Mark Anderson. Minimum wage gimmicks.
- Mark Anderson writes for NBC’s Ward Room. As part of a national conversation about inequality and the potential for raising the minimum wage, it’s become something of a trend for politicians of all stripes to try living on poverty wages for a while. In February, a group of Minnesota lawmakers tried to live on a minimum wage budget for a week. In July, three Democratic politicians—Reps. Tim Ryan
The power of oldness.
Anne sent me a video this morning produced by Australian Human Rights Commission to combat age discrimination. Their tagline is The Power of Oldness. I’m feeling that power this morning. And I will explain in a minute. Meanwhile I read my friend John Dillon’s blog. John’s a retired teacher and blogger. And has spent a good part of his time over the past years meeting with legislators, patiently e
I’m always optimistic.
National Association President Lily Eskelsen Garcia and me at the NEA RA in Denver. The new school year has started. The third without me. How have they survived? For me, the start of a new school year was a moment for optimism. It is like the optimism I felt leaving this year’s Representative Assembly of the National Education Association in Denver last July. We had just passed a stinging rebuke
Troy LaRaviere. Drop CPS’ reform strategy. Neighborhood school growth outpaces charters. (Sun-Times)
Blaine Principal Troy LaRaviere. - Troy LaRaviere is principal at Blaine Elementary School, a parent at Kellogg Elementary School, a graduate of Chicago Public Schools and Chairperson of the Administrators Alliance for Proven Policy and Legislation in Education (AAPPLE). When mayor Rahm Emanuel recently heralded a small gain on the average Chicago Public Schools elementary “MAP” test results, I k
9-1-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Labor Day.1 by Fred Klonsky / 37min Life in Rahm’s Chicago. The death of a nameless homeless man in Logan Square. The Kennedy overpass at Belmont and Kedzie. DNAinfo: A man who police say was homeless was beaten to death in Logan Square Saturday evening. Around 10:50 p.m., the man, 59, was in an alle