
NYC Public School Parents: The "Irreplaceables"; another flawed report from TNTP: The "Irreplaceables"; another flawed report from TNTP by Leonie Haimson A new report from The New Teacher Project (TNTP), focused on the need to keep good teachers, who they call "irreplaceable", is posted here. In a press release, Bloomberg used its release as an occasion to push his proposal for a $20K bonus for high-performers that he first mentioned in his State of the City address last winter, and blamed the UFT for blocking it: The study released today by TNTP – and which New York City parti... more »
AWKWORD - Throw Away The Key (No More Prisons) - Listen & Download
AWKWORD - Throw Away The Key (No More Prisons) - Listen & Download: [image: Throw Away The Key (No More Prisons) Cover] *Avg Rating: *[image: 4][image: 3][image: 2][image: 1][image: 0] 4.3 ( 4 total votes ) AWKWORD - Throw Away The Key (No More Prisons) *Producer: *L.Ment *Album: *World View *Label: *Sub-City Productions LISTEN DOWNLOAD MORE FROM THIS ARTIST America doesn’t do anything in moderation. When we’re thirsty we grab a 64-ounce Double Big Gulp, when we watch TV we flip on a 72-inch HD, and when it comes to locking people up, we’re not just number one, we crush the compet... more »
Reform Springfield. Send Patti Bellock a message. She’s ALEC’s State Legislator of the Year. « Fred Klonsky
Reform Springfield. Send Patti Bellock a message. She’s ALEC’s State Legislator of the Year. « Fred Klonsky: Reform Springfield. Send Patti Bellock a message. She’s ALEC’s State Legislator of the Year. by Fred Klonsky You need know nothing more about why we need to Reform Springfield than this: State Representative Patti Bellock from suburban Westmon is ALEC’s State Legislator of the Year. *Dear Friend,* *Please join me in congratulating State Rep. Patti Bellock for being named “Legislator of the Year” by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) for her extensive work on ... more »
RheeFirst! » StudentsFirst staff member gets caught paying for favorable comments, tries to play the victim
RheeFirst! » StudentsFirst staff member gets caught paying for favorable comments, tries to play the victim: StudentsFirst staff member gets caught paying for favorable comments, tries to play the victim by admin On Friday, Parents Across America posted an email from StudentsFirst’s regional outreach director Catherine Durkin Robinson. The letter reads, in part: “Also, starting right now, there will be a monthly contest for the best rapid response. The more comments you leave on blog posts, the more times you can enter! Post a polite and persuasive pro-reform comment and email ... more »
How Can the 4 C's Be Used to Achieve Common Core State Standards? | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights
How Can the 4 C's Be Used to Achieve Common Core State Standards? | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights: How Can the 4 C's Be Used to Achieve Common Core State Standards? by Cheryl S. Williams *Editor's Note: This post first appeared on the Partnership for 21st Century Skills’ blog in July 2012. Reposted with permission.* As both a former classroom teacher and long-time nonprofit executive, I'm well aware of the importance of creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and communication (the Four C's) to success in both the classroom and the workplace. So I've bee... more »
Sacramento Press / Mayor Kevin Johnson Helping Shape Democratic Platform
Sacramento Press / Mayor Kevin Johnson Helping Shape Democratic Platform: Mayor Kevin Johnson Helping Shape Democratic Platform by Steven Maviglio Mayor Kevin Johnson traveled to Minneapolis, Minnesota last Friday to speak before the Democratic National Committee's Platform Committee, which is charged with drafting the party's stance on key issues facing the nation. The platform will be voted on by Democratic delegates at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte in September, which Johnson also will attend. With his remarks, Mayor Johnson represented the Democratic mayors ... more »
Quinn is calling an August session to deal with cost swap and retirement tax. The IEA takes no position on the cost swap. « Fred Klonsky
Quinn is calling an August session to deal with cost swap and retirement tax. The IEA takes no position on the cost swap. « Fred Klonsky: Quinn is calling an August session to deal with cost swap and retirement tax. The IEA takes no position on the cost swap. by Fred Klonsky Michael Madigan has already announced that he will be calling the Illinois House into August session to try and pass HB1447, a retirement tax on state employees. It would require a forced choice on seniors, retired state workers, between health care and a cost of living adjustment or COLA. Now Governor Quinn, ... more »
