State Run Education is Great (If you Don't Mind Mind Control)

I happened to read this article on the Internet and I think it makes some interesting points about the State's takeover of education.
The New Totalitarianism: How American Corporations Have Made America Like the Soviet Union
By Sara Robinson, AlterNet
Posted on July 15, 2012, Printed on July 16, 2012
Education: Testing, Not Teaching
My eighth-grade civics teacher used to terrify our class with grim stories about the education endured by our unlucky peers in the USSR. Communist education, she said, was nothing but rote learning -- no discussion, no critical thinking skills, all aimed at preparing kids for high-stakes standardized testing that would ultimately determine their place in the Party hierarchy. They weren't free like we were to explore our own interests, or choose professions that pleased them. Rather than being treated like full, autonomous human beings being prepared for a limitless future of their own design, they were sorted and graded like potatoes, and tracked to serve the needs of the state. All of the decisions, we were told, were dictated by the central authorities in charge of determining what kind of workers the state would need, and which schools students would be sent to in order to fulfill those goals.