Back to School Advice: Opt Out of High Stakes Standardized Testing
By Denisha Jones. As many parents prepare to send their child(ren) off to school this year they are hopeful that their children will return home each day with reports that they learned something new or made a new friend. Unfortunately for many parents their children will come home and report that they spent the day preparing for tests. The days will turn into weeks, and in some cases, students wil
9-1-14 Living in Dialogue - Edu-Politics 101, Part Two: The High Cost of Pleasing the Powerful
Home - Living in Dialogue: Edu-Politics 101, Part Two: The High Cost of Pleasing the PowerfulBy John Thompson. I twice supported Barack Obama for president. Throughout President Obama’s first term, I asked what we teachers might have done to provoke him so. Were his anti-teacher policies the avoidable result of teachers and unions being too slow to address conditions in Chicago schools? By now, it