Shanker Blog » The Irreconcilables
Shanker Blog » The Irreconcilables: The Irreconcilables by Matthew Di Carlo The New Teacher Project (TNTP) has a new, highly-publicized report about what it calls “irreplaceables,” a catchy term that is supposed to describe those teachers who are “so successful they are nearly impossible to replace.” The report’s primary conclusion is that these “irreplaceable” teachers often leave the profession voluntarily, and TNTP offers several recommendations for how to improve this. I’m not going to discuss this report fully. It shines a light on teacher retention, which is a good thing. It... more »
Darry-Error | Mr. Teachbad
Darry-Error | Mr. Teachbad: Darry-Error by teachbad Oh, my. Big changes are afoot at the Columbia Heights Education Campus ( CHEC) in Washington, DC. I taught social studies in this hell hole for three years. The head of my department was an assistant principal because teachers were not trusted to hold this position. This man was the worst of the worst of the bullying, sloganeering, hard-headed, head-in-the-sand principal class to emerge in the last 10 years. Never in my entire working life have I known somebody so universally despised and distrusted by thos... more »
The Use Your Teacher Voice Project: “My name is Randi Weingarten.” « Fred Klonsky
The Use Your Teacher Voice Project: “My name is Randi Weingarten.” « Fred Klonsky: The Use Your Teacher Voice Project: “My name is Randi Weingarten.” by Fred Klonsky PopoutFacebook: Use Your Teacher Voice Twitter: @UseYrTcherVoice, #UseYourTeacherVoice YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/UseYourTeacherVoice Cullerton: “No letting teachers off the hook.” by Fred Klonsky The Algebra dispute. by Fred Klonsky I knew my math teacher friends would not be happy when I tweeted agreement with the Sunday NY Times article by Andrew Hacker questioning whether Algebra was necessary.
AFT REPORTS: Chicago’s Karen Lewis, other panelists, help AFT Peace and Justice Caucus understand how Chicago has been changed | Dailycensored.com
AFT REPORTS: Chicago’s Karen Lewis, other panelists, help AFT Peace and Justice Caucus understand how Chicago has been changed | Dailycensored.com: AFT REPORTS: Chicago’s Karen Lewis, other panelists, help AFT Peace and Justice Caucus understand how Chicago has been changed by Danny Weil George Schmidt has done an excellent job covering the AFT convention and the Peace and Justice caucus. The picture is of Karen Lewis of AFT discussing how to radicalize the union On Friday, July 27, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Peace and Justice Caucus hosted a forum featuring teacher...more »
All Things Education: So You Think You Can Be an Entrepreneur?
All Things Education: So You Think You Can Be an Entrepreneur?: So You Think You Can Be an Entrepreneur? by Rachel Levy A couple of months ago, there was a twitter exchange between Diane Ravitch and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan's press secretary Justin Hamilton about entrepreneurship. Ravitch blogged about it here and there was an especially good summary of it on an *Ed Week* blog here. My own tweet was: @EDPressSec @DianeRavitch I think you mean public intellectual--remember those? Entrepreneur is something different. — Rachel Levy(@RachelAnneLevy) May 19, 2012 Certainly... more »
The Irreplaceables: Study says schools losing top teachers | Get Schooled
The Irreplaceables: Study says schools losing top teachers | Get Schooled: The Irreplaceables: Study says schools losing top teachers 12:15 pm July 30, 2012, by Maureen Downey I listened to a panel a few weeks ago on whether schools were aware of and keeping their top teachers. I have not had a chance to write up the findings but will soon. In the meantime, here is a new report from The New Teacher Project that addresses the same issue: Whether schools are doing enough to keep their best teachers. A new study finds that urban schools are systematically neglecting their best teache... more »
With $32 billion in subsidies, over half of for-profit students drop out | The Raw Story
With $32 billion in subsidies, over half of for-profit students drop out | The Raw Story: With $32 billion in subsidies, over half of for-profit students drop out By Kay Steiger Monday, July 30, 2012 11:58 EDT [image: Print] Share on facebookShare on redditShare on diggShare on twitterShare on farkShare on stumbleupon6 [image: Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) via Talk Radio News Service / Flickr] Topics: federal student aid ♦ tom harkin A two-year investigation found that for-profit colleges, while receiving $32 billion in federal student aid and other taxpayer funds in the most recent yea... more »
