Will Dog the Bounty Hunter Save School Enrollment in a Dying City?
Every day brings a new reason to wonder why anyone would ever move to Memphis to teach. Salary schedules are a thing of the past, and pay raises are now bonuses that are based on test scores. Teachers are in constant fear of being surplussed or excessed or some other term to disguise the ugly truth of teacher firing. Pay for advanced degrees has been eliminated, and the oligarchs are pouring mil
9-14-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Indy's John Harris Loflin and José Evans' Big Gig at International ED ConferenceBy Doug MartinBelow is, first, a press release from public school activist John Harris Loflin, director of education and youth issues at the Black and Latin@ Policy Institute. (Loflin's research has appeared here at Schools Matter in various forms, in my blogs, as well as a guest blog posted by Douglas