More Youth Run Away Who Attend Schools in the West, Have a Lack of Parent Involvement at School, or Have Larger Class Sizes

CHICAGO, Aug. 1, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- National Runaway Switchboard's New Study Finds a Connection Between School Characteristics and Adolescent Runaway Behavior
Many school level characteristics are predictors of youth runaway behavior, as determined in a new study released today by the National Runaway Switchboard (NRS), 24/7 hotline and online services for runaway, homeless and at-risk youth. The study reveals that it's more common for youth to run away who attend schools in the West, have less parent involvement at school or have schools with larger average class sizes.
"Studies like this help the National Runaway Switchboard better understand what's affecting today's youth so it can continue to provide programs and services that help them," said Maureen Blaha, NRS executive director. "This study offers compelling