Policy Expert on For-Profit College Report Released NewAmerica.net
NewAmerica.net: Policy Expert on For-Profit College Report Released Today Washington, DC — Today, the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions released a comprehensive report detailing its findings from its two-year investigation into the for-profit higher education sector. The report provides a much-needed and long-overdue examination of an industry that has all too often put the interests of shareholders above the students they are supposed to be serving, according to the Education Policy Program at the New America Foundation. Senior Policy Analyst *Steph... more »
Yes, algebra is necessary - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
Yes, algebra is necessary - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: [image: Answer Sheet] Yes, algebra is necessary By Valerie Strauss This *was written by cognitive scientist Daniel Willingham, professor and director of graduate studies in psychology at the University of Virginia and author of “Why Don’t Students Like School?” His newly published book is “When Can You Trust The Experts? How to tell good science from bad in education.” This appeared on his Science and Education blog.* ** By Daniel Willingham When I first saw yesterday’s New York Times op-ed, I mistook it for a joke... more »
Ten Reasons to Attend The Save Our Schools Convention Aug. 3-5 Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC | The Forum for Education and Democracy
Ten Reasons to Attend The Save Our Schools Convention Aug. 3-5 Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC | The Forum for Education and Democracy: Ten Reasons to Attend The Save Our Schools Convention Aug. 3-5 Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC July 30, 2012 - Anonymous Hear author *Jonathan Kozol's* prescription for *saving public schools* Meet the *next generation* of *student activist leaders* Learn from *Deborah Meier*, the first public school teacher to win a *MacArthur "genius" award* Be briefed by *civil rights lawyers* about the latest initiatives to *protect pare... more »
On Listening to Outrageous Ideas « Deborah Meier on Education
On Listening to Outrageous Ideas « Deborah Meier on Education: On Listening to Outrageous Ideas by debmeier To continue: on the habit of listening to others. Read and consider the following news item, and keep in mind the recent Texas mandate against “critical thinking” skills. How do we respond? *Washington, D.C.* – Today, *American Principles in Action (APIA)*condemned Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) for endorsing the indoctrination of children at a gathering of young progressives.“To so blatantly call for the indoctrination of our children in the school system is a gross ... more »
When Barbie Drops Algebra « The Core Knowledge Blog
When Barbie Drops Algebra « The Core Knowledge Blog: The Core Knowledge Blog When Barbie Drops Algebraby Robert Pondiscio *July 30th, 2012* Tags: algebra, Andrew Hacker, Curriculum, Dan Willingham, mathematics Posted in Curriculum, Education News, Education Practice, Teaching | No Comments » Andrew Hacker’s provocative weekend op-ed in the New York Times (“Is Algebra Necessary?”) wondered why schools insist on subjecting students to the “ordeal” of algebra. “There are many defenses of algebra and the virtue of learning it,” Hacker wrote. “But the more I examine them, the clearer... more »
FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Monday, July 30, 2012
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: *Air Force Flight Test Center Museum located at Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California. * Education Headlines *Monday, July 30, 2012* Twin Rivers looks for a new superintendentAmid the turmoil in Twin Rivers Unified School District stands an unadorned glass-walled office overlooking district headquarters. Interim leader Rob Ball currently occupies the superintendent's office, where he has set up a laptop and a few belongings. But who occupies the office in the long-term remains an open question. Hawthorne charter plans o... more »
The Algebra dispute. « Fred Klonsky
The Algebra dispute. « Fred Klonsky: The Algebra dispute. by Fred Klonsky I knew my math teacher friends would not be happy when I tweeted agreement with the Sunday NY Times article by Andrew Hacker questioning whether Algebra was necessary. And they weren’t happy. Soon my Facebook page was filled with counter arguments. My friend Arthur posted a response by Daniel Willingham to Hacker’s NY Times column which defended algebra.
