NYSED Employee Indicted For Stealing $2.5 Million
Been saying for a while now that the NYSED is rife for investigation:"Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced the indictment of Keisha Relf Davis, an employee of the New York State Department of Education, and an accomplice for stealing over $2.5 million from the state by diverting funds to NYC-area driving schools for services that were never rendered. As alleged, Davis receive
Cuomo Will Be Happy To Screw De Blasio Over Despite The Help The Mayor Gave To Cuomo's Re-Election Campaign
After getting rolled by Governor Cuomo last spring over charter school co-locations and a tax increase on the wealthy to pay for universal pre-K, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio made the decision to help Cuomo this election season with his re-election campaign in order to curry more favor with King Andrew.First de Blasio helped engineer Cuomo's endorsement by the Working Families Party, then he
Cuomo Tries To "Reset" Relations With Black Community
This story comes on the heels of the story that Cuomo targeted black and Hispanic state troopers in his continent for removal, so I'm not sure how well the "reset" is going to go:ALBANY—Governor Andrew Cuomo held a meeting with African-American elected officials from Brooklyn on Friday afternoon, to help mend a strained relationship during his first term. The meeting, held in Cuomo's Man
Cuomo Had Black, Hispanic Troopers Removed From His Security Contingent
Another week, another Cuomo scandal:A month before Andrew Cuomo was elected governor in 2010, his top aides met privately with two State Police officials and proposed systematically replacing members of the governor's protective unit, including more than a dozen black troopers who suspected they were removed to "adjust the racial balance" of the elite unit.Two confidential State Police r
Quid Pro Cuomo Rakes In Hollywood Cash In Return For Tax Breaks For Movie, TV Companies
Albany remains a cesspool of corruption and Governor Andrew M. Cuomo sits right in the middle of it:New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who added $2.1 billion to an incentive program for the movie and television industry, has collected almost $900,000 in campaign contributions from Hollywood since taking office in 2011. Cuomo, who lured NBC’s “The Tonight Show” back to New York City from Los Angeles,
9-14-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: New York State Teacher Evaluations Are Rigged,Swapna Venugopal Ramaswamy has a piece at LohHud on the absurdity of the New York State APPR teacher evaluation system, showing how the classroom observation component can be rigged by district leaders.For instance, Scarsdale has decided that no teacher will be rated "highly effective" in the classroom observation compo