Jersey Jazzman: A Brave, New, Reformy World
Jersey Jazzman: A Brave, New, Reformy World: A Brave, New, Reformy World by Duke If anyone can explain the *Star-Ledger's* logic here, please clue me in: Violent assaults, drug dealing, gang fights — sounds like a poorly run prison. But that’s what kids in Camden have to contend with, when they show up to their public schools. The academics are abysmal. The buildings are crumbling and overcrowded. So think like a parent in Camden: If someone offered your kid a chance to attend an alternative public school, in a brand-new building run by a private nonprofit, would
In Politics « Diane Ravitch's blog
In Politics « Diane Ravitch's blog: In Politics by dianerav In the political arena, all eyes are on the Presidential race. But in New York City, candidates for Mayor are lining up supporters. The election is 2013, when Mayor Bloomberg’s rocky third term ends. It appears that the favorite of the charter school hedge fund crowd is Christine Quinn, City Council speaker. Quinn, a close ally of Mayor Bloomberg, seems likeliest to keep his policies intact. To say that parents do not like his school-closing policy would be an understatement. The brute fact is that there is a lot of money... more »
Schools Matter: Pearson and the Crumbling Foundation of Standardized Testing
Schools Matter: Pearson and the Crumbling Foundation of Standardized Testing: Pearson and the Crumbling Foundation of Standardized Testing by Jim Horn Who would have ever imagined that Pearson would be at the epicenter of the final quake? By MORGAN SMITHIn 2006, a math pilot program for middle school students in a Dallas-area district returned surprising results. The students’ improved grasp of mathematical concepts stunned Walter Stroup, the University of Texas at Austin professor behind the program. But at the end of the year, students’ scores had increased only marginally on ... more »
All Education Matters: "Woman's on the Hook for a $25,000 Student Loan She Never Knew Existed"
All Education Matters: "Woman's on the Hook for a $25,000 Student Loan She Never Knew Existed": "Woman's on the Hook for a $25,000 Student Loan She Never Knew Existed" by Cryn Johannsen Mandi Woodruff put out a recent article about a woman, Alice Cortes, who somehow owes $25,000 to Sallie Mae. What's the main problem? She co-signed for a person who seems to not exist. I have heard from a number of people who paid off their loans, only to later learn that the loan was somehow turned over to collections and still existed. Several of them learned about these loans after they tried t... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: IN THE MAILBOX
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: IN THE MAILBOX: IN THE MAILBOX by Mike Klonsky *Dear Mike, I’m here at the AFT convention in Detroit, and I wanted to share some exciting news.* * Yesterday, delegates to the convention unanimously approved the resolution against high-stakes standardized testing. ** It was a moving discussion on the floor of the convention. Teacher after teacher stood up with stories about how the fixation on high-stakes testing hurts their students and their ability to provide high-quality instruction. Now that the resolution has passed, we will be able to push ba... more »
High Number of Florida Grads Need Remediation – Costs State Taxpayers Millions | Scathing Purple Musings
High Number of Florida Grads Need Remediation – Costs State Taxpayers Millions | Scathing Purple Musings: High Number of Florida Grads Need Remediation – Costs State Taxpayers Millions by Bob Sikes This story is back for another year. The *Palm Beach Post’s * Allison Ross reports: Florida pays a real price for having to educate students on the same topic twice. A May 2011 report from the Alliance for Excellent Education, a Washington, D.C.-based research and advocacy group, said the state spent $123 million in direct remediation costs during the 2007-2008 school year. What’s m... more »
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 7-30-12 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Let the Children Play! by dianerav In response to Stephen Krashen’s post about the likely expansion of testing in the near future, as well as federal interest in tests for “infants, toddlers, and preschoolers,” a reader sent this urgent plea: *LET THE CHILDREN PLAY!!!!!* *There was a time when children went to school for kindergarten to learn how to learn. They worked on hand-eye coordination, figure ground discrimination, and other necessary skills. They also learned to listen in a group and play togethe... more »
Educational differences run deep by race, ethnicity, and income in new report | EdSource Today
Educational differences run deep by race, ethnicity, and income in new report | EdSource Today: Educational differences run deep by race, ethnicity, and income in new report ** July 30th, 2012 | Add a Comment | By Kathryn Baron Share on twitterShare on facebookShare on emailShare on google_plusone More Sharing Services California’s poor showing in a national study of children’s well-being came despite increases in academic achievement. California students improved on all four indicators in education, according to the 23rd annual *Kids Count* report released last week by the Annie E... more »
» Texas A&M Forcing 1600 Workers to Resign, Reapply with Privatized North Carolina Firm
» Texas A&M Forcing 1600 Workers to Resign, Reapply with Privatized North Carolina Firm: Texas A&M Forcing 1600 Workers to Resign, Reapply with Privatized North Carolina Firm by Steve Cooper This message not intended for people who actually WORK at the school. In June, the Texas A&M University System announced it would outsource 1,647 jobs from its building maintenance, landscaping and dining services to North Carolina-based Compass Group USA. The university believes it will gain $260 million in revenue to “recruit, pay, and retain faculty and researchers.” The move has left the... more »
Engaging Parents In School… » #PTchat 8/1/12 – Principal As Family Engagement Deal-Breaker
Engaging Parents In School… » #PTchat 8/1/12 – Principal As Family Engagement Deal-Breaker: #PTchat 8/1/12 – Principal As Family Engagement Deal-Breaker by Larry Ferlazzo Guest Post by Joe Mazza Each year, schools have the opportunity to engage and re-engage families in the education of their children. The success of these efforts depend on many things including but not limited to current and past strategies put in place, leadership, current and past relationship with family and community stakeholders, access, fear, socio-economic status and school/district policies in place. *Ho... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES: WEEKEND QUOTABLES by Mike Klonsky Popout *"Firing teachers is not a school improvement strategy...Killing a neighborhood school is like putting a knife into the heart of a community." -- Diane Ravitch* Diane Ravitch *"Value-added Assessment, used as it is today, is junk science." -- *AFT Convention speech Randi Weingarten *The fixation on testing, the attacks on teachers and their unions—they’re all proxies for attacks on public education. That’s what this comes down to: whether people believe that kids have the right to good ... more »
U-Va. star professor: Why I won’t ‘un-resign’ - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
U-Va. star professor: Why I won’t ‘un-resign’ - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: U-Va. star professor: Why I won’t ‘un-resign’ By Valerie Strauss Computer scientist William Wulf was a star professor at the University of Virginia until he recently resigned to protest the forced resignation of popular President Teresa Sullivan by leaders of the governing board. Sullivan was reinstated earlier this month after a revolt on campus, but Wulf has refused to reconsider his decision, despite pleas by faculty and administrators, including Sullivan herself. Here is a letter that Wulf... more »
NYC Educator: Good Day AFT
NYC Educator: Good Day AFT: Good Day AFT by NYC Educator As Vice-President of the United States, I'm pleased to address all you teachers! I know you're here because you have a calling, a dedication to teach our kids. Otherwise, why would you be facing pay cuts, additional fees for pensions and health care, and be buying supplies out of pocket? When President Obama and I see the things Republicans are doing to you, we're horrified, and that's why we're out there every day, paying teachers valuable lip service. And let me assure you that, when and if President Obama finds his comfor... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: A Former Michelle Rhee Principal Registers as StudentsFirst Lobbyist in Missouri.
Missouri Education Watchdog: A Former Michelle Rhee Principal Registers as StudentsFirst Lobbyist in Missouri.: A Former Michelle Rhee Principal Registers as StudentsFirst Lobbyist in Missouri. by stlgretchen StudentsFirst National Outreach Director now a registered lobbyist in Missouri. Meet one of the newest lobbyists in Missouri for StudentsFirst who will try to recruit more Missouri legislators to sign on to the reforms set forth by that organization. Ximena Hartsock became a registered Missouri lobbyist for StudentsFirst in May 2012. This is from the StudentsFirst website whe... more »
School Reform: Why It’s So Hard | California Progress Report
School Reform: Why It’s So Hard | California Progress Report: School Reform: Why It’s So Hard by jeffson *By Peter Schrag* Listening to even the best people in California’s school reform discussions doesn’t leave much clarity about the direction our money-starved education system school go or much confidence that things will get perceptibly better any time soon. Many of those good people know what’s needed. It’s just that they don’t all know the same thing, or don’t know it at the same time. That much at least was apparent once again at last Wednesday’s Sacramento forum on school f... more »
The Educated Reporter: Girls and STEM Education: Still Waiting For Lift-Off
The Educated Reporter: Girls and STEM Education: Still Waiting For Lift-Off: Girls and STEM Education: Still Waiting For Lift-Off by Emily Richmond When Sally Ride was preparing to become America’s first female astronaut, she had to field some particularly tough questions: Would she be packing a bra or menstrual supplies? Did she worry her reproductive organs might be damaged by space flight? Looking back at those interviews with Ride, who was 61 when she died July 23 after a battle with pancreatic cancer, the sexist tenor of the queries is almost comical. But as Ride was quoted... more »
Netflix to settle out of court: CEO Reed Hastings Educational Role model New Orleans | Dailycensored.com
Netflix to settle out of court: CEO Reed Hastings Educational Role model New Orleans | Dailycensored.com: Netflix to settle out of court: CEO Reed Hastings Educational Role model New Orleans by Danny Weil The case was filed in The United States district Court, Northern District Court of California, San Jose District in California ( http://www.videoprivacyclass.com/Portals/0/Documents/In%20Re%20Netflix%20Privacy%20Litigation%20Preliminary%20Approval%20Order.pdf) as a putative class action suit brought by former Netflix subscribers, Jeff Milans and Peter Comstock (collectively “Pla... more »
ESCAPE FROM FLATNESS « educationalchemy
ESCAPE FROM FLATNESS « educationalchemy: ESCAPE FROM FLATNESS Today I experienced what might be defined as the highlight of my twenty year professional education career. I met Maxine Greene; writer, philosopher and education activist extraordinaire. She is as brilliant, warm, and engaging as anyone might imagine. I was ushered into this personal introduction by Nick Sousanis; artist and scholar-an equally brilliant, warm and engaging individual. By the end of a day of sharing our individual and collective visions for the future of education, I arrived at my inspiration for t... more »
It's a Far Cry.southbronxschool.com
http://www.southbronxschool.com: It's a Far Cry by noreply@blogger.com (Bronx Teacher) This will be an interesting blog post, at least in my opinion, so please, be patient and read fully. At the end, you will have an "a-hah" moment. Today is Geddy Lee's (of Rush) 59th birthday. I made a special morning of it. A cup of coffee, a cupcake with a candle (hoping this time Geddy would stop by) and popping in Rush's latest concert film, "Time Machine 2011: Live In Cleveland." When I got to the last song (before the encore), my mind started to wonder. Far Cry is off 2007's Snakes and Arro... more »
Mavericks’ Florida PAC, their Walton Family and Sallie Mae Backers and Federal Taxpayer Dollars | Scathing Purple Musings
Mavericks’ Florida PAC, their Walton Family and Sallie Mae Backers and Federal Taxpayer Dollars | Scathing Purple Musings: Mavericks’ Florida PAC, their Walton Family and Sallie Mae Backers and Federal Taxpayer Dollars by Bob Sikes Sometime after July 8, 2011, Academica boss Fernando Zulueta decided to transfer the non-profit corporation he used to promote his for-profit charter school empire to someone else. Between then and April 3rd of this year, an agreement was reached to cede control of Florida Association of Public Charter Schools Inc., (FAPCS) to the owner of controversia... more »
Tests Don't Assess What Really Matters - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com
Tests Don't Assess What Really Matters - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com: Tests Don’t Assess What Really Matters [image: Leonie Haimson] *Leonie Haimson*, a New York City public school parent, is the executive director of Class Size Matters, a citywide advocacy group. *UPDATED* JULY 29, 2012, 7:06 PM Campbell's Law predicts that any time huge stakes are attached to quantitative data, the data itself will become inherently unreliable and distorted through cheating and gaming the system. In the New York City public schools, the overemphasis on standardized testing has led to test score ... more »
Education’s biggest design flaw - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
Education’s biggest design flaw - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: Education’s biggest design flaw By Valerie Strauss This *was written by Marion Brady, veteran teacher, administrator, curriculum designer and author.* By Marion Brady I live on the west bank of the Indian River Lagoon on Florida’s East Coast. Across the Lagoon, in the distance, is Kennedy Space Center. For years, I walked out on my dock and watched space shuttle launches. On a clear, cold January day in 1986, a little before noon, the space shuttle Challenger lifted off the pad. Seventy-three seconds later it T... more »
Coalition Matters [featuring Bayard Rustin] | The Jose Vilson
Coalition Matters [featuring Bayard Rustin] | The Jose Vilson: Coalition Matters [featuring Bayard Rustin] by Jose Anytime you mention Bayard Rustin’s name as a hero, you’re good in my book. The mastermind behind the 1963 March on Washington, Rustin rarely gets mentioned by the general public as a civil rights leader, and only seems to come up whenever people (again, rarely) talk about LGBT issues in activist / POC communities. The conversation only gets uglier when people dilute his image for their own political purpose, exalting him to heights I’m confident even he would dissuad... more »
video: Karran Harper Royal and Jose Vilson at Netroots 2012 « Parents Across America
video: Karran Harper Royal and Jose Vilson at Netroots 2012 « Parents Across America: video: Karran Harper Royal and Jose Vilson at Netroots 2012 by leoniehaimson Karran Harper Royal, parent advocate and a founding member of Parents Across America and PAA-NOLA, speaks at Netroots 2012 about how the model of privatization of education in New Orleans is *not *a model to be replicated and how she is organizing resistance to this myth. In addition, Jose Vilson talks about how the public release of the teacher data reports has helped mobilize teachers and anti-testing advocates in NYC... more »
What’s Next for the Quebec Student Movement « Student Activism
What’s Next for the Quebec Student Movement « Student Activism: What’s Next for the Quebec Student Movement by Angus Johnston The summer lull in this year’s Quebec student protests is coming to a close, and the next few weeks are likely to be crucial ones for the future of the movement. To recap: Quebec’s ruling Liberal Party announced plans for multi-year tuition hikes last February, prompting students to walk out of classes throughout the provinces. Those walkouts quickly developed into ongoing student strikes, with many campuses closing entirely after student strike votes at g... more »
School Tech Connect: This Isn't Naperville
School Tech Connect: This Isn't Naperville: This Isn't Naperville by noreply@blogger.com (Tim Furman) Just wanted to say that while knocking on doors for petition signatures to get an elected school board, I have now twice heard the expression, "This isn't Naperville." Someone must have said that in the press recently. Today I heard it in a free-ranging conversation with one signer; he was referring to one of the arguments against letting people vote for school board is that Chicago isn't Naperville. He was a great guy; we were just talking. Anyway, I'm still unpacking the remark ... more »
On Algebra, High Expectations, and the Common Core - Dana Goldstein
On Algebra, High Expectations, and the Common Core - Dana Goldstein: On Algebra, High Expectations, and the Common Core by Dana Goldstein [image: Algebra 1 Teachers: Common Core Assessment Examples for High School Math | Understandingcommoncorestatestandards | Scoop.it][image: MentorMob Blog – Part I: Where to Begin with a Common Core Math Class? | Understandingcommoncorestatestandards | Scoop.it] I'm currently working on a long article about the Common Core, which focuses mostly on the new standards' implications for the humanities. But while I was reporting the piece, one thing... more »
Vollmer Sets World Record; Hugs from Michelle Obama - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire
Vollmer Sets World Record; Hugs from Michelle Obama - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire: Vollmer Sets World Record; Hugs from Michelle Obama by Connor Simpson Dana Vollmer is an American hero. The swimmer set a world record time in Women's 100 meter butterfly on Sunday with her 55.98 second showing. Vollmer didn't even qualify for the Beijing Olympics. But, here she is, setting world records and stuff. Go Dana! USA! USA! [ESPN] Michelle Obama gave every member of the Men's basketball team a hug after they finished toying with France en route to a 98-71 victory. Michelle Obama looks... more »

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